The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 799 How about you save Yuanyuan?

Chapter 799 How about you save Yuanyuan?
Yu Jinxiao didn't expect that such a vigorous massage could solve the problem of back pain.

It's just that this seemingly soft force is surprisingly comfortable.

Yu Zaizai pressed it for almost ten minutes, and he enjoyed it. The poor little Zaizai was panting from exhaustion, and his claws were still hurting.

"Pu...Puba, still...does it still hurt?" Yu Yuanyuan huffed and panted heavily, her little head was sweating from exhaustion.

Yu Jinxiao couldn't bear to order her around anymore, hugged her into his arms, and got up: "It doesn't hurt anymore, let's go downstairs and have breakfast."

"Wow, Yuanyuan's claws are so powerful," the little cub, who thought he had divine power to help him, exclaimed proudly, "Now Yuanyuan's claws and Chuichui are both amazing!"

After having breakfast with Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Jinxiao sent her and Shen Ji to school as usual.

The car stopped at the entrance of the kindergarten first, the happy cubs bounced and waved, and kept taking turns saying goodbye to Yu Jinxiao, Shen Ji, and Gao Zhou.

But keep her busy.

Gu Beiyan gathered at the entrance of the kindergarten today, just to make sure whether Shen Ji would show up.

Didn't expect him to show up.

"Yuanyuan, does Shen Ji still live at your house?" Gu Beiyan asked while looking at the rear of the car that drove away.

"Ba Ba said that he would live in brother Shen Ji's hand to recover~~" Xiao Zai Zai replied whatever came to mind.

"It's been so long..." Gu Beiyan was a little apprehensive.

He had never lived in Yuanyuan's house before, so Shen Ji moved in, envious and jealous.

A group of children walked towards the classroom, Gu Beiyan was still thinking dully.

When he got his seat, Gu Beiyan seemed to have regained his strength, and said, "Yuanyuan is a girl, and Shen Ji is a boy. It doesn't seem too good for him to live in Yuanyuan's house..."

Chu Qi knew what Gu Beiyan was thinking, and interjected, "He is Yuanyuan's lifesaver."

"That's because I'm not here!" Gu Beiyan retorted loudly, "If I were here, I would have saved Yuanyuan too! I will never let others hurt Yuanyuan!"

Wen Zifei laughed as soon as he heard it: "Really? Are you not afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!"

"But to cut such a big hole."

"Then I'm not afraid... Yay!"

Before the confident voice came to an end, it turned into a panicked scream.

Wen Zifei took something, hula aimed at Gu Beiyan's hand and cut it, which made him yelp in fright.

Wen Zifei spread out the things in his hand when he was out of shape in fright: "Look, even a piece of plastic can make you scream out of fear, how can you save Yuanyuan like this?"

"I...I..." Gu Beiyan blushed.

"It's a good thing this isn't a real knife, or it might have scared you to the point of fainting." Wen Zifei threw the plastic piece into the bucket without any hesitation.

The edges of the plastic sheet are smooth and won't really cut Gu Beiyan's hand, but Wen Zifei's fingertips still feel a little painful when Wen Zifei exerts a little force just now.

He subconsciously thought that it was Wen Zifei who was cutting his hand, so he screamed in panic.

Originally, I wanted to regain a sense of presence in front of Yuanyuan, but now...

Gu Beiyan lowered his head, speechless like a defeated rooster.

He wasn't too afraid of pain, but he was still quite afraid of really cutting that—such a long wound on the palm of his hand.

"Beiyan~~" Xiao Zaizai, who had been watching the whole process, moved over and patted Gu Beiyan's arm seriously, "It was dangerous to be knocked down at that time!"

Gu Beiyan: "..."

"Brother Shen Ji is so tired that he was injured." Yu Yuanyuan patted Gu Beiyan's arm with a serious expression, "It's a good thing that Beiyan is not here, otherwise Beiyan will definitely be injured."

(End of this chapter)

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