The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 801 Like a Little Penguin Carrying Fish

Chapter 801 Like a Little Penguin Carrying Fish
"Auntie, do you have an umbrella at home?" Yu Yuanyuan ran to the door of the kitchen and asked Aunt Chen while lying on the door frame.

She never messed into the kitchen, especially when Aunt Chen and Sister Bei were preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The kitchen was very busy at that time, and Yu Yuanyuan was afraid that she would disturb them if she went in.

Aunt Chen stopped what she was doing and asked curiously, "Miss Yuanyuan is going out?"

"No, Yuanyuan wants to use many, many umbrellas," she said, then glanced at the window again, and silently counted with her short fingers, "I want seven~~"

Looking out of the window following Yu Zaizai's gaze, Aunt Chen probably knew why she borrowed the umbrella, and her heart was suddenly wrapped in a warm feeling.

She wiped her hands and went to the warehouse to find seven large umbrellas.

It's just that the big umbrella is so big that Yu Zaizai might not be able to hold seven of them by himself.

"Auntie, let's put it in the box." Yu Yuanyuan pointed to the outside of the warehouse door, "Yuanyuan can take them one by one~~~"

"I help……"

"No need, Auntie still has to make dinner, it's already very hard work, Yuanyuan wants to do this by herself!" Yu Zaizai patted his heart, puffed up his chest, "Yuanyuan can do it!"

Those big eyes are full of confidence, and it seems that they hope to complete it by themselves.

Aunt Chen couldn't bear to hurt Xiao Zai Zai's self-confidence, so she nodded and let her do it by herself: "Okay, if Miss Yuan Yuan still needs help, remember to come to me."

"Okay~~" The little cub hugged two umbrellas and ran out, happy like a little ball rolling on the spot.

Sister Bei saw that Aunt Chen had been out for a while, so she wiped her hands and came out to have a look.

As a result, as soon as she walked to the hall, she saw a ball running towards the door like the wind, and the speed was so fast that it became a ghost.

Sister Bei froze in place, and was about to remind Yu Yuanyuan to be more careful, when there was a puff, the little cub fell to the ground.

It's just this throwing method... I'm sorry, Yuanyuan, it's really funny hahahahahaha!
Yu Yuanyuan, who was holding the umbrella horizontally, was only focused on running, but the two ends of the umbrella were suddenly caught by the door frame, and the inertia forced Xiao Zai Zai's belly to be strangled on the handle of the umbrella.

But the hands and feet that were not blocked were off the ground on the spot, and they were thrown in the direction of the door, and the body was bounced back into the house by the umbrella handle.

He Shuxuan who was at the entrance of the yard had already noticed the movement.

But he didn't expect such a funny scene, so he laughed out loud on the spot.


"what happened?"


The colleagues around him looked at him strangely.

In order to maintain his professional posture, He Shuxuan tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh.

Not funny, not funny at all, not funny, absolutely not funny.

"Ah, Miss Yuanyuan, are you alright?" Sister Bei held back a smile, her entire face began to twitch.

Yu Yuanyuan, who fell to the ground, didn't cry, but just looked left and right with a confused face, as if she didn't understand why she was bounced back for a while.

The confusion in the little eyes made the atmosphere even more joyful.

"Why... how did Yuanyuan bounce back?" Yu Zaizai scratched her head.

Sister Bei picked her up and brushed the dust off her trousers and coat.

"This umbrella is too long." Sister Bei picked up an umbrella and gestured on the door frame, explaining to her, "It will get stuck if you go out sideways."

"So it's Jiangzi!" Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized, picked up the umbrella again and continued walking outside.

When the little figure came out holding the umbrella upright, He Shuxuan wanted to laugh again.


Why did he think of the scene of her being bounced back just now when he saw that little Douding? The smile in his mind seemed to be accumulating magma, about to erupt.

Yu Zaizai swayed and walked out of the yard holding an umbrella, like a little penguin transporting fish.

"Brother Shuxuan~" Yu Zaizai tried to hold the umbrella high, "It's raining, I'll give you an umbrella."

What? !Is this umbrella for them?

He Shuxuan's heart seemed to have been punched hard by something, Conscience pinched his ear and asked: "This little Douding is here to give you an umbrella, and you actually laughed at her!"

(End of this chapter)

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