The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 806 Seems to Take Advantage of Shen Ji

Chapter 806 Seems to Take Advantage of Shen Ji
Shen Ji, who was sitting on the sofa, moved his body slightly, but there was no sullen or uneasy expression on his face.

He looked at the ground quietly, as if he was thinking or digesting Yu Jinxiao's words.

No matter whether he puts forward conditions or not, Yu Jinxiao will give him a benefit, which is what Shen Ji should have received.

"Mr. Yu, can I really make a condition?" Shen Ji didn't refuse, which surprised Yu Jinxiao.

"Yes, more than one is fine."

No condition is as important as the life of the little glutinous rice balls.

Shen Ji's palm injury is gradually recovering, even so, he still can't do many seemingly simple daily operations.

I can't write easily with a pen, can't use chopsticks, can't lift heavy objects, and can't take a bath alone.

Gao Zhou accompanied Shen Ji to the hospital to change his medicine, and he saw Shen Ji's wound.

As soon as he came back, he bluffed and said that Shen Ji's wound was very deep, and the shocking for a person like Gao Zhou who has experienced many battles.

Because this is a ten-year-old child.

But he didn't seem to know what fear was, what death was, and when Yu Yuanyuan was in danger, he shot without hesitation.

This is no ordinary kid.

"Mr. Yu, I only have one condition..." Shen Ji pondered for a long time, his condition seemed very important, as if he decided it after careful consideration.

"You said."

"Sorry, I just overheard the conversation between you and Mr. Mo outside the study." Shen Ji first apologized politely, looking down to the ground, frowning slightly, "I hope Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan is freedom of."

"What do you mean?"

"My only condition is that I hope Yuanyuan is free." Shen Ji's words surprised Yu Jinxiao, "Whether it's her future, her marriage, or her future decisions, I's all because of Yuanyuan's freedom." It is her own decision to fulfill her own wishes."

Yu Jinxiao was not at all prepared for this condition.

He even wrote a check of one million yuan. After Shen Ji got well, the money could be directly used to rent a house and move out of his uncle's house to live a quiet life.

"This is your condition?" Fearing that Shen Ji hadn't considered it clearly, Yu Jinxiao held up the written check again, "Yuanyuan is my daughter, and I will definitely respect her wishes. You don't have to worry about that. In fact, I A sum of money has been prepared for a long time, and this money can allow you to change to a brand new living environment, live a good life, and study hard.”

one million.

How many people dream of a sum of money that they can't get.

Even in their schools, those students can't have so much pocket money.

Shen Ji knew very well how much change this money could bring to his life.

However, he didn't care about himself.

"Mr. Yu, I don't need a check, the only condition I have is what I said just now." Shen Ji stood up, his gaze was firm.

His eyes are like a diamond that has been condensed for thousands of years, with a shockingly dazzling luster.

Yu Jinxiao didn't answer immediately, and gave him some quiet time to think.

But after waiting for a long time, Shen Ji didn't take back his words, but used his eyes to force Yu Jinxiao to ride a tiger.

It was he who wanted to give Shen Ji a chance to negotiate terms with himself.

He also agreed to everything, and said that he could negotiate more than one condition.

But at this moment, Yu Jinxiao had an indescribable strange feeling, as if he had been buried in a hole by Shen Ji, but he couldn't think of what consequences this hole would have on him.

If he doesn't agree, it seems that his rhetoric just now is a joke. If he seems that he is taking advantage of Shen Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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