The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 816 1 Flash 1 Shining Jingjing

Chapter 816 Twinkle twinkle sparkle
The utility room is at the bottom of the stairs. It is very short, and it is difficult for adults to get in. If you are not careful, you will bump your head.

Such a place is just right for a child to hide, there are very few things inside, and there is a lot of space for Yu Zaizai to hide.

It was dark inside, with only a little light coming in through the crack of the door.

Cub Zai can't even see his own claws clearly.

However, she didn't feel scared, but was excited by the darkness.

When Brother He Chen came back, she went to find Eagle's stickers, and then caught all the children, hehehe.

Just when Yu Yuanyuan was immersed in the illusory joy of victory, a familiar smell suddenly came from the darkness, accompanied by the sound of light breathing.

Huh?Something in the dark? ? ? ?
Yu Zaizai was so frightened that her hair blew up, but she promised that Brother Haoyi would not go out, and even... no matter how... no matter how scared she was, she would not move around.

The little claw stretched out to the door and widened the gap a little.

The small dark space has light, and Yu Yuanyuan finally sees what else is here.

In addition to some brooms, rags, and blue buckets, there is a little friend hidden.

The little friend curled up next to the bucket and didn't speak for a while, only then did Xiao Zai Zai realize that someone was there.

"You... howling," Yu Yuanyuan tried to greet the other party, digging in her head for a while, and then remembered that he was the little brother named Ling Zi, "Are you little brother Ling Zi?"

The curled up body is very thin, almost as big as the blue bucket next to it.

He timidly raised his head from between his arms, his eyes rested on Yu Yuanyuan's body restlessly, as if he was afraid that she would scratch him.

Xiao Zai Zai took a closer look at his shoulder - there is no sticker of an eagle!
It means that this little brother can't eliminate them!
"Howling~ Are you hiding in the intermediary for fear of being found?" Yu Yuanyuan simply stepped forward, imitating Ling Zi's movements and squatting beside him, "Don't be afraid, the intermediary is safe! Yuanyuan won't Tell someone else!"

After all, a reliable and sweet smile bloomed on that cute little face.

Ling Zi's shrunken eyes stayed for a moment, without speaking, she silently lowered her gaze to the ground.

This little brother doesn't seem to like talking!
Yu Yuanyuan had quietly observed him a long time ago, and it seemed that she had never heard Ling Zi's voice.

"Brother Lingzi," said She Niu Yuanyuan Zai on the line, "Where did the brother who was your partner go?"

Ling Zi still didn't speak, as if he didn't understand what Yu Yuanyuan was saying.

It would have been exhausting for someone else, but Xiao Zai Zai was not impatient at all, and asked many questions patiently, but still didn't respond to any of them.

Oh!Could it be that little brother can't speak?It's over!

Yu Yuanyuan sneaked a peek at the young man beside her, shrinking her body nervously.

If the little brother can't speak, then he...then he...couldn't sing!

This is too sad!

"Brother, do you want to hear Yuanyuan sing? Yuanyuan sings very nice~" Since the little brother can't sing, she will sing her favorite song to the little brother, "How about singing little star? Twinkle A twinkle…”

Without waiting for Ling Zi's answer, Yu Zaizai began to sing with his breath.

Ling Zi still didn't speak, but his eyes slowly focused on Xiao Zai Zai, and his originally frowning brows were relieved.

"Crack..." Just as Xiao Zai Zai was singing vigorously, the wooden door at the door was suddenly pushed open.

Xing Junqian probed in and found that Yu Yuanyuan was there, and immediately stretched out his hand to her excitedly: "Okay, catch..."

(End of this chapter)

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