The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 831 Who is the prey and who is the hunter

Chapter 831 Who is the prey and who is the hunter

He Chen would take Yu Yuanyuan with him no matter what happened, and he almost never separated. Could it be that the kid couldn't walk and found a place to rest?

Based on past experience, Qiu Yang guessed that they would not be too far apart, and Yu Yuanyuan might rest in a nearby small room with the door locked.

That's right, with her short legs, she can't walk steadily, and she still wants to catch him?
Oh, go dream!
He Chen in the corridor scratched his head violently, even opened the trash can next to him and took a look, as if he thought Qiu Yang would hide in it.

His way of finding people like a headless chicken made Qiu Yang feel secretly refreshed.

How can they never think that they are right behind them!
Now he is the prey, soon he will become the hunter, and both Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen will become his prey.

"Yuanyuan, did you find it?" He Chen looked around the corner, and suddenly talked to Yu Yuanyuan, "Oh, if we don't find it, how about we change direction?"

Qiu Yang was tense, always paying attention to He Chen's situation.

Hearing him talking to Yu Yuanyuan, that Yu Yuanyuan should be at the corner blocking the position, not too far away from He Chen.

The sound of footsteps gradually walked towards the distance, and the surroundings became quiet again.

Now Qiu Yang was nervous.

These two are his prey afterward, he can't let them out of his sight! ! !
While hiding, Qiu Yang followed carefully, and saw He Chen enter the previous stadium with many auditoriums again.

There are many obstacles there, just enough for him to avoid them, and also to keep an eye on Yu Yuanyuan's whereabouts.

Taking advantage of the aisle door not being closed tightly, Qiu Yang rushed into the gymnasium, bent down and crawled to hide under the stools in the last row.

He Chen was walking towards the other side, looking for people while walking: "It's strange, why he disappeared, Yuanyuan, be careful, don't be attacked by him."

Qiu Yang wanted to laugh when he heard that.

That's right, it won't be long before I sneak attack you, and you will all fail miserably!

Qiu Yang, who had repeatedly rehearsed the plan countless times in his heart, had already determined that he would succeed.

In his opinion, the moment he found the eagle sticker, it was God's favor for him.

With good luck on his side, how could he lose?
"It's over, it's over, the time is coming soon," He Chen sat down on the chair and sighed, "I can't find Qiu Yang again, the hunting time is about to expire again, there is less than a minute left ahhhhhh what!"

The more anxious he roared, the happier Qiu Yang felt.

Soon you will all know who is the prey and who is the hunter!

Hearing that He Chen said that the hunting time was coming soon, Qiu Yang moved slowly towards He Chen, intending to get ready.

He can't leave too far away, otherwise he will be pulled away at that time, and there is no way to catch them by surprise.

"Hey, I'm exhausted. This game is more tiring than the previous ones." He Chen kept sighing while holding his head.

His raised arm just blocked the view, only a small section of Yu Yuanyuan's head was exposed, giving Qiu Yang a greater range of movement.

Qiu Yang was getting closer and closer, and even covered the eagle sticker in his pocket with his hand, getting ready.

One minute is so fast that sometimes it is too late to react.

Finally, Qiu Yang stopped behind He Chen's chair, counting down secretly in his heart: "30, 29, 28..."

Just when he counted to 3, he grabbed the sticker in his hand and held it up in the air to grab the time difference.

"Hey! I caught you, Qiu Yang!" A milky voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Qiu Yang patted his back forcefully.

The ghostly voice made Qiu Yang's hands tremble in fright, and the stickers floated to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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