The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 841 Suddenly Remembering Her Dad Is Yu Jinxiao

Chapter 841 Suddenly Remembering Her Dad Is Yu Jinxiao
"Ah...Yuanyuan also wants to choose the middle one!" Saying that, Yu Zaizai pointed to the middle one.

Xie Xin smiled and nodded, and asked Su Zhirui to choose second, and she resolutely chose the tent with the second best condition next to Yu Yuanyuan.

Sun Chengyu chose the one closest to the side, but Ling Zi accidentally chose the one next to Yu Yuanyuan.

In fact, the conditions of the remaining three tents are not good in their own way, but according to Ling Zi's previous habits, Xing Junqian thought that he would want to live in a side tent away from people.

After the children had finished choosing the tent, Xie Xin photographed their views on the tent house next to each other.

Xie Xin: "Yuanyuan, why did you choose that one?"

Yu Yuanyuan blinked her beautiful big eyes: "Because there is a bathroom."

Xie Xin laughed as soon as he heard it, he didn't expect that the silly little Zai Zai on the first face would also learn to be smart in the games again and again.

"Hahaha, Yuanyuan also knows to choose a room with better conditions." Xie Xin's original intention was to praise her.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zaizai's innocent eyes blinked, and he sold He Chen on the spot: "Every morning, my brother has to paint on his face and poke his eyes. If there is no bathroom, it will be inconvenient."

He Chen: "..." Thank you, there is no need to say everything to the camera.

All the guests were amused by Yu Yuanyuan's words. After all, among them, He Chen was the only one who persevered in putting on makeup every day.

Especially Xing Junqian, who relies on his talents for a living, will show up without makeup as soon as he brushes his hair in the morning, so he doesn't care about his image or not.

Jinman's facial features are particularly exquisite and beautiful, and her skin is so good that she can't see any pores on the camera. She doesn't like makeup either, and she is already very eye-catching without makeup.

In addition, it is easy to sweat when playing games, and she hates the sticky feeling of makeup on her face after being stained by sweat.

Not to mention the simple translation.

As an acting school with a natural beauty, he doesn't really pursue the ultimate appearance. He usually only does simple skin care, and only needs to ensure that his image is clean and tidy.

Among all the guests, only He Chen had an almost perverted demand for his own image.

"Okay, everyone's luggage has been moved into the corresponding tent by the staff, and everyone can take a rest."

He Chen carried Yu Yuanyuan into his tent, preparing for a heart-to-heart exchange.

"Yuanyuan, can you stop telling others that I'm...painting on my face?"

Cub Zai Zai stood stupidly with his arms crossed like a child who made a mistake.

Those confused eyes obviously didn't understand He Chen's intentions.


"Others will laugh at me if they find out."

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because...most boys don't wear much makeup." He Chen also knew that he was a little different from others, but he just cared too much about his own image and couldn't let go of this attachment.

Even though many people have praised him for his good makeup, he still has no bottom in his heart.

It's like paying too much attention to certain people and things, and you will unconsciously do more actions that are unnecessary in the eyes of others.

"Why can't boys put on makeup!" Yu Zaizai turned into a hundred thousand whys again, "When Yuanyuan becomes rich, Yuanyuan will also be transformed!"

He Chen never expected that the conversation would develop in this direction, he was teased by Yu Zaizai and shook his head helplessly: "Okay, okay, I will buy a lot of useful cosmetics for Yuanyuan from now on."

"Hehehe, Yuanyuan wants to make money and buy it herself!"

Oh, you're quite ambitious!
Just as He Chen was about to boast, he suddenly remembered that her father was Yu Jinxiao...

(End of this chapter)

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