Chapter 846

She spoke so slowly, Yu Yuanyuan has already used up the quota for this round of Xuan Fan.

The empty spoon stopped in mid-air, its big eyes staring at the other side without blinking.

Qiu Yang's heart tightened and he was eaten by her again! !She really didn't think about it, just give him a bite? ?

"Are you hungry?" Yu Yuanyuan put down the spoon, in Qiu Yang's heart, this was asking knowingly.

He curled his lips and said coldly: "Otherwise? I'm not made of cement! How can I not be hungry!"

"But Yuanyuan doesn't like you." The kind-hearted little Zaizai actually said such direct words, "Yuanyuan doesn't want to feed you, you just wanted to wash Yuanyuan hungry."

I really can't see that this little thing is kind and innocent on the surface, but he still remembers the provocative slogan he just casually said in his heart.

"I... I was just joking!" Qiu Yang was forced to confess.

His stomach growled wildly, as if there was a beast hiding inside, ready to jump out and eat people at any time.

He had never been so hungry like now, and he didn't even dare to have the naive idea of ​​"bear it and let it pass".

According to this starvation method, he might not be able to sleep tonight.

He has been running and jumping during the day, exhausting a lot of energy, and he doesn't have time to eat the supplements provided by the program group. If he doesn't have to eat at night, he may be so hungry that his stomach hurts.

"This joke is not funny." Xiao Zai Zai muttered with his head buried in his head, without any intention of forgiving him.

Qiu Yang's rebellion was aroused, he let out a "hum", and crossed his arms: "If you don't eat, you don't eat, what's the big deal, you won't die of starvation!"

Originally, I wanted to stimulate Yu Yuanyuan's guilty heart with the aggressive method, but...

Good guy, Yu Yuanyuan ate more.

Every round of punching is lost, every round of Yu Yuanyuan's spoon is like a hill, and every round of Qiu Yang is forced to watch the opposite side eat deliciously.

At the end...

The other groups were all full, and in their group, only Yu Yuanyuan was full, and there were only a few leaves of spices left on the table for decoration.

Qiu Yang kept breathing heavily and exhaling heavily, otherwise he was afraid that he would be pissed off.

"Is everyone full?" Xie Xin's words seemed to be asking knowingly.

The others agreed: "I'm full!"

Yu Yuanyuan: "I'm full!"

Qiu Yang: "..." Are you the only one who is full?The people on the opposite side are going to starve to death, and I don't see you giving a handout.

For the sake of face, Qiu Yang would not ask her for food even if he starved to death.

"Then everyone, rest early and get ready for the recording of the final battle tomorrow!"

Today's game session was completely over, and the guests left their seats one by one and went back to their tents to rest.

As soon as He Chen and Yu Yuanyuan stepped into the tent, one big and one small looked like two little hamsters, they immediately got together and whispered together.

"Hahaha, Yuanyuan, did you see Qiu Yang's expression just now? I laughed so hard!"

Yu Zaizai nodded vigorously on the carpet, "quack quack" smiled: "See! If he is not so bad, Yuanyuan can actually give him a little bit."

"Don't give it! Can you still starve him to death?" He Chen suddenly turned up the volume, and immediately lowered his head furtively, and lowered the volume to the minimum, "Anyway, there's breakfast tomorrow."

If this remark is broadcast, people on the Internet will definitely call him vicious, even a child will take it seriously.

But He Chen is straight-tempered, he can't pretend to like and hate, and he won't sympathize with villains who bully himself and his friends, no matter their age.

"Is it really not going to be washed away?" Yu Zaizai suddenly looked inquiringly in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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