The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 860 I'm about to get the answer I want

Chapter 860 I'm about to get the answer I want

First of all, I divided the plums for everyone, even Qiu Yang, but in the end, Yu Zaizai had nothing to eat.

Su Zhirui, who was the first to be assigned, had already been a foodie and a foodie soul, so she ate it up with two mouthfuls.

While Ling Zi was in a daze, she slowly put it into her mouth, and there was only the last one left, and she squeezed it into her hand.

Sun Chengyu and Qiu Yang hadn't come to eat in a hurry, they were secretly looking at each other, secretly communicating about the defeat just now.

When the two of them came back to their senses, Yu Yuanyuan was looking at them with a disappointed and lonely face, looking so pitiful.

"What's wrong, Yuanyuan?" Sun Chengyu immediately understood the little round face full of expressions.

Yu Yuanyuan felt aggrieved: "Huamei... no more, Yuanyuan didn't eat any of them."

Her eyes kept looking towards Qiu Yang, completely implying madly.

When pouring Huamei into Qiu Yang's hand just now, he accidentally gave him the most points, Yu Yuanyuan still feels very painful thinking about it now.

Even if Qiu Yang brought this story, but... But she won it back from playing games, and there is hard work in it!

"Then I'll give you something to eat, how about you... how about playing guessing fist with Sun Chengyu after eating?" Qiu Yang deliberately shook the plum in his hand, letting its fragrance waft into Yu Zaizai's breath.

Xiao Zaizai sniffed, but didn't take the bait right away: "Why do you keep playing with this? Yuanyuan...want to play in the mud."

"Just play five times, very quickly, you only need to play five guessing games, and you can eat Huamei! Aren't you happy!" Qiu Yang quickly grasped Yu Yuanyuan's handle, and let Huamei successfully beat the cub Cubs make it right.

After hesitating for a second, she faltered and nodded: "Okay~~~"

Sun Chengyu was still thinking about how to propose to play guessing boxing just now, but Qiu Yang used Huamei to settle the matter.

Qiu Yang, who was still pissed off by Yu Yuanyuan in the morning, is following her and coaxing her with every word he says, as long as she is willing to cooperate with their "experiment", she can say anything.

"Yuanyuan, let's play five times and rest after the end." Sun Chengyu also followed Qiu Yang's words.

Xiao Zai Zai has already dazzled Huamei, and he can't go back if he wants to: "Okay, let's start!"

Qiu Yang was on the sidelines as a supervisor, observing whether Yu Zaizai cheated or delayed punching.

Although he doesn't quite believe that a three-year-old cub has this ability, it's always right to be careful when doing experiments.

"Three, two, one!" Sun Chengyu finished counting, and quickly pulled out a pair of scissors.

The stone on the opposite side came out of the cub.

"Three, two, one!" Sun Chengyu still took out the scissors.

Yu Zaizai is still a stone!
If it was said that Sun Chengyu was quite calm before, from this moment on, he deeply felt the different aura in Yu Yuanyuan's body, as if he was dominated by some kind of power, and he was destined to lose to the little figure in front of him.

"Three... two, one!" Sun Chengyu was thinking for a moment, and decided to play the scissors again!

According to past experience, it is rare for a child to play the same one in a row. If he still loses this one, he will take advantage of the situation and play the scissors again. The way he changed in the last round can confuse Yu Yuanyuan.

"Wow, Yuanyuan is amazing, Yuanyuan won again!" Su Zhirui clapped her hands happily as if she had won.

Yu Yuanyuan actually produced another stone.

Qiu Yang was so excited that he didn't know what to say, a voice kept ringing in his mind, reminding him repeatedly...he was about to get the answer he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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