The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 865 Is there anything unhappy?

Chapter 865 Is there anything unhappy?
"Sister Man, help!!!" Yu Yuanyuan let out a miserable cry.

Jin Man was so frightened that she immediately stopped and looked around: ""

Is there a mechanism in this tent?Or did some terrible monster come in?
She obviously didn't see any threat, but the reactions of Yu Yuanyuan and He Chen made her hair stand on end.

Su Zhirui, who was bouncing around looking for Yuanyuan, was so frightened that she shrank behind Jin Man's feet: "What's the matter? Is there something scary!!"

"Bugs!! It's right next to your feet!" He Chen raised his hands desperately to signal.

Jin Man looked along...

A fat bug that is much shorter than a finger is trying to wriggle, and it seems that it has entered here by mistake.

The big and small ones over there are bigger than this bug, and they can still be scared like this.

"Ah! Chongchong!" Su Zhirui also screamed, brushed and hid beside the cabinet.

Jin Man sighed, looking at the unsatisfactory size of the room, went out to find a branch, picked out the bugs and threw them into the grass.

Jin Man, who came back from dealing with the bugs, was still greeted with trembling eyes.

"It's okay, I threw the bug out." Jin Man glanced at the group of cowards and sighed helplessly.

It's okay for Yu Yuanyuan and Su Zhirui to be afraid, but He Chen's appearance... looks similar to their fear.

I didn't expect that he was so tall, and he appeared to be a reliable adult, but he was actually afraid of bugs!
"Did you throw it far? If you don't throw it far enough, it might crawl in tonight." He Chen took Yu Yuanyuan and moved towards the tent door, looking at it worriedly.

It was already dark outside, and the program team hung a few lights, but they could only illuminate the situation near each tent, where the bugs could not be seen clearly.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Jin Man smiled helplessly, "I lost it far away, and it won't even try to crawl back in this lifetime."

Only then did He Chen feel relieved, he let out a long breath, and his eyes were filled with gratitude: "Thank you, thank you so much, you came at the right time!"

"Wuuuuu, Yuanyuan doesn't want that Ye Ye anymore," Xiao Zai Zai Zai was still in fear, trembling on He Chen's head, "I don't want Ye Ye anymore."

Jin Man raised her hand and checked the two leaves on the ground several times: "Yuanyuan, there are no more bugs, don't be afraid."

Probably because he had almost come into contact with Chongchong once, Xiao Zaizai was still very scared, desperately beckoning Jinman to throw away the leaf.

He Chen stroked Yuanyuan's head, built up his courage, and took the leaf to show her: "Yuanyuan, although Chongchong is annoying, Yeye is innocent! There is no Chongch on it anymore. !"

"Really...really?" Xiao Zaizai still didn't dare to answer, "But Yuanyuan dared not touch, Yuanyuan was afraid."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't touch it, put it on the table over there, it's very far away, it's okay." He Chen comforted Xiao Zai Zai, and signaled Jin Man with his eyes to take Su Zhirui to the bathroom first.

When Su Zhirui and Jin Man came out, Yu Yuanyuan didn't seem to be afraid anymore, she was sitting on the bed and talking on the phone with Yu Jinxiao.

Fortunately, through the children's watch, the only thing that could be heard was the sound, otherwise Jin Man and He Chen would probably stand up unconsciously and stand still.

"How is today? Is there anything unhappy?" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone, which made He Chen and Jin Man's hearts tighten.

The two secretly exchanged glances, and Jin Man suddenly felt that He Chen had saved her life.

(End of this chapter)

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