The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 871 Yu Yuanyuan strikes again!

Chapter 871 Yu Yuanyuan strikes again!
"Wh... What advantage duck?" Yu Zaizai trembled, but he couldn't restrain his curiosity.

Now there are only two adults left, Sister Man is so powerful, she can't beat them; Brother Xing Junqian is also faster than her, Yu Yuanyuan didn't expect to beat them.

But she... wants to work harder to live longer, and doesn't want to be eliminated.

"Here are the names of all the eliminated people," the staff member shook the ball, motioning for her to draw one from it, "You can randomly draw one and let him become your temporary teammate of the alliance! If you win in the end, then The original team of this temporary alliance teammate also won! But, Yuanyuan, you are the key to this new team, if Yuanyuan is eliminated, both Yuanyuan and this temporary alliance teammate will lose!"

"Wow!" Xiao Zai Zai took a long time to digest the meaning of the staff, and only thought that this rule seemed very handsome.

Those who are eliminated can choose one to continue the game with her, they are still allies!
The short-shouting little hand tried hard to reach in, digging and digging inside, and finally grabbed a ball.

"Who did Yuanyuan draw?" Xiao Zai Zai asked curiously as he could not read.

The staff member smiled, and instead of announcing it loudly, he deliberately leaned into her ear and read the name, as if trying to trick her.


He Chen's buttocks were still warm, when the stereo above his head suddenly buzzed, his heart tightened, thinking that Yu Yuanyuan had been eliminated.

After all, for such a small cub, it can be said that playing this kind of chasing game alone has no advantage, and it is very dangerous.

"Guests in the lounge, please pay attention!"

"Guests in the lounge, please pay attention!"

There were two consecutive shouts from the audio system, attracting the attention of the eliminated guests who were in a daze, watching the show, and chatting, and then continued to announce.

When the incident happened suddenly, everyone was astonished and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"In the final round, when the remaining guests in one of the groups are children's guests, the hidden advantage will be triggered!"

As soon as the sound was announced, Qiu Yang elbowed Sun Chengyu a few times, and whispered: "Look, look, Yu Yuanyuan has exerted strength again! She must have used superpowers! This hidden advantage is definitely very good for her. advantageous!"

After last night, Sun Chengyu and Qiu Yang found a common topic, and even sat together today.

Jian Yiran secretly watched their interaction, and felt great comfort under the seemingly calm face.

He has never been on variety shows before. In his opinion, variety shows are nothing more than making the audience happy. He is obviously not such a person.

But in order to promote the movie, the company had to arrange for him to be on the show, but Jian Yiran was actually reluctant at first.

In particular, he was the most unlucky to be assigned to the most troublesome Qiu Yang.

In the previous few recordings, Jian Yiran had the idea of ​​quitting the show [-] times.

But today, his thoughts suddenly changed a little.

It turns out that a good program not only brings happiness to the audience, but also changes the guests themselves.

Ling Zi, who was silent when she first came here, is now gradually diverting her attention to other children, and there is also a lot of interaction.

Even Qiu Yang, who was hated by everyone, seems to have found a friend here now, and restrained his domineering personality.

Although Jian Yiran didn't understand why this change came so suddenly, seeing Qiu Yang happily chatting with Sun Chengyu, he suddenly felt very emotional.

"Now, Yuanyuan will randomly select a guest from the lounge to become her temporary ally. If the guests drawn are from other groups, if Yuanyuan and the temporary ally win, the group the temporary ally belongs to will also join Yuanyuan's group. Win! Conversely, if Yu Yuanyuan is eliminated alone, the temporary alliance teammates will also be eliminated!"

After listening to the rules of the game, He Chen immediately jumped up and stretched his arms and legs.

(End of this chapter)

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