The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 879 Yuanyuan still doesn't like you

Chapter 879 Yuanyuan still doesn't like you
After waking up, Yu Zaizai walked out of the gymnasium surrounded by a group of people with a confused expression.

Other guests who were watching the live broadcast in the lounge also appeared clapping their hands.

Only He Chen didn't seem very energetic.

Even if their team wins, the one who accompanied Yu Yuanyuan to win is not him, but someone else.

He Chen thought that due to Yu Yuanyuan's luck, he would definitely be drawn to appear on the stage, but what a turns out that he is not a lucky person at all, but a little unlucky guy.

"Yuanyuan, you've won!! You're amazing!!" Su Zhirui was happier than she had won, and danced beside her, "I watched the live broadcast, and you won while lying down!"

Yu Yuanyuan, who was dizzy from being praised, could only smile. Until now, she still hasn't figured out why she won.

"Yeah, she was able to lie down and win, heh,'s really great." Qiu Yang clasped his hands, complaining seemingly unconvinced, but smiled happily on his face.

Yu Yuanyuan won, which means his team also won.

Qiu Yang, who cared about winning or losing, also won the honor of victory for him and Jian Yiran.

"Qiu Yang, you won, it's great." Jian Yiran thought a lot about what to say to him, but when he really stood in front of him and saw that rare smile, he suddenly felt that those redundant words were hypocritical, so he might as well use The easiest words to express your mood.

"It wasn't me who won, it was us who won!!" Thinking that Jian Yiran didn't understand the rules, Qiu Yang grabbed him and jumped happily, "Our team won too! We won too! Hahahaha!"

"That's right, we won."

Qiu Yang, who always cared most about his own wins and losses, actually emphasized "we".

"Ruirui, I'm sorry, I..." Jin Man knelt down and touched Su Zhirui's head, her eyes dimmed.

Su Zhirui tilted her head in doubt: "Why do you have to apologize?"

"We could have won, we could have gotten the little badge, but..."

"It doesn't matter, you can lose or win the game!" Su Zhirui held Jin Man's hand and smiled like a cute flower, "This game is so fun, so happy!"

Jin Man's depressed mood was healed by Su Zhirui's happy smile.

She originally thought that she would disappoint Ruirui, but in fact, the only one who cares about winning or losing is herself.

Su Zhirui had a lot of fun in the game, and she was also very happy watching the live broadcast. It was she who had put so many unnecessary burdens on herself, and she just wanted to win.

After everyone chatted for a while, Xie Xin signaled everyone to gather in the open space outside.

All the guests stood in front of the curtain of the program group, everyone was smiling, and no one was sad because they lost the game.

Probably because Qiu Yang, who cared most about winning or losing, won this time.

"The winning team this time is... He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan, Jian Yiran and Qiu Yang!"

The guests whose names were read stepped forward, and everyone got a new small gold badge.

This time the shape is an eagle, which is different from the previous ones.

"Yu Yuanyuan..." Qiu Yang, who was originally standing on the other side, moved over and said falteringly, "This time we cooperated pretty well."

"Karma?" In Yu Zai Zai's mind, what does this have to do with cooperation?
"I've decided that from today onwards, I won't hate you anymore." After Zi Gu said, Qiu Yang stretched out his hand, as if wanting to reconcile with Yu Yuanyuan.

But Xiao Zaizai was stunned for a few seconds, with a surprised expression: "But... But Yuanyuan still doesn't like you!"

Qiu Yang felt that his head was heavy.

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(End of this chapter)

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