The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 883 You Can Teach People?I don't believe it

Chapter 883 You Can Teach People?I don't believe it
"Aww ah ah ah ah..." The sobbing little Zaizai got excited and didn't know what to say.

Yu Jinxiao patted his small body to comfort him, and it didn't take long for Xiao Zai Zai to calm down.

Thinking of the scene just now, it was scary.

As soon as the suitcase was opened, a toad jumped out suddenly, and anyone would be shocked, let alone such a disgusting thing.

"Miss Yuanyuan, don't cry, lunch is ready, you can eat," Aunt Chen immediately took out the food in the kitchen, "If you cry, you won't be able to eat."

The humming and chirping sound became much quieter, and the head buried on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder was also curiously looking towards the dining table.

What she eats always works for her.

Wiping away tears by herself, Yu Yuanyuan blinked her curious eyes and began to eat a lot of lunch.

Wow, the table was quickly filled with food, all of which she likes, and it smells delicious.

In fact, Aunt Chen was not sure if Yu Yuanyuan would make it for lunch, as the little ones in the past would only come back in the afternoon.

But this morning, Aunt Chen decided to prepare Yu Yuanyuan's favorite lunch first, what if?
With the comfort of food, Xiao Zai Zai was not so afraid, and picked up a spoon to concentrate on cooking.

Xiao Yuanyuan, who was full, wanted to go back to her room to sleep, but she opened the door and saw the small pink suitcase, and she felt a little trembling in her heart.

After staying at the door for a few seconds, the little cub ran out, bumping into Yu Jinxiao's leg.

"Running around?" The big hand pressed down on the small head.

"Baba, Yuanyuan is afraid, will there be Chouchou in the box?" Yu Yuanyuan hugged his leg, looking timidly at the other side of the corridor.

"What's the matter with Yuanyuan?" Yu Mingxi just called Shen Ji to go upstairs to discuss the topic, but when he saw the panicked look of the little boy, he immediately knelt down to comfort him.

"She's still afraid that there are other toads in the room." Picking up the little glutinous rice balls, Yu Jinxiao was going to take her back to overcome the fear in his heart.

He knew that Xiao Zai Zai was timid, and it was normal to have lingering fears after being so frightened.

"Don't be afraid, Yuanyuan, Brother Shen Ji and I will check it out for you. If there is still ugly, just catch it and throw it away, okay?"

"Thank you, brother~Thank you, brother Shen Ji~" The little milk's voice was muffled, and she was still trying to shrink, so that she would not be targeted by the toad.

A few figures came to the door of the bedroom, Yu Yuanyuan didn't even dare to push the door, she was only willing to hang on Yu Jinxiao's body, even falling to the ground would scare her to scream.

Shen Ji and Yu Mingxi carefully checked the suitcase, the cabinets under the bed and around them, and after making sure that there were no other toads, they comforted Xiao Zai Zai for a long time.

"Why did Chou Chou duck in Yuanyuan's box?" Yu Yuanyuan shuddered as soon as he thought of the scene just now, Maomao frowned, "It...could it be... Qiu Yangfang?"

"Qiu Yang? Who is Qiu Yang?" Shen Ji keenly sensed something was wrong and asked.

"It's a little friend who was filming the show together. He is very bad, and Yuanyuan doesn't like him." As he said that, Xiao Zai Zai's face puffed up, full of anger.

Even Yuanyuan said that the person she didn't like was definitely not a good person, at least he was an annoying little friend.

"Did he bully Yuanyuan?" Yu Mingxi hurriedly asked, taking advantage of his father's presence, he must understand the matter clearly.

"It seems to be, but... but Yuanyuan has a lesson to go back!" Zizi Zaizai excitedly put his hips on his hips, and accidentally bumped his elbow on Yu Jinxiao's chest.

There was a pain in his chest, Yu Jinxiao covered his heart, and stared at that little head coldly: "You can teach others? Why don't I really believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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