The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 894 Only Dwarves Are Left

Chapter 894 Only Dwarves Are Left

The one who raised her hand is a girl in the class, she has a good relationship with Yu Yuanyuan, her name is Tingting.

Everyone subconsciously thought that the prince must be a "boy", but Teacher Su deliberately did not distinguish the gender of the character.

It is also an interesting experience to let a boy play a princess and a girl play a prince. Which role to choose depends on everyone's luck.

"Wow! Prince! It's the protagonist!" A little boy clapped his hands enviously.

Tingting was not sure whether it was lucky or not, so she clapped her hands in a daze.

Seeing that Yuanyuan was acting opposite to a girl, Gu Beiyan was not so angry anymore, and curled his lips and pointed his fingers at the characters related to "princess".

Dwarfs, kings, hunters, queens, servants...

It seems like each one is related but not the same.

Gu Beiyan went through it quickly in his mind. The only thing he didn't want to play was the dwarf, but there were so many dwarves! ! !
He held the note and prayed silently in his heart, don't get this character who is not handsome at all.

Dwarf, short, he doesn't want to be a dwarf! !
"The next character is the king." Teacher Su wrote two new words on the blackboard.

"It's me." A calm voice sounded from among the children.

Wen Zifei slowly raised the note in his hand.

After checking, Teacher Su announced to everyone with a smile: "That's right, kid Wen Zifei has won the king."

"Wow, it's so boring!" The silly little Zai Zai suddenly started to take the lead in clapping, "Zi must play Yuanyuan Baba, right?"

Wen Zifei frowned upon hearing this, "It's the father who plays Snow White, not your father!!"

"It's almost there."


If Yu Jinxiao heard this, he would really piss off the old father.

Teacher Su wrote "Queen" again, waiting for the children to determine the role by themselves.

In this story, with the exception of Snow White, the queen character is a complete villain.

Many children don't like being a villain, even if it's a positive role with few roles, but being a bad guy... It's like putting a dirty coat on yourself and tarnishing your reputation.

"It's me." It was a girl's voice that sounded.

Hearing the announcement of one character after another, Gu Beiyan's inner anxiety became more and more intense.

There aren't many roles left, so why hasn't it been his turn yet?
Chu Qi raised her hand, and the note with the word "Empress" fluttered in the wind.

"Wow!! Qiqi plays Yuanyuan's Mama!" Xiao Zaizai clapped wildly happily.

One of the best friends plays Baba and the other plays Ma Ma, so she can play to her heart's content without feeling uncomfortable.

"Hahahaha, it's really suitable for you," Gu Beiyan found an opportunity to tease Chu Qi, "Evil queen, you are so fierce, you can definitely act like a queen."

Chu Qi glanced at him, not angry at all.

She was too happy to be able to act with Yu Yuanyuan.

"Some people want to play the prince right away, but they seem to be in vain," Chu Qi smiled ironically, "It's really, so pitiful."

Suddenly being stabbed severely in the heart by someone, Gu Beiyan was so angry that he folded his arms and didn't talk to her.

Immediately afterwards, roles such as hunters and servants were announced, and the remaining seven dwarfs were not announced.

Gu Beiyan has been looking forward to a turning point, but... there are really only dwarves left!

"Please raise your hands, those who haven't announced their identities." Teacher Su's smile made Gu Beiyan's hair stand on end.

Not good, very bad.

"Okay, the roles of the seven children who raised their hands are dwarves!"

Gu Beiyan: Oh shit.

(End of this chapter)

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