The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 896 You Can't Be Better Than Shen Ji

Chapter 896 You Can't Be Better Than Shen Ji
"Karma?" Cub Zai, who was caught off guard, stared like copper bells.

Serena also wanted to know the answer, and said anxiously: "Yuanyuan, tell me, who are you marrying!"

Hearing the boring questioning of these two people, Chu Qi rolled her eyes, she wanted to step forward to help resolve it, but Yu Yuanyuan made a move on her own.

"Yuanyuan doesn't choose either." Xiao Zai Zai shook his head hastily, with a very firm expression on his face.

"What the hell?!" The two little boys almost lost their minds.

"Because Yuanyuan is still a three-year-old friend, so she won't get married." Yu Yuanyuan said seriously.

"I'm asking about the future, the future, when I grow up! Yuanyuan, who do you choose!" Now that he is riding a tiger, Gu Beiyan insists on hearing an answer from Yu Yuanyuan.

Anyway, it was enough to lose face, and he wasn't afraid to lose face a little more.

After saying that, both Serena and Gu Beiyan squeezed in Yu Yuanyuan's direction, waiting for her answer.

Xiao Zai Zai has watched a lot of cartoons, and probably knows what marriage means.

You must like it very much and be willing to spend the rest of your life with the other party before you can get married.

Thinking about it, in Yu Yuanyuan's heart, there is only one person who meets this condition.

"Yuanyuan still doesn't choose." Yu Zaizai shook his head firmly again, as if he had fired two bullets into the hearts of Gu Beiyan and Serena.

"Why??" Taking two steps back, Gu Beiyan hugged his head, feeling like the sky was about to collapse.

"Because Yuanyuan... promised elder brother Shen Ji that they would stay together for the rest of their lives!"

Gu Beiyan and Serena were hit by an invisible blow at the same time, their eyes turned black, and they were petrified on the spot.

Shen's Shen Ji again!
Why does Yuanyuan like him so much?Just because he looks good?

Gu Beiyan thought about it in his heart angrily, and his anger dissipated for a while, but he was still not convinced.

Shen Ji is really good-looking, even a kid like him has to admit it, and Shen Ji's grades are not bad, and he is Yuanyuan's lifesaver, yet he can't find out Shen Ji's fatal flaw.

People like him... Gu Beiyan wants to be good friends with him.

"Who is Shen Ji? There is no one named Shen Ji in our class." Serena scratched her head in shock and looked around, trying to figure out who this "Shen Ji" was.

"Haha, I know Shen Ji," Gu Beiyan snorted and put his hands on his hips in order to annoy Serena, "He is very handsome, and he is much higher than you in grades! Besides, his grades are very good, the most important thing is What's more, he is still Yuanyuan's savior! Humph! He is very good, so don't try to surpass him!"

Chu Qi silently listened to Gu Beiyan's words, and suddenly became a little confused. Is this an emotional rival or is she just making herself unhappy?Or... big heart?
These words are full of praise and appreciation for Shen Ji.

After all, Gu Beiyan's biggest rival in love should be Shen Ji, right? Why is he still boasting about his rival in love?
"What!" Serena's heart seemed to be shot, her lips trembled, and she lowered her head sadly, "I... I can be excellent in the future."

"No, you can't be better than Shen Ji!"

Serena: "..." Why do you keep saying nice things to your rival in love.

Yu Yuanyuan was originally dizzy by the content of their quarrel, but once Gu Beiyan said something nice about Shen Ji, she would not be sleepy anymore.

"That's right, brother Shen Ji is the best, no one can be better than brother Shen Ji!"

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan finished speaking, Serena was completely at a loss.

He doesn't need to know who Shen Ji is, he only knows that Yu Yuanyuan likes that little boy named Shen Ji and doesn't like him.

(End of this chapter)

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