The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 898 What if Yu Yuanyuan is willing to "marry"?

Chapter 898 What if Yu Yuanyuan is willing to "marry"?

"Ah, that's right!" Xiao Zai Zai nodded desperately, waving his claws happily, "Yuan Yuan plays Snow White!"

Where there is a princess, there is also a prince. Which lucky kid can play the prince?

"Then who will play the prince?" Although he is not familiar with most of the children in the kindergarten, Gao Zhou is just curious about who is the lucky one.

"It's Tingting."

"Tingting?" It sounds like a girl's name.

"The teacher said that girls can also play princes!"

What a girl!

"Where are those good friends of Miss Yuanyuan?" Gao Zhou was suddenly relieved, and he didn't know what he was worrying about, he just felt... no brat was worthy of his Miss Yuanyuan, as expected!

The prince is played by a little girl, so it is much more harmonious.

"Qiqi plays the queen, Zifei plays the king, Beiyan...plays the dwarf!"

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan finished speaking, Gao Zhou almost burst out laughing.

"Miss Yuanyuan, that should be a dwarf."

"Oh, yes, dwarf."

Fortunately, I didn't say this in front of Gu Beiyan, otherwise he would be so sad that he would burst into tears again.

"Miss Yuanyuan is so cute, so she should play the role of a princess," Gao Zhou suddenly straightened his back and said proudly, "Come on, Miss Yuanyuan! I will definitely come to the show then!"

"Hey hey, okay~"

Yu Zaizai is very happy, but what makes her happy is that the princess can eat apples, so happy, she seems to have forgotten that dwarves can eat cakes.

After sending Xiao Zai Zai to Yu's house, Gao Zhou immediately drove back to the company, just in time to bump into Yu Jinxiao who came out of the meeting room.

"Have you received Yuanyuan?"

"Yes, Mr. Yu," Gao Zhou replied respectfully, then suddenly remembered the conversation in the car, he hesitated, "today's kindergarten..."

"What? What's the matter?" The sharp eyes looking at the document raised and fell on Gao Zhou.

Gaozhou has always talked about things, so he hesitated, it seems to be about Xiaotangyuan.

"Mr. Yu, there are two little kids fighting in the kindergarten today to marry Miss Yuanyuan." This matter has been stuck in his heart, if he doesn't say it, Gao Zhou is afraid that Mr. Yu will blame him in the future.

This seemingly unimportant but not trivial matter, probably should probably be reported.

After hearing this, Yu Jinxiao frowned: "Married? You're only in the kindergarten class, and you're talking about marriage?"

"I also heard it from other children." Suddenly thinking of something, Gao Zhou smiled again, "Miss Yuanyuan is going to play Snow White in the report performance before the winter vacation."

After imagining Yu Zaizai's appearance in Snow White's dress, Gao Zhou was so excited that he could not wait to see the performance immediately, he must be invincible and cute! !

"Well, I see." Yu Jinxiao pretended to look through the documents, signaling Gao Zhou to back down, but his heart was turned upside down as if he had been bombed.

The problem he was worried about finally happened!
Chatting with other partners who have children before, their children will also say that they are going to marry someone in the kindergarten. This seems to be a very common thing.

But Yu Yuanyuan never mentioned it, and Yu Jinxiao gradually relaxed his vigilance.

Unexpectedly... This person is already fighting in the kindergarten, and the crisis is almost at their doorstep.

Although it's still too early to make a conclusion, Yu Jinxiao doesn't even notice any of those little kids in the kindergarten!No one is qualified to marry Xiaotangyuan! !

Wait, Yu Jinxiao thought of a more terrifying fact.

What if... he meant what if... what if Yu Yuanyuan was willing to "marry"?So is he objecting or pretending it's okay? ?
(End of this chapter)

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