The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 90 Don't touch my hand!

Chapter 90 Don't touch my hand!
"It's still exciting, isn't it?" The man raised his sandbag-sized fist viciously, watching the little cub's eyes filled with tears, trembling like a little hamster.

The trembling look was cute and pitiful, and something hit his heart hard, making him feel a strong sense of guilt.

He didn't even want to fight, he just wanted to scare the two children so that they would be quiet.

It's good now, compared to Yu Yuanyuan's panicked look, he looks like a big hateful bully.

There were even young couples around taking out their mobile phones to take pictures, pointing and scolding him for bullying children.

"Huh." The man didn't want to cause trouble, so he made an impatient voice from his nasal cavity and was about to leave.

Who knew...he was hit on the back again.

Yu Yuanyuan saw that pretty brother actually reached out and patted the man's waist again, but he didn't use much force.

The man was enraged and shook his head viciously: "Little devil, you still..."

"Your clothes are dirty." The pretty brother said calmly.

"Yeah, your clothes are dirty, the little boy didn't lie." The people next to him also chimed in.

Turning around with difficulty, the man rubbed white ash somewhere on his lower back, which was particularly conspicuous on his dark coat.

The man swears and pats his clothes and walks forward, while the others avoid him like the plague.

The crowd of onlookers had just dispersed for less than three seconds when they were suddenly stopped by a loud noise.

The man was absent-mindedly cleaning up the dust on his clothes, and accidentally bumped into the display stand by the wall not far away.

The precious-looking metal ornaments fell to the ground and broke in two, and even part of the cuboid display stand was broken.

The incident happened suddenly, the man panicked and wanted to avoid the stepping foot, but he just stepped on the rolling piece, and instantly fell on his back, clutching his waist and unable to get up for a long time.

There was chaos over there, the man screamed in pain, and the staff exclaimed in pain at the destruction of valuables, intertwined.

Yu Yuanyuan frowned, her fleshy double chin retracted from the back of her small face, as if she was the one who fell, and she also had a painful face.

The onlookers changed to the other side at once, and the pretty brother glanced at him with a sneer, and turned to leave, but something gently grabbed his fingertips.

"Beautiful brother..." Yu Yuanyuan's hands were quick, and his little claws caught his fingers accurately.

The pretty brother felt like getting an electric shock, strong resistance bounced from his eyes, and he withdrew his fingers suddenly: "Don't touch my hand!"

The startled Yu Yuanyuan stayed where she was, just like the little penguin on the billboard behind her.

There were complex emotions in the boy's eyes, his left and right hands were tightly clasped, as if he was afraid of being touched again, and his shoulders kept rising and falling with restless breathing.

"To Buji, pretty brother," Xiao Zaizai was not scared to cry, and kept staring at the boy's face, "Yuanyuan just wanted to ask... um... can pretty brother help Yuanyuan?"

"Your name is Yuanyuan?" After calming down, the boy deliberately put his hands in his trouser pockets, "Did you get lost?"

From just now, this little glutinous rice ball was alone, and no parents showed up when someone stepped on it, so it must have been accidentally lost.

Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and grabbed the hem of his clothes fearlessly: "It's a duck, can the beautiful brother take me to find him?"

"Then do you remember where you got lost?"

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head.

"What time did you get lost?"

Xiao Zai Zai continued to shake his head.

The boy sighed and didn't throw away the small oil bottle: "I'll take you to the customer service center, where you can use the radio."

"Okay, okay, thank you pretty brother." Yu Yuanyuan's claws obediently grabbed the edge of his shirt.

"Be careful, be careful not to fall, be careful not to be stepped on, be careful not to be hit..." The boy looked down at Xiao Zai Zai's trusting gaze, his expression became more serious, "Anyway, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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