The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 900 Can Yuanyuan come in and play?

Chapter 900 Can Yuanyuan come in and play?

Yu Yuanyuan thought about it seriously for a long time, then shook her head: "No."

If she really wanted to marry someone else, of course she would choose brother Shen Ji.

But what Baba asked was in the kindergarten, so there is no one!

This answer caught Yu Jinxiao's psychological construction in advance by surprise. He even thought of a lot of rhetoric, trying to guide Xiao Zai Zai not to fall in love early in kindergarten. The world is big and the future is still long. She will meet better people in the future.

As a father, he must stand on guard at all times, and never allow anyone to fool the little glutinous rice balls away.

But Yu Yuanyuan's reaction made him feel like he was punching cotton, and he didn't know what to say.

"Really? You can't lie to Dad." Yu Jinxiao deliberately put on a serious expression, trying to scare Xiao Tangyuan, maybe she is telling the truth.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan's eyes became even more astonished and confused: "Karma? Yuanyuan didn't lie, Baba... Baba don't threaten Yuanyuan!"

Even "threat" is used, this little glutinous rice ball has learned a lot.

"Then you didn't have a boy you particularly liked in school?" Yu Jinxiao didn't want to beat around the bush with her anymore, and if this went on like this, he might not know why until bedtime.

Yu Zaizai noticed that his father's tone had improved a little bit, and began to boldly play with the pen he put on the table: "Yes!"

"Who!" The word was almost squeezed out of Yu Jinxiao's back teeth.

"Of course my favorites are Beiyan and Zifei. In fact, Serena is also a very nice person. By the way, there are also Chenchen and Xixi..."

Yu Jinxiao didn't expect to hear so many answers in one breath.

Is the "like" she said the "like" he understood?

"Then do you want to marry them and be together forever, or..." Yu Jinxiao became more and more confused. It turned out that raising a baby had to face so many problems.

Most of these things were done by He Yitong in the past, but after the divorce, the sensible eldest son became the next tool man, who specially took care of Yu Yingze's psychology and emotions.

As a father, he is really dereliction of duty!

"They are all good friends of Yuanyuan, they can't get married, they can't!" In order to show his position, Yu Zaizai even crossed his short arms and made a big X.

Yu Jinxiao finally understood.

The "like" in Xiaotangyuan's heart means that he likes to play with them and treat the boys as good friends, not the "like" he thought.

For some reason, Yu Jinxiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Tangyuan was only in kindergarten, he really didn't want to experience the loss and sadness of his old father so early.

"Okay, let's go play." Yu Jinxiao patted his little head, and drove away people after using them.

Originally, Yu Zaizai wanted to play more in the study, but Yu Jinxiao sneaked Zaizai to the corridor before the conference call.

Xiao Zaizai standing alone in the corridor looked confused, holding a tassel that was accidentally torn off in his hand, "tsk tsk" sighed: "Baba changed his face so quickly, did Yuanyuan make a mistake again? It seems not!"

At this time, Yu Mingxi is usually studying, Yu Yingze is catching up with homework, Xiao Zai Zai is very obedient and will not disturb them.

The small body wandered around, originally wanted to go downstairs to find Dahua to play, but saw that the door of Shen Ji's room was still open.

"Brother Shen Ji~~" Yu Zaizai leaned on the door frame and didn't rush in to disturb him, "Are you studying?"

Shen Ji finished his homework a long time ago, the homework that needs to be reviewed and previewed is over, and he is reading the book that Yu Mingxi lent him.

"Yuanyuan? Why are you alone?" It was obvious that Mr. Yu took her up just now.

"Can Yuanyuan come in and play?" Xiao Zai Zai asked politely.

"Come in." Shen Ji got up and put down the book, instead of lying on the bed, he pulled over the chair and put a small bench for Yu Yuanyuan by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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