The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 905 It's Better Than He Bet His Life

Chapter 905 It's Better Than He Bet His Life
Teacher Su sighed helplessly, and turned her gaze to Yu Yuanyuan's direction: "Yuanyuan, you can't eat while lying down, you might get stuck, and you are pretending to be 'dead' now, how can you move?"

"To Buji." Yu Zaizai squeezed the apple obediently, and lay down still.

Prince Tingting, who finally wrote down the lines, is going to kiss the princess to wake up now. Teacher Su designed a kiss on the cheek to echo the children's innocence and innocence.

But when Tingting was walking towards Yu Yuanyuan, the apple in Xiao Zai Zai's hand suddenly slipped out and rolled to the ground.

She was lying upright and sat up immediately: "Oh, Apple!!"

"!!!" Unprepared Tingting was taken aback, and complained with a smile, "Wow, Yuanyuan cheated!"

"Hahahaha, Yuanyuan is resurrected."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Yuanyuan is not dead, she is 'playing dead'."

The classroom suddenly became so lively that it got a little out of control.

Teacher Su helped his forehead helplessly: "Everyone be quiet, we are practicing now~"

The children gradually turned down the volume and continued to listen to the teacher obediently.

"Okay, Yuanyuan should wake up now." Teacher Su just wanted to quickly lead everyone through a rehearsal. "Now the princess and the prince are getting married."

Yu Yuanyuan smiled "hehehe", and ran forward to hold Tingting's hand.

The two lovely girls standing there really extinguished all anger.

After a simple cutscene, Teacher Su's smile was very weak.

It will take a lot of time to rule out the complete program.

In order to make it easier for children to memorize, Teacher Su summarized and organized the lines of each character separately while the children were going back to class.

It includes the actions and positions of other characters, as well as the designated lines of each character.

Teacher Su deliberately marked out the lines of different characters with colored pens, so that it is convenient for children to memorize and interact with their parents when they go home.

When Xiao Zaizai got the stack of paper, she was dumbfounded on the spot. There were many words densely marked on it with a pink marker, most of which she didn't recognize.

But with so many people at home, she can always find someone to practice!

When school was over in the afternoon, only Gao Zhou came to pick up Yu Yuanyuan.

At this point in time, Baba is not at home, the two are not, and Shen Ji's brother is not here...

Yu Yuanyuan made up her mind and decided to ask Gao Susu to practice with her first!
Back at Yu's house, Gao Zhou was sitting in the courtyard, holding a big flower in one hand, frowning while watching the lines.

With so many words densely packed, let alone a child, even an adult like him would have a headache looking at it.

But how interesting it is to recite lines with Miss Yuanyuan, Gao Zhou agreed without hesitation.

Except for Yu Yuanyuan's lines, Gao Zhou reads everything else.

"You go, I will find a pig's heart and go back to do business, but you can never go back!" After Gao Zhou read the hunter's lines, he subconsciously looked at the opposite side
That little face was full of confusion, and the little mouth opened... Ah, I can't remember!
Gao Zhou tried to guide: "The person who was going to kill you let go, what would you say?"

"Then he must be very kind...can you give Yuanyuan something to eat?"


Gao Zhou really didn't understand why this line came out of Yu Yuanyuan's head.

I heard from Mr. Yu before that tutoring Miss Yuanyuan with her homework is a bloodbath, otherwise, would he spend money to invite Shen Ji to come.

It is better for someone else's son to risk his life than to risk his life.

Although Gao Zhou really wanted to help Xiao Zai Zai, but after checking his lines with Yu Yuanyuan several times in a row, Gao Zhou felt Yu Jinxiao's tangled feeling of wanting to be angry but not being angry.

(End of this chapter)

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