The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 912 1 Must Eat Too Much To Get Fat

Chapter 912 You must eat too much to get fat

When Gu Beiyan heard it, he exploded immediately: "Don't talk nonsense, Yuanyuan is so cute, she is not fat at all!!!"

"But I didn't say that Yuanyuan isn't cute. Fat and cute don't conflict," said a little girl playing a hunter, and she retorted somewhat unconvinced, "If she wasn't fat, how could she tear her clothes? "

Chu Qi really wanted to curse back, but she glanced back and forth between Yu Yuanyuan and the scrawny little girl from the corner of her eye, as if she couldn't speak nonsense.

She took a deep breath, frowned, and said, "Yuanyuan is not fat at all, she is healthy, and children have to be like this to be cute, don't they look good like a bone like you?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !

Her friend hurried over to comfort her, but everyone didn't seem to judge much, they just felt weak and needed comfort when they cried.

Even though it was Yu Yuanyuan who was said to be "fat", she didn't cry, instead she didn't get much care and comfort.

Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi surrounded Yu Yuanyuan and hugged her, wondering if she had fallen.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan, who was dazed for a long time, suddenly hugged Chu Qi back and forth, wrapped her claws around her waist for a few seconds, and then patted her own waist, her small face became sad.

"Woohoo, Yuanyuan is fatter than Qiqi, Yuanyuan is really fat." The little cub was sad and sad became a small ball.

In the hearts of children, it seems difficult to find the middle value. They always feel that they are either fat or thin, forgetting that there is a normal height.

Chu Qi has been a picky eater since she was a child, and there are many things she doesn't like to eat. Although she scolded the little girl just now, she is actually similar.

On the other hand, Yu Yuanyuan, who took the initiative to eat, never had this trouble.

However, Yu Yuanyuan's figure is not called fat at all, but a kid with a healthy standard figure.

Probably because no one has ever said that about her. Usually, everyone praised her for being cute. Xiao Zai Zai was greatly shocked, and suddenly realized that she was not so good-looking, she was a little chubby.

The little girl who was scolded and cried was comforted by the children and Teacher Su, and was taken to the classroom.

Yu Yuanyuan clasped her hands, not angry, but silently sad alone.

Did she eat too much?
Woohoo, it seems so, the kids in the kindergarten don’t eat as much as she does!
When school was over in the afternoon, Yu Yuanyuan was waiting for someone to pick her up at the door. When she saw Daju lying on her stomach in the guard room, a similar resonance was suddenly awakened in her heart.

"Susu, Rhubarb seems to have gained weight." Xiao Zaizai swayed over to talk to Uncle Security.

Uncle Security heard it and nodded with a smile: "Yes, rhubarb may be eaten, I have never seen such a cat that can eat it, how can it not gain weight!"

Yu Yuanyuan felt that her little brain was about to explode.

It turns out that if you eat too much, you will gain weight. She can eat so must be because she eats too much to get fat!

Woohoo, she can't gain weight anymore, if she gains weight again, she won't be able to fit in the performance skirt, and everyone will laugh at her.

Aunt Chen made a lot of dishes that Xiao Zai Zai liked at night, but Yu Yuanyuan who sat at the table was not as happy and excited as before.

She looked at her bowl, picked up a small spoon, took a bite, ate slowly for five minutes and then put it down: "Yuanyuan is full."

Everyone at the table noticed something was wrong.

"Yuanyuan, why did you eat so little today? Is it because you're not feeling well?" Shen Ji tilted his head, trying to make eye contact with the unhappy little eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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