The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 914 Make a dress that looks exactly the same

Chapter 914 Make an Exactly the Same Dress
Yu Yuanyuan has always believed in Shen Ji's words, and felt that what Shen Ji's brother said had his reasons.

"Let's take a look at the weight and height that Yuanyuan should have at this age." Shen Ji took out his mobile phone and began to search the Internet. "Every child and adult has a basic body size range. Within this range, the body is normal and healthy."

"Really?" Even though he couldn't read the words, Xiao Zai Zai moved to Shen Ji's phone screen to read.

Shen Ji first asked Aunt Chen about the baby's weight, and then guided her to compare it with the standard found on the phone.

Although she can't read words, Xiao Zai Zai can understand numbers, and with Shen Ji's explanation, she quickly figured out that her weight is not considered fat at all.

But some children in kindergarten are too thin.

But if you are too thin, it is not a good thing to show off, and your body should focus on "health".

Yu Yuanyuan was not as anxious as before, she shook her feet and asked, "Is Yuanyuan... a healthy baby?"

"Of course, Yuanyuan is not fat at all, she is healthy and standard." Shen Ji's eyes were smiling, but he looked into the eyes of the little milk bag very seriously.

This concentration made Yu Yuanyuan feel that Shen Ji was definitely not fooling herself.

"Yuanyuan, children's health is the most important thing. If they are too need to see a doctor." Yu Mingxi waited for the right time to release his trump card, "Maybe he will get needles at that time. Yuanyuan is not the one who is most afraid of needles. ?"

"What a horse! Can prick needles!" Xiao Zai Zai was frightened and huddled up on the chair.

She thought that being thin was simply "good-looking", but she didn't expect to be arrested and taken to the hospital?

That's too scary!

"Of course the unhealthy little friends will be arrested and given an injection!" Yu Jinxiao resolutely increased the flames, making Yu Zaizai tremble with fright.

Especially his eyes and expression can especially aggravate the terrifying atmosphere in Yu Zaizai's heart.

"So Yuanyuan, don't think what others say is right just because of what others say." Shen Ji pushed the rice bowl to Yu Zaizai, and stuffed the spoon into her little round claws, "Little friends should eat well, Healthy and healthy, you see, if the kitten is too skinny, won’t it be so cute?”

Yu Yuanyuan raised her head and imagined reducing Dahua's figure by half... Wow, it's dry, like a cat, not cute at all.

"It seems to be." Xiao Zai Zai widened his eyes and nodded desperately to match Shen Ji's gaze.

The little milk bag that figured it out held the spoon tightly, and finally began to eat obediently, and his appetite returned to the same as before.

Yu Jinxiao glanced at Shen Ji's direction with grateful eyes.

If it weren't for him, it would be difficult for him to revive Xiao Zai Zai in such a quick time.

Comforting people... Yu Jinxiao is not very skilled yet.

In fact, Yu Jinxiao cares more about Yu Zai Zai's health than anyone else.

This little milk bag is so edible and doesn't look fat. He is very worried about her body and has been paying close attention to her weight and height.

But every time after a series of physical examinations, Yu Yuanyuan is extremely healthy, as if her usual big appetite has been eaten into a bottomless pit, and she has not made her overweight.

I didn't expect this kind of small glutinous rice balls to eat and not get fat, but I was worried that I would gain weight... That's outrageous!
The revived little cub is eating happily again.

Yu Jinxiao seemed to be indifferently looking at the phone, but was actually searching for pictures of "Snow White" on the phone, and sent the pictures he found to Gao Zhou.

"Make her a dress that is exactly the same as Yu Yuanyuan's figure."

(End of this chapter)

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