The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 916 Does he look so vicious?

Chapter 916 Does he look so vicious?

After listening to Mr. Yu's words, Gao Zhou suddenly realized!

It's not that Ms. Yuanyuan is stupid, that's's true...Ms. Yuanyuan is more innocent and easy to coax. He can make any excuses, say it's a physical examination or something, and Yu Yuanyuan won't be suspicious at all.

When the dress is ready, the surprise will be a surprise, and the plan will not be changed!
After discussing it with Yu Jinxiao, Gao Zhou made an appointment with Qin Xiao at Yu's house at 5 pm the next day, and repeatedly told him not to talk about the skirt, and claimed that he was here to give Yu Yuanyuan a health check. Don't talk too much.

That dress was a surprise that Mr. Yu wanted to give to Miss Yuanyuan, and Gao Zhou didn't want to mess it up.

Just after answering Gao Zhou's call, Yu Jinxiao was about to continue working when he felt a stare at the door of the room.

"Yu Yuanyuan, what are you doing hiding there? Want to sneak attack me again?" Yu Jinxiao's intuition is very mature, even if he doesn't need to see it, he can guess that it is Xiao Tangyuan's breath.

Sometimes, he also suspects that he has developed the same sense of smell as hers. The difference is that he does not rely on the real sense of smell, but a strong and precise intuition.

The first one to come in was not Cub Zai, but her lion cub doll.

A round little hand is grasped on the doll's body, followed by Yu Yuanyuan's half of her head.

"Baba~~~Are you busy?" came the timid little tone, and looked towards him quietly.

Yu Jinxiao put down what he was doing, and asked straight to the point: "Do you have something to do?"

"Well...Yuanyuan wants to trouble rehearse with Yuanyuan." After finishing speaking, Xiao Zaizai lay down by the door, looking at him repeatedly with expectant and uncertain eyes, as if he was afraid that he would refuse.

I was hit in the kindergarten today. The little cub who never cared about her figure almost planned to skip eating. It can be seen that she cares a lot about this performance.
Yu Jinxiao is rarely troubled by this little glutinous rice balls, especially Shen Ji has taken care of her studies, but he is his father, so he can't leave everything to others.

"How to rehearse?" Yu Jinxiao didn't refuse, his tone gave Xiao Zai Zai the hope of "Yes".

Yu Yuanyuan boldly took two steps into the study: "Father reads the lines of other characters, Yuanyuan plays her own role and lines... Jiangzi, is Baba free?"

It sounded very simple, Yu Jinxiao didn't refuse the little glutinous rice balls, got up and said, "Let's go."

"Wow, thank you Baba~~" Happy Cub raised his hands and cheered.

But when he got to the study room, Yu Jinxiao realized...that he was naive.

He thought he had a special place in Xiao Zai Zai's heart, so he came here to rehearse with him, but it turned out that there were not enough people.

Yu Yuanyuan also invited Shen Ji, Yu Mingxi, and Yu Yingze, and he was just one of them.

Soon Shen Ji helped to assign the roles, and distributed the reprinted lines of the characters to everyone.

Of course, Yu Yuanyuan is still playing Snow White, Sister Bei is in charge of reading the narration, Brother Jiang is in charge of other small roles like servants, Yu Mingxi is the hunter, Yu Yingze is all the dwarves, Yu Jinxiao... is the queen, Shen Ji is the prince.

It's really strange, why is he the queen and Shen Ji the prince?
Does he look that vicious?

Yu Jinxiao thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. It would be embarrassing for an adult to ask such a question in front of a few children.

Holding the assigned lines, Yu Jinxiao took a quick glance and memorized the general idea. Although he didn't need to memorize it, this kind of thing was very simple for him.

Yu Mingxi and Shen Ji, who are top students, also quickly memorized their lines.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at a room full of people who were taller than her, and excitedly announced: "Then... let's begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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