The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 925 But You Can Never Get Fat Again

Chapter 925 But You Can Never Get Fat Again
Yanyan had a very subtle feeling in her heart.

Behind the dress of the princess, it seems that she is not as good-looking as she is in the hunter's costume.

I still remember that when she first put on the hunter costume, some children praised her for being handsome.

Because she is a bit taller than ordinary children and very thin, the clothes complement her handsome and straight, with a handsome style.

After Yu Yuanyuan put on the hunter's clothes, she looked handsome in a different way, as handsome as a baby.

Yanyan had already memorized the princess' lines, so it wasn't too difficult to rehearse, but...she found that the part of acting became much more difficult.

Teacher Su asked the princess to have natural self-confidence, to smile and be bold when pulling the skirt around, instead of shrinking and shrinking her eyes.

Yanyan, who was not used to performing in front of so many people, could not do what Teacher Su asked, so she could only try her best to remember the lines she wanted to say.


When people get nervous, the lines are like small stones being taken away one by one, gradually disappearing from their minds.

Yanyan was so nervous that she almost forgot how to act and stayed in the middle of the stage several times.

Teacher Su didn't blame her, but reminded her of the lines she should say at the right time.

But Yanyan's performance was taken into consideration by Teacher Su.

Yanyan is indeed not suitable for the role of a princess, whether it is the appearance or the interpretation of the extravagant personality, all of them are mutually exclusive with the role of "princess".

On the contrary, because of the pressure brought by this role, her performance was not even as good as when she played the hunter before.

Finally it was Yu Yuanyuan's turn to play the hunter, and Yanyan was also secretly watching.

"That's right, I deliberately tricked you into coming to the forest!" Although she had the cute accent of a child, Yu Yuanyuan's expression and tone were very serious, and the contrast produced another interesting effect.

That milky little appearance actually acted like a hunter.

"You...why did you lie to come here?" Yanyan was so nervous that she stammered, the more she wanted to perform well, the more pressure she had to compress her memory.

Things that she clearly remembered well before suddenly seemed to have evaporated and disappeared. It was too late for her to think about the lines, let alone perform according to Teacher Su's request.

"Because the magic mirror said that you are the most beautiful human being in the world," Xiao Zaizai slowly pulled out the prop sword from his waist, "The queen wants you to disappear from this world!"

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's performance, Mr. Su couldn't help being surprised.

An ordinary character who didn't even have much sense of existence was attracted by Xiao Zai Zai right away.

Yu Yuanyuan's whole cub is immersed in the emotions of the character, and the lines are correct. Although she has a cute accent, it makes the performance a kind of joy that makes people smile.

"Please, don't kill me, I... I can go to the forest and never return to the palace..." Yanyan was supposed to perform a tense begging for mercy, but it was already difficult for her to just get the lines. My mind is all on recalling the lines, without any fear in it.

Instead, he was like a little friend who didn't have time to do his homework, and didn't have the reaction that his life should have when his life was threatened.

Teacher Su had to admit that when Yu Yuanyuan played the princess before, her emotions were well controlled, as if the whole cub was immersed in the character and emotions of the character.

She seems to be...naturally able to grasp the rhythm of "acting", as if it is some kind of talent.

After listening to the "princess" begging, the hunter frowned and fell into deep thought.

A few seconds later, the tip of the sword she raised forward slowly fell to the ground: "I can let you go, but you will never get fatter again!"

(End of this chapter)

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