The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 929 A Very "Qualified" Princess

Chapter 929 A Very "Qualified" Princess
Xiao Zai Zai returned to her, and said in a muffled voice, "Yuan Yuan also wants to be numb!"

"Ma Ma was filming in a very remote place recently, and the mobile phone has no signal, so I can't call Zai Zai." After speaking, He Yitong kissed Zai Zai's round face several times, "Hey, I haven't heard Zai Zai's voice for a long time, I want to die."

"Wow, is it still the movie with Brother Haohao?" Yu Zaizai nestled in Ma Ma's arms, lost his hands and feet, and nestled in Ma Ma's arms very relaxedly.

"That's right, it's almost finished next week. I heard from He Chen that you're going to record several episodes of cute 1+1 in a row during the winter vacation?"

Yu Yuanyuan's gaze gradually became dull: " seems so."

This kind of arrangement is all arranged by Yu Jinxiao, Xiao Zai Zai himself doesn't know.

All she knew was that she didn't have to film a show this week, and she didn't know anything about the rest of the process.

"I can't wait to watch Zai Zai's show," He Yitong patted Zai Zai's small body, and suddenly thought of something serious, "By the way, Zai Zai, just now I want to learn acting, what do you want to do?"

"Yuanyuan wants to be a good public figure!" Yu Zaizai held his paws in his hands and looked at his actress Ma Ma with admiration.

He Yitong nodded, and immediately put on a professional posture: "I haven't played a role like a princess very much, but I can try to analyze it."

Under He Yitong's arrangement and guidance, Yu Zaizai's little mind suddenly became clear.

Snow White is kind, cute, innocent, and she has no airs. She doesn't need to be too particular about her posture, but she has to show a temperament that ordinary people don't have.

Speaking of temperament...

He Yitong looked at Xiao Qiuqiu in front of him, it seemed a bit difficult to talk about temperament to a three-year-old child, but she should try her best to adjust.

In order to facilitate the practice, Yu Zaizai ran to the room to change into a skirt that was defeated, and learned how to lift the skirt, how to walk, and how to behave under the guidance of He Yitong.

In terms of interpretation, He Yitong adjusted the "cinematic" interpretation of Xiao Zai Zai.

At that time, but on the stage, you have to use relatively large body movements to attract everyone's attention, expressions and small movements alone are not enough.

After a series of training by He Yitong, Yu Yuanyuan soon became a very "qualified" princess!

"Wow, Ma Ma is amazing!" Even a three-year-old boy could feel He Yitong's incredible acting skills.

He Yitong, who sat on the carpet with big lala, smiled with satisfaction while holding his chin.

Hahaha, listening to Zai Zai's praise really makes me feel at ease.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and He Yitong was so frightened that he almost slipped off the wall he was leaning against.

She struggled twice on the carpet before finally getting up.

It was Shen Ji who opened the door and came in. When he saw He Yitong was there, Shen Ji also froze at the door of the study.

He Yitong knew that Shen Ji lived in Yu's house, but... She didn't expect to meet him in this way, so she was caught off guard.

"Hello." Shen Ji squeezed out a polite smile and nodded towards He Yitong.

The boy who had just returned home looked a bit "travelling", with his schoolbag on his shoulders and his suit-style school uniform open, his hair was a little messed up by the wind, scattered in front of his slightly drooping eyebrows, making Shen Ji's vision faintly visible.

Thinking that it was this boy who saved his cub, He Yitong couldn't sit still and greet him.

She stood up, straightened her skirt, stepped forward seriously and held Shen Ji's hand: "Hello."

It was clearly "Hello", but she said "Thank you".

(End of this chapter)

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