The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 932 He Is A Superfluous Person

Chapter 932 He Is A Superfluous Person

Yu Mingxi smiled a little embarrassedly, and tried to speak for Yu Yingze, but... with his grades on display, it seemed that he couldn't open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Usually, Yu Yingze's grades are around ten or twenty in the class, but now he suddenly said that he wanted to be in the top five in the exam, not to mention Yu Mingxi didn't believe it, and Yu Jinxiao didn't believe it either.

But since he wants to go so much, and he only needs to ask for half a day off...then go ahead.

"Dad! Please take a long time!" Yu Yingze ran to his father, grabbed his cuff and began to act like a baby.

He looks cool on weekdays, but he has also learned this killer trick.

"Well, half a day please."


Both Da Zai Zai and Er Zai Zai can go to Zai Zai's performance, but what about her?He Yitong felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, why did no one invite her to watch it together! ! !
She can't bring it up by herself, can she?

"If you bring it up yourself, the progress will be deducted." The system's voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

He Yitong clenched his fingers under the table, and stared at the dinner plate with sharp and terrifying eyes, as if he was a cat in a state of hunting.

It's just that she didn't let others see all this.

"Ma Ma~" Zai Zai, who was originally sitting opposite her, suddenly walked up to her, and even grabbed He Yitong's clothes, "Would you like to come and see Yuan Yuan's performance?"

Sure enough, she still has to rely on her little cub! ! !
He Yitong slowly raised his head, pretending to be surprised to look at Xiao Douding next to him, and pretending that he didn't know whether to agree or not.

As expected of an actress, the state she showed has several layers, and no one could see that she was actually looking forward to watching the show.

Yu Mingxi heard Yu Yuanyuan begging, and also helped to speak: "Yes, Mom, let's go together, it will be fun."

"Go, go." Yu Yingze also followed suit.

He Yitong pretended not to know whether to agree or not, and looked at Yu Jinxiao who was sitting diagonally opposite, as if hesitating, but in fact, her heart was already so excited that it seemed like fireworks had exploded.

"Go, let's go together as a family." Yu Jinxiao didn't use a tough attitude to force her, his seemingly indifferent tone seemed to be a trick, so He Yitong had to agree.

Especially since she was super invincible and wanted to go.

"Well, let's go." After pretending to agree calmly, the moment He Yitong lowered his head to eat, the corners of his mouth secretly moved.

It was the first time to perform in the kindergarten, and the whole family came to cheer for it. Xiao Zaizai was full of expectations for Friday, and even more energetic during the rehearsal.

There are too many uncontrollable factors in the children's performance, but after repeated practice during this period, Teacher Su feels that everyone's performance is very good.

Seeing that the performance was about to be performed the next day, Mr. Su asked all the children to rehearse completely again. The process was very successful without any mistakes.

"Everyone, don't be nervous when performing tomorrow, just think about it like the usual rehearsal." Teacher Su clapped his hands and cheered up all the children, "Let's work hard together!"

"come on!"

"Come on!" Yu Yuanyuan also mingled in the crowd and shouted loudly.

Thinking that Ba Ba Ma Ma and her brothers would come to see the performance tomorrow, Yu Yuanyuan was so happy that she went home and sat in the car humming.

Gao Zhou originally wanted to watch the performance, but...Mr. Yu won't let him be the driver tomorrow, huh.

A family of five happens to be in one car, without his place, he is a superfluous person.

But Gao Zhou secretly planned that he could stand outside the fence and take a peek at it!

He was tall anyway, so he might be able to see something.

(End of this chapter)

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