Chapter 936
"Susu!" Yu Yuanyuan stood in front of the security booth, raised her head politely, "Yuanyuan...doesn't have a school badge, can...can I go in?"

The security guard had just finished checking the last person, and when he lowered his head, seeing Yu Yuanyuan's cute outfit, he immediately narrowed his eyes with laughter: "Yuanyuan forgot to bring the school badge?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Xiao Zai Zai clasped his hands, his head seemed to be lowered, but his eyes kept sneaking at Uncle Security.

"It's okay, of course uncle remembers Yuanyuan, let's go in! But don't forget next time!" After the security uncle finished speaking, an orange cat's head popped out of the window and gave a soft "meow".

"Hello, Daju~" Xiao Zaizai gestured for Baba and his brothers to go over, and at the same time raised his hand to greet Daju.

"Hey, your clothes are so pretty." Daju lazily basked in the sun.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't expect Miaomiao to praise herself, her little face turned red: "Hey hey, thank you Daju~"

There is a large flow of people in the kindergarten today, and it is easy to mix in some people with malicious intentions.

Uncle Security dutifully checks the school badges of every child, in order not to let people who shouldn't get in get mixed in.

But Yu a special case.

Her father... is also a special case.

Who doesn't know such a cute and cute little boy?And her father, who doesn't know?

Besides, even Daju knew her.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao walked into the kindergarten with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, he attracted many people's attention.

Did this big family save the earth in their previous life?
The appearance from big to small can be called the ceiling.

Yu Jinxiao has a tall and straight figure, handsome and cold face, he is an existence that will attract people's attention no matter where he puts it; He Yitong specially wore a cashmere woolen skirt today, a khaki suit with light makeup, but he doesn't look as royal as she is on the screen Sister, the gentle breath flows between the eyebrows and eyes.

The two little boys on the left and the right are also wearing suits of different colors today. They are not tall, but they give off a high-spirited and noble feeling.

The clothes of this big family are very eye-catching, but no one thinks that this outfit is too "excessive". Probably this is the aura of the rich, which will make everyone who sees them feel that everything is normal.

The performance hall of the kindergarten is full of people.

Yu Jinxiao took the whole family to occupy a good seat in the front, which happened to be able to see the stage.

The kindergarten does not deliberately arrange seats according to the identity of the parents, first come, first served, and does not want to put unnecessary pressure on children and parents.

Not long after, Gu Jingye also arrived with his wife and Gu Beiyan, and Wen Ting also brought his wife and Wen Zifei to the stage.

They all changed into their performance costumes, Wen Zifei was full of air, and Gu Beiyan was a little embarrassed.

"Beiyan~~Zifei~~" Yu Zai Yuanyuan saw them and waved hello.

Today's performance is not only for the second class, but for all the kindergarten classes to perform together.

Singing, dancing, reciting...

Almost everyone's programs are different.

But the most anticipated one is of course Snow White from Yu Yuanyuan's class.

Because as soon as she stepped into the school, many parents caught their children and asked: "Which class is this kid? So cute! Do you want to perform?"

Over time, almost all the parents present knew that the second class would perform the story of Snow White.

Chu Qi was the last one to come.

Only the nanny and aunt accompanied her, not her parents, but she seemed to be used to such a scene long ago, and she didn't have too much expectation on her face.

Yu Yuanyuan smelled Chu Qi's smell, and immediately went to look for her with her skirt.

"Qiqi~Qiqi~~" The little ball rolled in front of her, and even Chu Qi's eyes were dazzled by that beautiful dress.

(End of this chapter)

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