The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 941 Not as Scary as You Think

Chapter 941 Not as Scary as You Think

How come no one notified him in advance of such a big thing?It was actually Yu Yuanyuan who called!
If it wasn't for the fact that Yuanyuan was reliable, He Chen would really suspect that she was talking nonsense.

"Director Xie, can't you make a joke? Really? Show up as a guest?" He Chen still had a little hope.

If it's just a certain environment, he can bear it. As long as he doesn't have too much contact, he won't make mistakes.

Xie Xin's voice sounded more sinister than ever before: "It's a guest, but we have to record the whole episode together."

"Thank you, I want to ask for leave."

"You are dreaming."


He Chen's whole body is not well.

At the beginning, after he knew that Yu Yuanyuan was Yu Jinxiao's daughter, he was so scared that he almost couldn't sleep at night, and finally he was convinced by Yuanyuan's cuteness.

I believe others are similar.

Now it is suddenly necessary to capture Yu Jinxiao himself for filming, at least two days and one night.

After staying with someone like Yu Jinxiao for two days and one night, is he still alive?

He Chen even imagined that he had offended him, and before the recording was over that day, he was arrested by Yu Jinxiao and sent to Shen Hai.

Trembling, he forgot when he hung up Xie Xin's call.

Even in the film crew, surrounded by people coming and going, He Chen felt that the surrounding temperature seemed to be extremely freezing.

He Yitong, who had just finished filming a scene, was about to go to the waiting room, when he looked up, he saw He Chen's frightening white face.

It looked as if he had seen something terrible, which scared his soul away.

Following He Chen's dazed direction, He Yitong looked at it for a long time, but didn't find any scary scenes.

Could it be... he saw something that others couldn't see?

He Yitong was very courageous, she was more curious than fearful about such things, she tiptoed forward and patted He Chen on the shoulder: "Hey, what's wrong with you? You look so scary."

He Chen felt a sudden sensation in his shoulder, trembling in fright, and turned his head weakly: "Sister Tong!"

I don't know why, when he saw He Yitong now, he felt that she was so gentle, so kind, and she was a caring big sister.

Probably there is a more terrifying comparison in my heart.

"What's wrong with you? Something's wrong, why is your face getting paler and paler??" He Yitong vaguely felt that something was wrong, since she and He Chen had been filming for so long, she had never seen him like this.

He Chen held back for a long time, and finally hugged his head and hummed: "Yuanyuan called me just now and said... About the recording of the next episode, Yu Jin... Her father is going too!"

That's it.

He Yitong's worried expression instantly subsided, and he frowned at him, as if looking at a worthless fool: "What's wrong?"

"He... he... hey!"

Although it was the early stage, He Chen couldn't say bad things in front of others.

After holding back for a long time, I could only swallow the words that came to my mouth.

How could He Yitong not understand his point? She understood it too well.

In the world in this book, everyone is afraid of the cold and violent character of Da Heizi. Even before she reunites with him, she is a little worried that the strangeness in him will make her unacceptable.

But after getting along with him a few times before, He Yitong felt... Isn't this the big sunspot in her memory?

Such a cute big sunspot, what is there to be afraid of!

The rumors outside can really cover up the truth.

"It's okay, Yu Jinxiao..." He Yitong wanted to comfort him, but when the words came to his lips, he thought of his character design, and choked out a few words, "It's not as scary as you think."

(End of this chapter)

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