The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 943 I Have a Bad Premonition

Chapter 943 I Have a Bad Premonition

Today's cub was carried out of the car by Yu Jinxiao.

After getting out of the car, she began to look around for He Chen.

But He Chen seemed to have disappeared. She searched all the people nearby, but she couldn't find them.

The tip of the little nose sniffed...

Brother He Chen's smell is nearby!

"What are you looking for?" Yu Jinxiao saw what that Zhangwang's little head was looking for, and shook her, turning that little head in a different direction.

"I haven't seen Brother Haoyi. In the past, Brother Haoyi would come to pick up Yuanyuan."

Yu Jinxiao didn't answer, he probably knew why He Chen didn't take the initiative to show up this time, it should be because of him.

One after another other parents also arrived.

The theme of this issue is that all parents of children must participate, and all the parents who come are fathers.

"Mr. Yu." Xie Xin saw him at a glance and came over to say hello.

Yu Jinxiao nodded, his gaze remained indifferent.

"Notify everyone to gather at the recording point." Xie Xin greeted the staff, and personally led Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan towards a certain direction.

The further he went, the more ominous Yu Jinxiao had a premonition.

what's the situation? ?

Why are there all sports equipment here, it looks weird.

Yu Jinxiao looked down at the suit on his body, and felt something was wrong in his heart.

But Xie Xin just smiled mysteriously, without explaining the use of these things.

In front of the background board of the program group, Yu Yuanyuan finally saw He Chen.

"Brother delicious!" Xiao Zai Zai, like a small fish, began to struggle in Ba Ba's arms.

Yu Jinxiao was forced to put the little glutinous rice balls on the ground, allowing her to play around.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was walking on small steps, ran fast, and threw herself on He Chen's leg: "Brother delicious~~ Did you bring some delicious food for Yuanyuan?"

As soon as they met, they ate, as expected of Yuanyuan Cub.

Obviously, the recording of the show hadn't started yet, but He Chen's forehead seemed to be sweating.

He didn't hug Yu Yuanyuan up as usual, but knelt down and lowered his voice to her submissively: "Yuanyuan, I did, quiet."

After all, He Chen quietly glanced at Yu Jinxiao's direction, his eyes full of hints.

Yu Yuanyuan understood in seconds, and immediately covered her mouth and nodded obediently.

Just when the two were whispering, Yu Jinxiao had already walked behind them, and He Chen could feel a cool feeling even without looking.

At this time, there is no way to retreat, but... to face reality!
He Chen lowered his head and grinned ahead of time, then suddenly got up and nodded to Yu Jinxiao: "Mr. Yu, hello!"

"Hello," Yu Jinxiao's voice was cold, and He Chen's heart tightened when he heard it, "Before... I have troubled you by taking care of Yu Yuanyuan."

What a fat thing this cold and polite tone is!

He Chen was even prepared to be ignored by him, but Yu Jinxiao was so polite, which made him at a loss.

"No, no, Yuanyuan is very obedient and very obedient." The tone was polite, but what He Chen said was the truth.

That's because the show hasn't aired yet. If Yu Jinxiao watched the show, he would probably know that he is just a leg pendant of Yu Yuanyuan.

Every game depends on her to win.

"Hey hey hey~~" Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be praising her, shaking her small body happily.

"Hello everyone!" Xie Xin's words attracted everyone's attention, and all the shots had already started shooting.

Many pairs of eyes were looking at Xie Xin, and the parents didn't even have time to say hello.

"Today's game is very special, and I'm honored to invite the fathers of all the little guests to participate!" After saying that, Xie Xin showed a smirk, "Today's theme is... the National Games."

(End of this chapter)

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