The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 950 Listen, listen, is this a human chapter?

Chapter 950 Listen, listen, is this human?
Yu Jinxiao still folded his hands and looked at Xiao Tangyuan from a high angle: "So, so what if you lose?"

"Karma?" His big black eyes were full of confusion, as if he was asked this question all at once.

After spending a short time with Yu Jinxiao, He Chen guessed that he was not the type to comfort others.

From the time he got off the car, he was cold and cold, like an ice cube just taken out of the freezer.

"Yuanyuan..." He Chen stroked her head, racking his brains to find some words of comfort.

But... But the facts are there, if Yu Yuanyuan is really the slowest one, they will lose indeed!

It seemed that no matter what excuses they made, Yu Yuanyuan could not "win".

"If you lose... you will lose..." Xiao Zai Zai was already confused, "There may be punishment."

That's right, if you lose, you may be punished. Didn't you always choose a place to live based on your ranking before?

This time it was Baba who came to record with her, Yu Zaizai didn't want to lose, and he didn't want Baba to live in a pigsty because he lost.

Yu Jinxiao, who had been standing upright all this time, squatted down, raised his hand and patted the hairy head: "Then think about it carefully, will you die if you lose?"

"No way."

"Will there be less meat?"

"Also... no way."

"Then it's over? If you lose, you lose. The game is either lost or won. No one can win forever." Yu Jinxiao didn't have much confidence when he said this.

According to his past experience, whether Yu Yuanyuan will lose is still unknown.

It's just that she will be frustrated later, so I need to help her get rid of her little emotions that care too much about winning or losing.

"But in case of punishment...what should I do," Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head aggrievedly, and moaned, "Yuanyuan doesn't want to be punished."

He Chen smiled wryly.

The only thing that Yuanyuan God cares about is his father, and he is not worried about him being punished at all.

"But I won just now." Yu Jinxiao raised his palm to signal the shot put field before, "I shouldn't punish me, only you."

Listen, listen, is this human speech?
He Chen weakly looked around, the other parents were encouraging the children, saying that it doesn't matter if you lose, blah blah blah.

And Yu Jinxiao's logic is not the logic of ordinary people.

But Yu Yuanyuan was really fooled, her eyes gradually enlarged: "You really won't punish Baba?"

"If you want to punish you, I can accompany you, so the punishment will become very easy," Yu Jinxiao's seemingly indifferent face was actually a little more gentle, the big palm gently touched the small head, and even the expression in his eyes It also seems to be a different person, "There is nothing to worry about, you are just playing games with everyone."

"Okay... okay!" Although some words were not easy to understand, Yu Zaizai suddenly had bright eyes and stood up straight with his small body.

The little guy, who was still depressed, immediately picked up the skipping rope and practiced happily.

It's time for 20 minutes of practice.

The five "competitors" were lined up, and a staff member counted them individually in front of each of them.

"ready, go!"

With a password, everyone threw themselves into the rope skipping race against time.

Wen Ai and Jian Yiran are adults, the number of jumps they have to divide by 3, if they jump 60 times a minute, divided by 3 is 2, they may still lose to children.

The two adults did not dare to take it lightly.

Ling Zi and Su Zhirui also worked hard.

Su Zhirui mechanically maintained the movements of throwing the rope and jumping, and Ling Zi also maintained a certain frequency.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter erupted from the crowd, and almost all those who laughed out looked in the same direction——Yu Yuanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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