The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 958 The Big Devil and the Little Devil Are Coming

Chapter 958 The Big Devil and the Little Devil Are Coming

The small body trembled, and after grabbing Baba's trouser legs, he dared to turn his head to look.

Ah, it was Qiu Yang's father who was staring at her.

That look was fierce, as if the eyeballs were about to fall out.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scary.

Yu Jinxiao followed Xiao Zai Zai's line of sight and saw Qiu Yang Ba Ba who was still staring at him.

Holding Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, he advances instead of retreating.

Probably because he didn't expect Yu Jinxiao to come forward, Qiu Yang's father suddenly put on a smile: "Mr. Yu, hello."

"Director Qiu, have you complained about your body recently?" Yu Jinxiao patted Yu Yuanyuan's back, as if comforting a little cat lying in his arms.

He Chen, who smelled the smell of gunpowder, didn't go up to join in the fun. His position is really not suitable for participating.

"Ah?" Director Qiu was stunned by this question.

"I see that something is wrong with your eyes. You have been staring at Yu Yuanyuan just now, as if they are about to bulge out. Would you like me to contact a doctor for you?"

Only then did Director Qiu understand what he meant!
It turned out to be hurting people secretly!
Others say that Yu Jinxiao has a bad temper, and he has a very irritable personality, but judging by his current aggressive doesn't seem to be related to "temper".

It's just that his seemingly euphemistic swearing skills made Director Qiu feel angry in an instant.

"I'm in good health, so I don't need Mr. Yu to worry about it." Director Qiu responded with a smile, and immediately dragged Qiu Yang to change places.

"Baba, why does that uncle stare at Yuanyuan like that? He...he is trying to bully Yuanyuan!" Yu Zaizai held his face in horror, his little furry head poked around around Yu Jinxiao's neck.

The hairy head scratched his skin very itchy, and his handsome face couldn't help frowning.

"You are such a small one, it's not enough for the whole family to eat." Yu Jinxiao deliberately frightened her.

"Does that... mean you don't know how to eat?" The little guy held his head and asked tremblingly.

"It means not enough to eat."


He Chen slowly moved to their side, after all, they were in a team, it's not good for him to fall too far alone.

Hearing Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan's joking tone, he felt in a daze that... this Mr. Yu is quite funny.

Yuanyuan is so interesting, is it because Yu Jinxiao is also an interesting person?

And looking at the way he yelled at Qiu Tyrannosaurus just now, he was restrained and introverted, not at all like in the legend!
Could it be... I was deceived, right?

It seems that Sister Tong also said that Yu Jinxiao is not like him.

"Everyone can take a break. We have prepared some snacks and drinks here."

Considering that today's recording is basically physical work, Xie Xin specially arranged a rest session.

Looking at the tables of snacks that suddenly appeared in front of him, Yu Yuanyuan's eyes gradually enlarged, and he even smelled the aroma of fruit juice, hissing.

"Yuanyuan wants to get something to eat!" Yu Zaizai raised his paw and pointed, impatient to move out.

In consideration of the children's height, the program team specially used small low tables for the convenience of their self-help. Even Yu Yuanyuan's height is no problem to operate.

It is only convenient to take food if you have to trouble the adults to squat down.

Xiao Zai Zai, who had been spitting for a long time, trotted forward all the way, just picked up the plate and tongs, when the previous terrible feeling suddenly appeared beside him.

The little guy raised his head tremblingly, and saw Qiu Yang and Qiu Yang's father staring at her with their heads buried in their heads.

oops!The big devil and the little devil are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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