The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 960 Others are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him

Chapter 960 Others are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him
Qiu Yang's words shouldn't be believed, but Yu Yuanyuan still couldn't help thinking about it.

It seems... makes sense!
There are so many big black cannons here, if he does something bad, he will be photographed immediately!
Qiu Yang probably didn't dare.

Not knowing whether to make excuses for the food, or to believe Qiu Yang's words, Yu Zaizai swallowed: "Okay, just...hold the claws, so that Yuanyuan can eat them?"

"Hold once, give me one," Qiu Yang rolled his eyes, and then changed his words cunningly, "here are 8, hold eight times and all of them will be yours."

"Wow, wow." Yu Yuanyuan couldn't wait to agree.

Yu Jinxiao, who was resting by the side, has been observing Xiao Zai Zai and Qiu Yang. If Qiu Yang has any bad behavior, he will go up and stop it immediately.

Before that, he was more curious about what Yu Yuanyuan was doing.

He Chen, who was aggressively going up to scold others, was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw Yu Yuanyuan raised his small round claws to shake Qiu Yang's hand, then forked up the takoyaki on his plate and took a bite.

Shake hands again and eat again.

He Chen stayed where he was, just watching Yu Yuanyuan eat up all the takoyaki.

"Yuanyuan..." He Chen was so shocked that he lost his voice.

What is this?Are you funny cat?
Squeeze the pads for those who stutter, and then squeeze the pads for those who stutter.

"Wow, it's delicious, it's delicious!" Happy Zai Zai's eyes were narrowed into slits, and his little expression was full of satisfaction.

Qiu Yang looked at the empty plate, and the corner of his mouth also grinned with a purposeful smile.

It's just that He Chen doesn't understand, what is his purpose, is it to... pinch Yu Yuanyuan's claws?To tease her?

He Chen couldn't understand it.

"It's over, Yuanyuan... hiccup, I'm going to get some juice." Xiao Zaizai patted his stomach contentedly, got up and walked towards the food area.

Qiu Yang immediately put the empty plate aside, put his hands in his pockets, and turned happily——

Oh, dad is looking at him fiercely.

"What were you doing just now? I brought you takoyaki specially, why did you feed it to Yu Yuanyuan?" Qiu Yang was questioned by his father as soon as he walked over.

The fierce father didn't even dare to offend Qiu Yang's bad temper.

The little tyrannosaurus and the big tyrannosaurus, Qiu Yang never dared to confront his father when his mother was not around.

Because no one can speak for him.

" don't understand!" Qiu Yang wanted to explain, but he knew that his father would not believe it, so it was useless to say it.

Hearing his son's tone, Director Qiu snorted and said, "I don't understand? Could I be stupider than you? Don't think that there is any benefit in currying favor with Yu Jinxiao's daughter. You are my son, and you don't need to do this kind of boring work." It's superfluous."

"Ah?" Qiu Yang, a little friend who doesn't know who Yu Jinxiao is and has nothing to curry favor with.

"Oh, others are afraid of him, but I'm not afraid of him." Director Qiu glanced at the other side with disdain.

Qiu Yang didn't care what the adults thought, he just wanted to win, and wanted to borrow some of Yu Yuanyuan's "luck" so that he could win the next round.

But just when he was full of fighting spirit and ready to fight, Xie Xin suddenly announced: "This morning's recording is here temporarily, please come with me, lunch is ready."

isn't it? ? ?
He managed to hold Yu Yuanyuan's hand. If he didn't start the game right away, wouldn't the "lucky" become less and less, and it would be gone after a while?
(End of this chapter)

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