The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 963 Do You Mean Eight Less?

Chapter 963 Do You Mean Eight Less?
He Chen faltered and wanted to find an excuse to explain, but he stuttered for a long time and couldn't even hold back a fart.

"Have you ever heard of my nickname?" Yu Jinxiao asked suddenly.

The unexpected question brought back He Chen's desire to survive, and He Chen quickly replied: "No... Really not."

"Well, it seems that I'm not very scary." Yu Jinxiao glanced at Qiu Yang's father at the other table, "At least I don't have the nickname 'Tyrannosaurus'."

"Hahahaha." He Chen laughed again.

But as soon as the laughter sounded, he immediately stopped, and timidly glanced towards Yu Jinxiao.

After feeling the trembling eyes, Yu Jinxiao glanced at him coldly: "If you want to laugh, just think, can I strangle you to death?"

"Haha, haha." He Chen laughed like he was crying now.

Sometimes he feels that Yu Jinxiao is quite funny, but when he thinks of his past reputation, He Chen feels uneasy.

Could it be that Yu Jinxiao is not like those people... said?
Judging from his attitude towards Yu Yuanyuan, it can be seen that he loves Yuanyuan very much, and he is a father who can take care of his cubs. He is definitely not the type who just throws the child to the servant and ignores it completely.

It's just, can people really change so much in a short period of time?

Or is it that the things in the previous rumors were all misunderstandings and falsehoods?

He Chen's heart was in a mess, two thoughts were competing to fight each other, but there was no result or conclusion.

To be on the safe side, he still can't relax too much, if he makes Yu Jinxiao unhappy, it will be over.

Maybe his career was completely ruined because of one sentence, and maybe he would never be able to appear in the entertainment industry for the rest of his life, and his whole life could only end in a daze.

"Quack quack, it's delicious, Yuanyuan wants to have another bowl of rice~" Yu Yuanyuan's laughter suddenly sounded from the opposite table, interrupting He Chen's thoughts.

Um?Yu Yuanyuan had already had dinner here just now, and she still wants to eat? ?
It's no wonder Yu Jinxiao was worried about this appetite, he was even scared.

"Yu Yuanyuan, how many bowls have you eaten?" Yu Jinxiao finished his meal and went to the next table to monitor Yu Yuanyuan's food intake.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zai Zai hesitated, just didn't say how much he ate.

He Chen also leaned over and asked, "Since Yuanyuan sat here, how many bowls have you eaten?"

"I've eaten a bowl!" Su Zhirui hurriedly replied, "Yuanyuan said she wants to eat another bowl."

If you really want to eat another bowl, isn't that three bowls? ? ?

When recording programs with He Chen in the past, He Chen probably let her eat one to three bowls, and according to the portion of the dishes, maybe reminding Yu Yuanyuan that it was about the same.

But today before lunch, Yu Yuanyuan still ate so many dim sum.

Especially the takoyaki on the side, He Chen watched her googling and eating them one by one!
"Don't eat any more. You just ate 9 takoyaki, and you already ate a bowl of rice when you sat over there. You came over and ate another bowl. That's 9 takoyaki plus two bowls of rice, not counting." How much food did you eat!" Yu Jinxiao's face was cold, his expression seemed to be scheming with a little kid, but inside and out he was worried about her belly.

Yu Yuanyuan was a bit reluctant to put down the spoon, and lowered her head a little: "No, Yuanyuan only ate eight."

"You mean eight is less?"

" doesn't seem to be much." As he spoke, he buried his head a little lower.

There were many people sitting around, listening to the conversation between Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao, they gradually found a way.

First, Yu Yuanyuan did eat too much, Yu Jinxiao didn't mean to murder her, nor did he mean to deprive her of food.

Second, the completely different painting styles of the father and daughter are put together, it's's funny.

(End of this chapter)

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