The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 996 Happy Meow Meow, Depressed Sigh

Chapter 996 Happy Meow Meow, Depressed Sigh
Shen Ji was a little astonished, it sounded like Yu Jinxiao had already guessed his purpose.

After closing the door, Shen Ji slowly walked up to Yu Jinxiao.

Before he could speak hastily, the man opposite raised his chin and signaled, "Sit down."

Shen Ji sat on the sofa at the side, seemed to be typing in his mind for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "My hands are almost healed, and I plan to move back home next Monday."

In Shen Ji's heart, no matter who he was injured by, the Yu family has done enough for him.

He doesn't want to disturb everyone here anymore.

"If you want to go back, I won't stop you," Yu Jinxiao deliberately raised his head to look into Shen Ji's eyes when he was speaking, and stopped what he was doing, "However, I hope you think clearly about the consequences of this to you." impact in the future."

"I've consulted with the doctor and I can't touch the water for two days, after that it will be fine."

Seeing that Shen Ji had made up his mind, Yu Jinxiao didn't say anything to persuade him to stay.

Letting Shen Ji stay at the beginning was also to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, but now Shen Ji has his own plans, and he will not make things difficult for the parties involved.

"You need to talk to Yuanyuan about this."

"I see."

After leaving the study, Shen Ji looked at the study room in the distance, frowning slightly.

These days at Yu's house were the most peaceful and happiest days in his life.

This kind of happiness even gave him the idea of ​​not wanting to leave.

But this is still not his home, and indulging in this fragile happiness will not let him get rid of the current situation.

If you want to be able to grasp everything you want in the future, you should become the strongest person who is invulnerable and ignores all injuries.

Yu Yuanyuan was also taken back to the room by Aunt Chen to take a shower and change clothes.

Shen Ji didn't bother him for the time being, and read a book alone in the room.

It didn't take long before there was a sound like a small animal's flesh pad stepping on the ground outside, and a small head suddenly arched into the door.

The head had already entered the door, and the little claw began to knock on the door: "What is brother Shen Ji doing?"

"I'm reading a book, what's the matter with Yuanyuan?" Shen Ji put down the book, the sun shone on his back, leaving a clear contrast between light and darkness on that face.

"Yuanyuan has nothing to do, so she came to look for Shen Ji's brother Wan~"

The little guy raised his head and looked at people with such sincerity at all times that Shen Ji didn't know how to explain to her about going home.

No matter how long it took, sooner or later he would have to tell Yuanyuan, Shen Ji hesitated for a while, and stopped the little guy who was walking around in the room.

"Yuanyuan~ I have something to tell you." Shen Ji looked very serious, even a little serious, "Do you have time now?"

Xiao Zai Zai, who was affected by the atmosphere, nodded, obediently came to Shen Ji, and raised his feet: "Yes, yes, what does brother Shen Ji want to say?"

"Yuanyuan, I plan to go home from next Monday."

The raised head was originally focused on looking at Shen Ji, but the small head seemed to take time to digest his words, and the small face gradually collapsed in sadness.

"Brother Shen Ji wants a fat family?" The little claws placed on both sides slowly stretched out, grabbing Shen Ji's cuff, "Yuanyuan is reluctant to part with Brother Shen~"

"I just live at home, and I still have to come to tutor Yuanyuan every day," Shen Ji rubbed his little head to comfort him, "It's still the same as before."

"Hey." The happy meow who was still chirping just now sighed depressedly.

(End of this chapter)

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