The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 998 I suspect someone did it on purpose

Chapter 998 I suspect someone did it on purpose

Yu Yingze took out his mobile phone and showed Shen Ji a Weibo.

Curious Meow, Yuanyuan, also poked her head to read, but she couldn't understand a single word: "What is written here?"

Shen Ji quickly scanned the words, it looked like a gossip posted by a passer-by, but every word had a meaning.

The content of Weibo is that someone asked Qiu Yang's father - shouldn't Qiu Ruitian participate in the recording of the program group?How could it appear elsewhere?
On the surface, he was curious about Qiu Ruitian's situation, but when he clicked on the comment section, the painting styles were all developing in a certain direction.

"Did something happen during recording?"

"It seems that Yu Jinxiao was also there during the recording. Could it be that the two have conflicts?"

"What?! Is Yu Yuanyuan really Yu Jinxiao's daughter?"

"Upstairs, you are too late to be aware of it. There have been a lot of rumors about this matter."

Many people were discussing about Qiu Ruitian, but in the end they slowly turned the topic to Yu Jinxiao. This group of people seemed to be on the scene of the show.

"It's definitely not a coincidence," Shen Ji looked away, glanced at Xiao Zai Zai secretly from the corner of his eye, and didn't make his words too clear, "It should be intentional."

"I think so too. They obviously want to bring rhythm." Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze agreed with him.

With rhythm?What is rhythm?
Yu Yuanyuan lay on Shen Ji's arm and turned her head: "Is the horse with rhythm?"

After naive questions sounded, the sound of serious discussion stopped abruptly.

After a while, Yu Yingze stiffly explained: "It's just... yo! yo! Check! This way..."

"Oh~~~~Yuanyuan understands!"

You... what do you know?
Do you understand the nonsense?

Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi changed the topic and chatted about gossip on the Internet, but didn't specifically talk about Yu Jinxiao.

The cubs are still too young, they don't want the naive little guy to know some not-so-sunny things.

Yu Jinxiao in the study was checking the documents that he hadn't read urgently in the past two days, when the phone rang suddenly.

It was Xie Xin who called.


"Mr. Yu, have you seen that Weibo?"

That Weibo?Which Weibo?
Yu Jinxiao is not a child with Internet addiction, and he doesn't spend all his time on the Internet. When he heard Xie Xin say that, he immediately had a bad feeling.

Every time he is mentioned on the Internet, it is definitely not a good thing.

"I forwarded the WeChat message to you, take a look." Xie Xin didn't hang up the phone, and planned to wait for Yu Jinxiao to read the link he sent before continuing the discussion.

One of the microblogs was the one that Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi saw, but Xie Xin sent two other things that they hadn't found yet.

One is that Yu Jinxiao bullied others during the recording of the program, and Qiu Ruitian, who pursued fairness, had a conflict. As a result, no one dared to offend the evil party, forcing Qiu Ruitian, the righteous party, to stop recording on the spot.

The other one is related to Yu Yuanyuan.

Weibo wrote a long one, saying that Yu Yuanyuan is very naughty, she often makes trouble in the program group, everyone has a headache, bullies other children, and even kicked Qiu Yang.

After reading the content of Weibo, Yu Jinxiao's face became darker and darker, and even his voice sank: "I've finished reading it."

As soon as Xie Xin heard the voice, he knew that the situation was not good: "I suspect that someone did it on purpose, as if to lead some public opinion."

Even if he didn't say it clearly, Xie Xin's words almost gave "Qiu Ruitian" a confession.

The show hasn't been released yet, and the shooting location is closed. There are no passers-by or audience, only staff and guests.

The only thing Xie Xin thought of might be Qiu Ruitian.

(End of this chapter)

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