Fuyun Wangfu: Reborn 1990 Little Hot Wife

Chapter 101 The clothing store was smashed again

Chapter 101 The clothing store was smashed again

Quiet was extremely helpless, the drool all over her face made her speechless, so she quickly dissuaded her: "Sister Xiuxia, let's not get excited, we will definitely earn more money in the future than now, calm down! Calm down! "

Zhang Xiuxia immediately let go of Quiet, and her confidence doubled: "You are right, I will make more money in the future!"

Jing Jing left the wages of the workers and the bonuses to be paid and asked Xiuxia to help them distribute them. She pushed the bicycle away from the store and rode towards the bank. If you save it, you don't need to make another trip.

Once when cleaning, she found that there was a hole under the bed that could be opened and closed. This bed was bought from second-hand furniture, and it should be used by a certain man to hide his private money.

But it was convenient for her. If the passbook hadn't been placed there, it would have been taken away by her mother-in-law long ago.

As soon as I arrived at the bank gate, someone greeted me: "Ms. Chen, are you here to save money?"

Quietly nodded, feeling a little strange, how did the other party know that her surname was Chen?

What An Jing didn't know was that she was already treated as a VIP in this bank. As long as she worked in this bank, there was no one who didn't know Chen An Jing, and even if she didn't know her, she had heard of it.

Quietly finished depositing the money and came out of the bank, the strange feeling in my heart not only did not diminish, but became more intense.

Do banks now have the awareness to regard customers as God?

But it didn't turn out like this the last few times I came here. Could it be because she saved a little too much money?
This is the only explanation I can think of.

Sure enough, money is really a good thing, and strangers can look at you high.

An Jing bought a la carte and took it home, picked out a piece of good pork belly and a bag of candies, and knocked on Xiaohua's sister-in-law's door.

The door opened from the inside in less than three seconds, and Xu Xiaohua showed a smiling face. She knew that An Jing was here to check out and give away bonuses.

She is used to it. Every time a batch of goods is finished, Jing Jing will always bring things and deliver the money in person.

Probably this time too.

As soon as Jing Jing sat down, she handed over 150 yuan. Xu Xiaohua hesitated and accepted it. She had known Jing Jing's temper several times.

An Jing is willing to give, that is what she deserves.

You don't have to refuse too much, it's embarrassing, it's better to work hard to repay the quiet.

An Jing left Xiaohua's sister-in-law's house, and she knew how much she would give. No matter which batch of goods, Xiaohua's sister-in-law made more than anyone else, and the quality was guaranteed.

Even if she was given a vacation, she would still make clothes when she was free, let alone being lazy, so An Jing felt that the money was worth it.

She will not treat anyone who works hard.

Quiet was resting at home that day, and was woken up by the sound upstairs.

In broad daylight, it seemed that someone was arguing, and the quarreling was particularly fierce.

It's just that the voice sounded a little familiar, and after listening to a few quiet words, I could clearly hear the owner of the voice——Li Xiuxiu!

An Jing lay back on the bed and put on the quilt again, but still couldn't block the sound from upstairs, so she had no choice but to lift off the quilt, put on a cotton coat, and opened the window to listen to a few words.

It turned out that Wang Aiguo's parents came to ask about Li Xiuxiu's infertility, but for some reason they quarreled with Li Xiuxiu.

According to Li Xiuxiu's behavior in front of Wang Aiguo's parents, there should be no quarrel.

An Jing got the answer in the next second: Wang Aiguo's parents wanted Li Xiuxiu to divorce their son!

Just because Li Xiuxiu might not be able to have children, she was asked to divorce. These two words stimulated Li Xiuxiu's nerves, and the two sides quarreled disregarding face.

Wang Aiguo should be at work at this time, his parents probably came to Li Xiuxiu while Wang Aiguo was away.

As a responsible person like Wang Aiguo, even if Li Xiuxiu couldn't have children, he probably wouldn't divorce her.

Maybe his parents came to Li Xiuxiu alone because they knew this.

Jing Jing asked herself in her heart, are children really that important?
Is it more important than a husband and wife living a good life?

The answer she got was yes, children are indeed very important in a family, sometimes even more important than the relationship between husband and wife.

There are not a few families that divorce because the daughter-in-law cannot give birth to children, but the matter of having children cannot be entirely pushed on women.

The noise outside gradually disappeared. Wang Aiguo's parents should have left. After a while, she heard Li Xiuxiu burst into tears. She must have been very sad.

What surprised her was that the fact that Li Xiuxiu might not be pregnant was quite a secret, how could Wang Aiguo's parents know?
At noon when Li Hongyuan went home for dinner, Jing Jing didn't mention this matter.

She has always been indifferent to Li Xiuxiu and her affairs, even to the point of indifference, if not for Li Hongyuan's relationship, she would not even look at her.

An Jing rested at home for two days. She was finalizing a design draft at the desk when she heard a series of hasty knocks on the door.

Open the door and see sister Xiuxia standing at the door anxiously: "Sister Xiuxia, why are you here?"

Zhang Xiuxia took Jing Jing's hand and walked out: "Our clothing store was smashed again last night. I don't have time to tell you the details now. You can go to the store with me now. I have asked the neighbors to call the police. Now The police must have arrived."

Quiet was secretly surprised, unexpectedly, those people really didn't know how to restrain themselves, and if they didn't do it once, they would come and smash it a second time!
If the tiger doesn't show its power, it's because she is easy to bully!

"Sister Xiuxia, don't worry, didn't someone install the camera that Xu Yang brought us last time? I suspect that the people this time are the same as last time. Don't worry, they all ran away. No!" An Jing changed from her usual gentleness, and there was a hint of cruelty in her eyes.

Everything in the clothing store is designed and arranged by her, and she will never let anyone who spoils her hard work like this!

When the two returned to the store, the police had been waiting for a long time.

Quiet didn't talk nonsense, and directly brought the police to the back of sister Xiuxia's store. When installing the camera, he asked the master to put the monitor there. This is the time when it will come in handy.

Operating this kind of display is a trivial matter for An Jing, after all, the electronic products in the past are so developed, there is no one that she can't use.

But Jing Jing's hand really surprised others. This display is not very advanced and not that smart.

After a long wait, two suspicious figures finally appeared on the monitor.

Judging from their stature, they were two men. Both of them covered their faces, and only their eyes were exposed.

It's just that the figure of one of them made An Jing feel a little familiar, and she couldn't remember it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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