Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 306 The Big Villain Boss Appears

Chapter 306 The Big Villain Boss Appears
"Hmm, you're right, as the saying goes, the boat will go straight to the bridge, just go straight down!" After thinking about it, he seemed to have regained his previous vitality.

After a while, Xiao Bai suddenly felt an unfamiliar and special aura, and he instantly pricked up his ears, trying to catch subtle movements.

But no matter how hard it tried, it still couldn't find the source of that mysterious aura.

"Xiao Baibai, what happened to you just now? It feels weird." Bai Qingyue looked at it puzzled

"Baby, I'm not trying to scare you, I just felt a very special breath... It seems that someone has broken into the world of novels." Xiaobai said with a worried tone.

"Really?" Bai Qingyue's eyes widened.

"Really! And I'm sure that person is definitely not a character in the original novel world, but I can't catch a trace of that person, which makes me very headache... Logically speaking, there is nothing that can't be searched in my system, although We are in the world of fiction, and our ability is weakened, but it is not impossible to find an intruder..."

Xiaobai paused, thought for a while, and then said, "However, there is another possibility..."

"Come on, what's the possibility?" Her curiosity was completely aroused.

"Unless that person has a system like you, and a system that is more advanced and powerful than mine, if she is far stronger than me and is a super boss, then it all makes sense!"

Hearing this, she was even more confused, a little confused, "Where is this, another host with a system? Did you follow us into this book?"

"Then what was the purpose of his coming in? Was it a helper sent by the system to save us?" Bai Qingyue asked excitedly.

"Well... I don't know." Xiao Bai said honestly, "Baby, just listen to what I just said, because I have no evidence, it's all speculation... Forget it, let's not think too much about it. , go to sleep now."

"It doesn't matter what that person's identity is, as long as he doesn't affect us."

"Okay." She was persuaded by Xiao Baibai, plus she was tossing around all day, she was already sleepy, and she didn't have the energy to think wildly, so she soon fell asleep.

And Xiaobai had been hanging on her wrist, squinting slightly, ears still pricked up alertly, for fear that the mysterious intruder would threaten Bai Qingyue.

If there is an accident, it is not the opponent's opponent at all with its ability... But he is still determined to protect Xiao Yueyue with all his might.

He was fine all night, and the next morning, Bai Qingyue seemed to have forgotten what happened last night, and had breakfast with Zhang Lin and the others as if nothing had happened, without asking any more questions about Xiaobai.

After breakfast, they began to discuss countermeasures. In the afternoon, they went to the cave again, but they found nothing.

"Seeing that the time is running out, we still don't have a clue, what should we do?" Bai Leiyuan sat aside and sighed, his face very ugly.

She was also a little disheartened, but she still squeezed out a smile and comforted him: "Seventh brother, don't worry, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and there is another day tomorrow!"

"What I'm afraid of is that we haven't found the way back tomorrow..." Bai Leiyuan lowered his head, his tone extremely dejected, "I regret it very much now, if I hadn't written this novel, things wouldn't have developed into what they are now. so."

"If it's just me who wears the book, that's fine, I'm doing it myself, but I'm involving you now. If we can't go back, how should I explain to my parents, my grandparents... "

His eyes were dull and he looked a little lost, "Xiao Yueyue, I'm sorry for you..."

Bai Qing, before he had time to respond to him, Qin Yuer who was standing beside him couldn't see it.

"Can you cheer up a little bit? You look at your sister who hasn't given up. What right do you have to be depressed? It's not the end of the world, and you don't need to lose everything."

She paused and said, "You want to go back to the real world, Zhang Lin and I still want to escape from here, and no one's situation is much better than you now... Just plan for the worst, it's you here anyway. If you really can’t go back to the created world, you can barely stay here.”

"There's me and Zhang Lin here... I'm used to being a villain. People here are afraid of me and don't dare to mess with me. It's a big deal. I'll protect you. With me covering you, you and Xiao Yueyue will be safe and sound. of……"

Bai Leiyuan felt a little better, he raised his head, looked directly into Qin Yuer's dark eyes, and said softly, "Qin Yuer, thank you... I'm much better now, don't worry I won't give up easily, I I will try my best to the last minute!"

"That's good, that's the way to go!" Qin Yu'er smiled, then turned and left.

Early in the morning on the third day, Bai Leiyuan and the others got up very early. The two of them didn't say anything, but they were still uneasy, anxious and worried.

Zhang Lin and Qin Yu'er were not in good condition either. They all wanted to leave here and live a truly free life outside.

They tried many methods, but found nothing. In the end, they decided to go to the cave to guard, waiting for the opportunity that Xiao Yueyue said the Seven Stars Lianzhu appeared.

After coming to the cave, Bai Qingyue inadvertently found that the crack in the center of the cave was much larger than before, revealing a more dazzling light, and Zhang Lin on the side also found that the crack was expanding at a certain speed and became Getting bigger and bigger, it looks like a slowly opening door.

Bai Leiyuan and Qin Yu'er also discovered this scene, and they were very happy. Each of them saw hope leading to the real world.

Zhang Lin said excitedly: "Before I came here, I specially checked the weather data. There will be a spectacle of seven stars in a row around [-] o'clock tonight. It's still half an hour away, so let's wait here quietly!"

"Okay, anyway, we've waited so long, it's not too late." Qin Yu'er was no longer in a hurry.

Bai Qingyue looked at the cave from time to time, and began to fantasize about the scene where the family sat around and had a delicious meal after returning to reality.

Time passed quickly, and 25 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Everyone was very excited, as if they had the chance to win and hope was in front of them.

Suddenly, there was a harsh car whistle behind them.

"No, someone is here, everyone be careful!" Qin Yu'er turned around alertly and reminded everyone.

"This is a wilderness in the wild, how could anyone come here at such a critical time?" Zhang Lin couldn't help frowning.

Bai Qingyue even more, she had a bad feeling in her heart: someone was going to stop them.

As she expected, the person who came was Yan Yan, the ultimate boss in the novel. At this moment, he was walking leisurely from an off-road vehicle with a gun in his hand, followed by dozens of men in uniforms. , One by one looks menacing, very difficult to provoke.

"Yan Yan? What are you doing here when you have nothing to do?"

"Should I ask you this?" Yan Yan raised his eyebrows while playing with the gadgets in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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