Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 309 Hidden surprises are on the way.

Chapter 309 Hidden surprises are on the way.

And the worst character in the whole novel is the villain Yan Yan. Not only did he do a lot of evil, but in the end he reaps his own consequences. A group of people who end up miserably have no villains. The protagonists in the story, including the supporting characters, have ushered in a beautiful, warm and full of hope. ending.

However, she was still a little puzzled and looked at Xiao Baibai: "Xiao Baibai, I'm really curious about the true ending of Sister Zhang Lin and Sister Yu'er, did they escape in the end, and will they end up in the real world? "

"Well, I can't tell you, because I don't know either... You might as well ask 007, it should be clear."

Hearing this, Bai Qingyue immediately summoned 007 in her heart.

"007, I want to know how sister Zhang Lin and the others are doing?"

"Did you escape?"

"You really care about them! The seventh elder brother of your family is an ordinary person, so he doesn't remember anything about time-travel, so he just thought it was a dream that seemed like nothing, but that's okay, the more you experience, the easier it is to be sad. , forgetting and ignorance, and sometimes a kind of luck..."

"What I can tell you is that Zhang Lin and Qin Yu'er were not defeated by Yan Yan, because a mysterious person rescued them! They also successfully entered the gate of time and space, but they are only characters in the book, temporarily. Can't get into the real world."

"Then what should they do?"

"Xiao Yueyue, don't worry, they will be fine. They were fortunate enough to sign a contract with the system through this experience, and they are now lining up to cross over to the host... Then, they will come too. real world."

"Is that so, will we meet them again?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the situation. Anyway, you don't have to worry about them. They are safe and free now..."

"That's good." She couldn't help showing a happy smile on her face.

Afterwards, she paused, and then asked: "Then 007, I also want to ask you who is the mysterious woman we met in the novel world? Why did she help us?"

007 playfully sold off: "This... I can't answer you for the time being, but you will know her identity soon! Next, let me congratulate you, Xiao Yueyue, you have successfully completed seven It's a task related to my brother! Sahua!"

"Really? Great!"

But at the same time, she is still a little lost, because this time in the task in the novel world, she almost did nothing, and did not use her own skills. Although she successfully completed the task, she relied on the strength of others and her heart I was unwilling, but I also felt my own insignificance.

She realizes that even as the protagonist, she is not perfect, she is not omnipotent, she is not strong enough to protect her relatives and friends, and she still needs to grow and improve.

007 seemed to sense what she was thinking and said: "Baby, you are already very good, don't blame yourself, you have come along, it is really not easy, you are getting better and better, now your The protagonist's halo has been successfully opened for 3/4!"

"Hmm, thank you, 007."

"In order to reward you for completing seven tasks, the system specially prepared a surprise for you!"

"What surprise?" When she heard the word "surprise", her heart began to get excited again.

She wanted to be surprised the most.

"There are options for this surprise benefit, you need to choose!" 007 said with a sigh of relief.

"First, you can restore all your previous memories. After restoring your memories, you will have a mature mentality and experience far beyond ordinary people!"

"Second, you can change the system, that is, you can choose to replace Xiaobaibai. It is only an A-level system now, and it can't keep up with your rhythm. There are multiple S-level systems for you to choose!"

"Third, you have a delayed mysterious benefit, which you can't use for the time being, and unlock it when you really need it!"

After 007 finished talking about the welfare, he asked her with a smile: "How is it, do you understand? You only have one chance to choose, you can only choose from these three options!"

There was only one choice, and she really wanted to have it all.She couldn't help frowning.

And Xiao Baibai's expression next to her also became subtle, it was a little worried, but also a little nervous and uneasy.

It wanted to say something very much, but System 007 temporarily blocked its mouth, so that it could not say anything, and could not hinder Bai Qingqing from making a decision in any way, so it had to keep silent.

Bai Qingqing began to tangle in his heart.

The first benefit is all the memories that were closed by the system before unblocking. Once she recovers her memories, then she will no longer be the stupid child she used to be, but the battle-hardened, strong and brave boss Bai Qingyue is gone.

Although the feeling of becoming a boss is very enjoyable, but in this way, she is no longer so pure. With so many past memories, how can she live in the Bai family with a new identity?
Want her to pretend to be a child all the time?
Also, having recovered all her past memories, including those bad and painful ones, how could she continue to live a new life with so many memories?
No, she doesn't want to become an adult so quickly, she's not in a hurry, she's not in a hurry, she still wants to maintain her innocence and grow up slowly at the current rhythm!

In this life, being an innocent child, being spoiled by the Bai family for a lifetime, and growing up happily is the happiness she yearns for.

As for the second benefit, although Xiaobai is only an A-level system now, his words and actions are a little unreliable, but he has been conscientious and performed well along the way, always maintaining her and helping her.

Xiaobaibai also took a lot of credit for her rapid growth. Besides, it is not just a simple system. For Bai Qingyue, Xiaobaibai is not only a cute cat, but also her partner, team member and friend.

No matter how bad its aptitude is and how unreliable its words are, she will not give up on it. She will grow up with Xiao Baibai, and Xiao Baibai will continue to accompany her to overcome difficulties and move forward bravely.

She doesn't want to be separated from Xiaobaibai!
Just like that sentence said, the golden den and the silver den are not as good as your own dog kennel.

After confirming what she needed, she stroked Xiaobaibai's chin and said firmly: "007, I've decided, I'll choose the third benefit, because I don't have the benefit I need for the time being, so I'll keep it for later when I encounter problems. Bar."

"Baby, do you want to think about it again, this opportunity is rare, you have to choose carefully!" 007 wanted her to change her choice.

Bai Qingyue shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to restore my memory, it's good for me to grow up like this, I don't want to have so many sad memories, I just want to be a child happily and slowly become a child. Big."

"Also, my Xiaobai is the best! It's not an S-class, but it is better than an S-class. There is no other system that can take its place. I want to go with it!"

When Xiaobai heard her words, he was so moved that he almost cried.

It couldn't be more excited and thought: I thought you would choose the S-class system, just made me so nervous that I didn't know what to do.

At this time, 007 also unblocked Xiao Baibai's mouth, so he blurted out: "Baby, thank you, you are the fattest in my heart, no, the best!"

"Xiao Baibai, you have to work hard in the future. You have to work hard to level up to S rank, so I won't lose anything!"

"Well, baby, if you believe in me so much, I will definitely work hard, and I will never live up to your expectations for me!" Xiao Baibai also said firmly.

"Yo, it seems that the two of you get along really well, and you can't be separated. Well, since you have made a choice, then I will fulfill you. Finally, as a friendly reminder, hidden surprises are already on the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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