Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 311 1 Meeting Put Me Down

Chapter 311 The first time I met, I fell down
"Great, great!" Bai Qingyue was so excited that she was about to take off and asked again and again, "Is my father handsome? Is he tall? Does he have a good temper and does he like children?"

She couldn't help asking several questions related to Bai Chuanqi, but 007 didn't plan to answer her.

"Baby, I won't say more nonsense. In short, you will see him soon. If you have any questions, just ask him directly, bye!"

After that, 007 went offline again to rest.


Bai Qingyue was a little unwilling, and turned to Bai Leiyuan, who was sitting beside him, and asked him the same question.

Seeing the impatient look of his little cousin, Bai Leiyuan couldn't help laughing: "Little Yueyue, it seems that you really want to see Uncle!"

"What I can tell you is that the uncle is also very tall and handsome. After all, there is no one in our Bai family who is not good-looking. His temper is okay. I can't say anything else. I I haven't contacted him for a long time..."

"But it doesn't matter, we will arrive at the old house in a few minutes. When you see Uncle, all your questions will be answered!"

"Okay...Thank you seventh brother."

Bai Qingyue tried to calm down, but there was still a trace of nervousness in her heart.

Soon, the driver parked the car outside the old house, and before getting off the car, Bai Chuanqing gently stroked her head and said, "Xiao Yueyue, don't be afraid, you can take it easy. Cute, ah, he will definitely like you very much."

After speaking, they walked into the old house with Li Siran holding her hand, followed by Bai Leiyuan.

In the old house, Bai Liqing, Chu Qing, Bai Chuannan and Liu Yichun heard the movement outside the door and came out of the living room one after another.

After seeing Bai Chuanqing and Xiao Yueyue, Bai Liqing's calm face showed happiness, and said with a smile, "My little granddaughter, I really look forward to the stars and the moon, and I finally brought you back!"

Chu Qing also smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Has our little Yueyue lost some weight and grown a little taller?"

"Mom, our little Yueyue is getting more and more cute as she grows up. When I see her, my heart blossoms with joy." Liu Yichun also laughed and couldn't close her mouth.

Bai Chuannan took the initiative to step forward, leaned down, and said, "Xiao Yueyue, welcome home, you don't know how much the whole family misses you these days when you are away! Your grandfather is talking about your name every day. !"

He paused and said curiously, "Xiao Yueyue, do you miss us too?"

As everyone knows, Bai Qingyue turned a blind eye to their words at the moment, just looked around and replied to him perfunctorily: "Mmmm..."

However, after looking for a long time, I didn't see Shirakawa Kei in the living room.

Could this be lying to me?

It was Grandpa who deliberately tricked her into saying that her father had come home in order to coax her home?

Bai Qingyue followed Bai Chuannan and the others and came to Bai Liqing.

First, I greeted everyone politely: "Grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, good evening, I miss you too!"

Immediately, she pouted and said, "Well, I want to ask, where is my dad? Didn't he say he went back to the old house?"

Hearing the question about Bai Chuanqi, Liu Yichun also reacted, and said quickly, "Xiao Yueyue, you mean uncle, the others are upstairs, wait a moment, I will let the servant go up and tell him to come down..."

"Don't bother, I can go upstairs by myself." Bai Qingyue looked at them happily and said.

Just as she was about to speak to everyone, she planned to go upstairs to find her father, but before she could reach the stairs, she heard footsteps.

At this moment, there was a loud and powerful tapping sound from the entrance of the stairs.

"Tap dah dah-"

Everyone was quiet and looked at the sound.

She felt her heart beating fast, and after a while she saw a tall, casual man slowly walking down the stairs.

That person must be Bai Chuanqi - her father, he has a very outstanding appearance, extraordinary temperament, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a high nose, a clear face, a tall and slender figure, he looks young and handsome, but there are many With some mature men's charm, generous and steady.

As Bai Qingyue, who is in control of her appearance, her heart blossomed with joy at this time.

In her heart, the seventh brother was right, and her father was indeed the most handsome one in ten thousand, and he didn't lose to the third brother at all.

After Bai Chuanqi came out of the stairs, he saw a little girl who was white and tender, short and not trashy, presumably this was his rumored daughter.

He gradually walked in front of the little girl, then he leaned down and said to her in a very magnetic voice, "Are you Xiao Yueyue?"

Because Bai Chuanqi was too tall, even if he leaned down, he had to raise his head. Bai Qingyue raised her head hard, looked at Bai Chuanqi in front of her, and nodded her head vigorously, "Well, I'm Xiao Yueyue. !"

Then, she tentatively said, "Dad...Dad!"

Immediately, he immediately threw himself on Bai Chuanqi's long legs and hugged him tightly with both hands.

The firm touch made her realize that this was indeed not a dream.

it is true!it is true!
Bai Chuanqi was hugged by this force and almost took a few steps back. Fortunately, he was tall, otherwise he would have been pushed to the ground.

At that moment, Bai Qingyue's mood was extremely complicated, as if she had knocked over a five-flavor bottle.

For so long, she has never received the care of her parents, nor the warm companionship of her parents. The time she spent in her adoptive father's house was not happy. She was often disliked by her adoptive mother, embarrassed by her cousin, Some gossip aunts in the village talk about it, and they will be teased by a group of ignorant and hateful bear children, who are called "wild children without fathers and mothers"...

She has longed to see her biological parents since she was sensible, and she has never known whether her parents are dead or alive.

People who know her will say that she is cute, kind, smart, strong, and sensible, but in fact, who wants to be such a sensible and strong child at a young age.

She had no choice but to face reality and be strong alone.

If it is possible, who doesn't want to be a carefree, innocent and innocent child, loved by someone, loved by someone, protected and petted by his family for a lifetime?
That gloomy and lonely day finally came over, the warmth and light she had been longing for gradually enveloped her, allowing her wounded heart to heal slowly. She was very uncomfortable with it at first, and always felt that everything Too good to be true.

Because it has been frozen, a little warmth can make people feel grateful.

Because eating a lot of bitter, so a little sweet can make people satisfied.

She is not greedy, she doesn't want much, just the care and company of her family.

She considers herself lucky to be able to regain hope after all those bad things and life is starting to look good.

But she was particularly worried, for fear that one day the beauty in front of her would be a dream, or it would suddenly disappear. Losing it after getting it would be more sad than never getting it.

Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Yueyue hugged Bai Chuanqi with all her strength, for fear that he would run away from her eyes in the next second and leave her again...

"Dad, I'm so happy to see you... can you please not leave... don't leave me again..."

 Thank you user Miss Cao Zhiyu for the 100 coins
  Thank you for your love ladies

(End of this chapter)

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