Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 327 The game has begun.

Chapter 327 The game has begun.

"of course not."

The director smiled and shook his head, "Look carefully, there are patterns on the sugar cakes on each plate, four plates with four patterns, and two needles next to each plate, the rules of the game are very simple, isn't it Let you compete to eat sugar cookies, but let you use a needle to dunk the pattern on the sugar cookies intact within 3 minutes."

"If you crack the pattern on the sugar cake during the game, or the deduction is incomplete, then your score will be zero. Now you are a family as a group, each time you successfully deduct a sugar cake, you can Get five points, lose zero points, the team with the highest total score wins and gets a reward, and the other three groups will be punished!"

"How about it, do you understand the rules of the game?"

Everyone frowned, nodded and said, "I understand."

"Okay, I'm announcing - the time for the sugar cookie game begins!"

The director gave an order, and everyone hurriedly bowed their heads and started the task.

The game of picking sugar cakes seems simple, but it also has a certain degree of difficulty. It requires the players to have extraordinary skills, plus enough patience and luck.

There are four groups, and the patterns on each group of sugar cakes are different. The sugar cakes of Jingjian and Chen Ying are a simple version of the rabbit pattern, and the sugar cakes of the small orange and Gao Jiaming group are a simple version of the snake pattern. , Xiao Yueyue and Bai Chuanqi drew the cartoon version of the pig pattern.

The most unfortunate is the father and son Lin Yifeng and Lin Yu. The sugar cake pattern they got was the most complicated dragon among the four groups. When they saw the dragon on the sugar cake, one big and one small couldn't help gasping. gas.

Lin Yu drooped his face and looked unhappy. Lin Yifeng also seemed to give up. He gave up on himself, holding the props in his hand but did not touch the sugar cake.

Because of the limited time, except for Lin Yu and his son, who already felt that they were the losers in the end, the rest were carefully picking the sugar cake in their hands, for fear that they would be punished if they lost the game.

Bai Qingyue was very excited when she saw the pattern of the pig, she said to her father confidently, "Dad, isn't this Peppa Pig, haha, I feel like I can easily dig it out!"

"Okay, Dad also believes that our little Yueyue can get No. 1!" Bai Chuanqi saw his daughter was so confident, but he couldn't bear to hurt her confidence, so he could only say this against his conscience.

On one side, Chen Ying was slowly digging the sugar cake in her hand, and she was digging it while concave. She always thought that her left face was more photogenic, so she moved her body deliberately so that the camera could keep taking pictures of her. The left side of her face, but she only looked at the camera and didn't pay attention to the sugar cake in her hand, and accidentally broke the sugar cake in half from the middle.

The director who was watching from the side immediately said, "Chen Ying's candy cookie was broken, the mission failed, and she was eliminated!"

Chen Ying frowned and was a little annoyed, but she still managed to squeeze a smile in front of the camera and said to Jingjing, "Xiaojing, it's up to you next, come on!"

Since the beginning of the game, Jingjian has been digging the sugar cake with his head down, ignoring her.

Xiaojuzi was also digging the sugar cake with her head down seriously. She picked it very quickly, and she had already pulled two-thirds of it. However, just when she was confident and thought she was done, a corner of the sugar cake suddenly cracked.

On the other hand, the director who was aware of Qiuhao immediately announced: "Little Orange's sugar cake is also broken, and it is regarded as a failure of the mission and eliminated!"

Little Orange pouted and sighed, "Oh, just a little bit, just a little bit..."

"Dad, you have to work hard!" Little Orange looked at her father with watery eyes.

"Don't worry, Dad will do his best!" Gao Jiaming didn't want his daughter to be too disappointed, so he said firmly.

On the other hand, Bai Chuanqi was also digging the candy cake nervously. While complaining in his heart that the game was childish, he was very serious and lightly digging the candy cake with his hands, for fear that he would break the candy cake with too much force.

He glanced at his daughter who was very attentive beside him, and then looked at his watch, and his heart became more and more uneasy. As expected, he was afraid of what would happen. It didn't take long for the sugar cake in his hand to be broken.

In this way, Bai Chuanqi was finally eliminated, leaving only Xiao Yueyue, Jing Dian and Gao Jiaming on the field.

When Lin Yifeng and his son saw the dragon pattern early, they gave up on themselves. Instead of picking the candy cake, they ate the candy cake and automatically got out of the game. They sat leisurely while eating the candy cake while seriously serious. Watch the game.

The final countdown counted down to 30 seconds, and the competition had entered a fierce stage. Gao Jiaming picked the sugar cake unhurriedly, as if he was holding the winning ticket, and Jing Jian didn't show any abnormality on his face. Also very calm.

As for Xiao Yueyue, she is not under any pressure. She occasionally exerts force, and when everyone thinks the sugar cake is about to be broken, the sugar cake is still fine. Fortunately, she easily pulled out the little pig pattern, good luck To burst!
"Congratulations, Xiao Yueyue, the first to complete the task!"

Afterwards, Gao Jiaming also successfully completed the task. At the tenth second to the end of the game, Jingjian only felt that it was too dangerous, but fortunately he succeeded in the end.

"I announce that the game is officially over, and now the result is announced! The three groups of families, Xiao Yueyue, Xiaojuzi and Jingjing, each successfully cut out a candy cake, and tied for first place in total points. Lin Yifeng's group failed, so we must accept our punish!"

The so-called punishment is to drink a small cup of concentrated bitter gourd juice and concentrated ginger juice. Although the two of them are reluctant, they are still willing to admit defeat. After drinking the bitter gourd juice and ginger juice under everyone's attention, their facial features are distorted. .

As the winners, the rest got the benefit - sitting on the side and enjoying the afternoon tea snacks prepared by the program group.

After the game, the adults started to work in the kitchen, preparing dinner. The menu provided by the program team was dumplings. Fortunately, there was a chef named Gao Jiaming. The chores were just fine, and it all went smoothly.

By [-] o'clock in the evening, the dumplings were already cooked, and Xiao Yueyue and Xiaojuzi could smell the fragrance early in the living room. Several people sat at the dining table excitedly, holding chopsticks and waiting for the food.

When everyone was seated, everyone moved their chopsticks and ate steaming dumplings.

"Wow, as expected of the dumplings made by Uncle Gao, they are delicious!"

"Yeah, the mackerel dumplings are fragrant and fresh, and it's especially fun to eat with vinegar!"

"Since the last time we said goodbye, I have been craving mackerel dumplings made by Uncle Gao, and I finally got them this time."

Xiao Yueyue is too lazy to express her opinion, she will only use practical actions to prove that a dish is delicious - she ate 25 dumplings by herself!
Fortunately, Gao Jiaming knew Xiao Yueyue's appetite, otherwise there wouldn't be enough dumplings for her.

In fact, she has been very restrained. If the variety show is not on live broadcast and netizens are watching, she will definitely let go of her belly, eat a lot, and give full play to her talent as a cook.

Despite this, Jing Jian and Chen Ying were still quite surprised, but the rest of the people who were familiar with Xiao Yueyue were not surprised.

Lin Yifeng was very happy, and even offered to help Xiao Yueyue serve another bowl of dumplings, but what he didn't expect was that Xiao Yueyue refused today, "Thank you Uncle Lin, I'm full today, my father said dinner Seven minutes is enough!"

During the live broadcast, netizens said they were "hungry", not only complimenting her on her cute eating appearance, but also envy her magical physique that she eats a lot without gaining weight at a young age.

After this dinner, her popularity has increased again, and her fans have also increased a lot.

The night fell, and just as everyone was discussing what to do at night, the lights in the room suddenly flashed and then went out.

The whole house fell into darkness in an instant.

"What's the matter?"

"Why is there no power?"

(End of this chapter)

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