Chapter 329

At ten o'clock in the evening, several children were so sleepy that they rubbed their eyes. Little Orange couldn't help it at first, but her lovely head was leaning on Dad's lap. He was abruptly woken up by his own father's voice.

"Little Orange, are you sleepy?" Gao Jiaming asked softly after waking up his baby, hugging her gently.

"Dad... Little Orange is sleepy." Little Orange was not angry at all, and still replied in a lazy tone.

"Dad will take you back to take a shower and sleep." After saying that, he carried his daughter back to the room.

Seeing that Xiaojuzi was sleepy, Bai Chuanqi called his daughter who was playing, "Baby, are you sleepy?"

"Dad, I seem to be a little sleepy too." Bai Qingyue didn't feel sleepy at first, but when she said that, her eyes were sore, and she was about to droop down.

"Okay, dad will take you back to rest." After saying that, Bai Chuanqi said good night to Lin Yifeng and the two, and then took his daughter back to the room to rest.

Naturally, the remaining two people won't stay any longer. It's embarrassing to compare a woman and a man.

Just go back to your room and stay together.

The director watching from the side didn't stop him either, knowing that it was ten o'clock in the evening, and the children needed a break.

Afterwards, after the four families returned to their rooms, they said to the surrounding cameras, "My friends in the live broadcast room, it is very late now, everyone should rest early and watch the live broadcast tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, he greeted the staff carrying the camera and said, "Okay, today's live broadcast is over, you turn off the machine and rest early."


After a good night's sleep, the early morning light slowly rose, and the peripheral light through the screen window shone softly on the faces of Bai Qingyue's father and daughter.

Bai Qingyue is lying quietly in her father's arms at the moment. This is the second time she has slept with her father. It all feels like a dream, making her reluctant to wake up.

She fell asleep and laughed. She dreamed that she and her parents and family of three were happily together. They went to the amusement park and the beach. Finally, she was no longer a wild child, she had parents.

Then, she was woken up by a gentle calling, she rubbed her eyes, and said in a milky voice, "Dad, good morning duck."


"Good morning, my baby." Bai Chuanqi got up very early today. After getting up, he didn't know what to do, so he could only sit on the bed and look at the sleeping face of his female goose.

"Okay, get up quickly! Little lazy pig, if you don't get up again, Father Sun will bite your ass."

"Well, Dad, I'll get up now,"

Afterwards, Bai Qingyue put on the little skirt by herself, then with the help of her father, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and tied herself with two small balls.She looks cute and lovable, her eyes are watery, her mouth is delicate, and her cheeks are chubby.

Soon, after they finished and went downstairs, they saw that everyone was up and breakfast was ready.

A large bowl of preserved egg, shrimp and lean meat porridge, a plate of steamed dumplings, a few cups of milk and coffee, and two or three kinds of side dishes.

Although it doesn't look very rich, compared to a person who can't cook, it is very good to be able to make lean meat porridge with preserved egg and shrimp, and they will not dislike it.

"Are you awake? Xiao Yueyue, early."

"Hurry up and sit down and have breakfast. Today's task is very heavy! You have to eat more quickly."

"Yeah, come here quickly, it's just you guys." Gao Jiaming said quickly.

"Good morning, uncle and aunt, good morning to brother Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu, good morning to Jingjing." Bai Qingyue saw that she was the last group to come down, and quickly greeted everyone politely, and then pulled her father to sit in the seat.

(End of this chapter)

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