331 Aquarium 2
Because it was inconvenient for the two little girls to go to the toilet, Bai Chuanqi waited at the door for Xiao Juzi to take Xiao Yueyue to the toilet.

Xiao Yueyue was the first to come out, standing beside her father and waiting for the little orange.

The moment Bai Chuanqi went in like this, Bai Qingyue was attracted by the clown who was passing by selling balloons.

The clown selling balloons felt that a child was staring at him, so he crouched down and asked, "Hello, little boy, which balloon do you like?"

Bai Qingyue stood below, looking up at the various balloons above, including the fish he had just seen, the dolphins he was about to see, and the little penguins.

"Little Penguin's!"

While talking, he learned to walk crookedly like a penguin.

The clown who sold the balloons hurriedly backed away, for fear of bumping into it, "I want money for balloons, do you have any money?"

Bai Qingyue just remembered that she had no money, and she still came to make money, and she had to find her mother.

So he spread out his hands and said, "I don't have any money now, but I'm still making money. You wait for me to have money, and I'll buy it again, okay?"

After a pause, he said, "But you have to wait a little longer. I have to find my mother before I can buy your balloon."

Seeing the child in front of him speaking righteously about such a matter of money or not, shaking his head and being so cute, he wanted to take her into his arms and rub it.

The clown man said extremely exaggeratedly: "You are so young to make money?"

"Yes, yes, it's hard to make money, right?" After saying that, he went to hug the clown. "Uncle is also very hard."

The clown was stunned for a while, and then said what this sudden hug was, even if it was called uncle, it didn't matter.

He had only just grown up to work part-time when he met such a little angel.

"Little Yueyue!" As soon as Bai Chuanqi came out, he realized that the child who was by his side had disappeared, and shouted anxiously.

When Bai Qingyue heard her father's cry, she first waved to the clown: "Goodbye uncle, you must wait for me to buy a little penguin!"

Then he ran over there, "Dad, I'm here!"

Bai Chuanqi was obviously frightened for a while, but he was relieved when he saw his daughter came back intact. Fortunately, nothing happened.

"Where did you go?" Bai Chuanqi asked coldly.

Xiao Yueyue pointed to the place where the clown who sold the balloons stood and said, "There."

The clown over there who sold the balloons had gone, and there was no one there.

Bai Chuanqi also thought that maybe his daughter saw a beautiful balloon, so she went to play for a while and didn't care.

But after he lost it, he looked more closely at the children around him, for fear that one would not pay attention and leave his sight again.

When something goes wrong, it will be bad.

Although there was a little episode in the toilet, everyone went to the dolphinarium smoothly, ready to watch the dolphin show.

The three fathers and one "mother" were too tired to talk. Seeing that these three children were still so energetic, they all admired them.

The interval between dolphin performances is four hours, and the next performance will be at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, I am afraid that I am ready to go home, or I may go to another venue. If I don't come back in time, I will not see the dolphin performance directly. .

The temperature of the air conditioner in the venue is very low, not hot at all, and the sweat that just came out outside was evaporated in a while.

The venue was already packed with some spectators.

Several children sat down obediently one by one, and a few adults sat next to them. .

Gao Jiaming just went to buy a drink, and is now returning with the drink.

"Here, the energy drink you asked for, I bought juice for the kids."

Gao Jiaming handed them the drink, and then sat in the outermost position to share the drink for Xiaojuzi and Xiaoyueyue.

After drinking the drinks, the children stopped making noise and sat quietly sipping drinks and waiting.

A few adults finally don't have to follow along, and can take a good rest for a while.

"I just took them to the toilet, but I couldn't see it alone. Xiao Yueyue was gone in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, I was just playing from a distance and came back after a shout, which scared me enough."

Bai Chuanqi drank half the bottle of drink in one breath, then said with lingering fears.

Gao Jiaming looked down at Xiao Yueyue and the two of them, but he probably didn't hear it. He was holding the drink and swallowing it one by one.

"Fortunately, I didn't go far, nothing happened." Lin Yifeng also had lingering fears, "Just now, my stinky boy was also tossing, running around and disappearing in a blink of an eye."

The two looked at each other quite a bit and nodded.

Bai Chuanqi began to make a small calculation towards Lin Yifeng, "Next time, let Brother Ming try, I'll go buy a drink."

"I see." Lin Yifeng also glanced at Gao Jiaming and agreed with his suggestion.

10 minutes before the performance, the venue was full, noisy voices came out, talking was harder than usual, and the two of them were very united and stopped talking.

With the sound of the music, the dolphin's performance also began. The first person to enter is the trainer, bowing to the audience.

A whistle blew and the dolphins entered.

Immediately, the audience let out a huge "wow".

The dolphins approached in a straight line, then jumped in the middle of the stage and plunged into the water.

The show, which was less than 10 minutes long, won the applause of the whole house.

Bai Qingyue stood up excitedly, staring at the stage with burning eyes.

Bai Chuanqi watched his daughter staring intently at the stage, holding a water glass in her hand. I don't know if it was because of the hot weather or excitement, and her cheeks had already turned red.

Seeing that the show was over, he pulled his daughter and pressed it on the stool, "Sit down and watch, the uncles and aunts in the back will all be invisible."

It stands to reason that Xiao Yueyue is so small that she can't stop the view from behind.

But she still sat down honestly, watching the dolphins say goodbye, she also stood up and raised her hand to say goodbye.

"White and white."

Hands waved like little bunting flags.

In the blink of an eye, the other children also looked happy.

"Little Yueyue likes dolphins!" Lin Yifeng looked at them and turned his eyes, "We all like it!".

As soon as Lin Yifeng got the desired effect, he immediately said, "Can we go see dolphins together?"

In their original plan, there was a project of watching dolphins, which was arranged by the program team. Seeing that everyone liked it so much, they brought it up while the iron was hot.

"Let's go and see the dolphins." Everyone shouted loudly and set off.

It seems to be on a magical mission.

Following the footsteps, several adults and children set off.

After arriving at the venue, I took a few children to the front of a dolphin.

Bai Qingyue originally wanted to be with Jingjian, because Jingjian was not afraid of dolphins at all and had fed dolphins before. She wanted to be very happy with Jingjian.

When I followed the trainer in, I saw a blue-and-white dolphin jumping out of the water and falling down just like the show just now.

Xiao Yueyue immediately raised her legs and wanted to run over. Bai Chuanqi, who was observing her daughter, was afraid that she would fall, so she picked it up.

Xiao Yueyue was taken up out of thin air, she was stunned for a while, then she shouted, "Dolphin, dolphin!"

Bai Chuanqi walked in front of the dolphin before putting his daughter down.

Bai Qingyue was overjoyed when she saw the big white fish in front of her, she stretched out her hand and directly touched its mouth.

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(End of this chapter)

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