Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 335 Fighting for the Light of Jincun!

Chapter 335 Fighting for the Light of Jincun!

Bai Chuanqi looked at Jiang Yoyo like this and couldn't help sighing in his heart.If it weren't for Mr. Jiang, the relationship between the mother and son would not be as unfamiliar as it is now.Thinking of the plea when Mr. Jiang contacted him a few hours ago, he could only say that he should do his best.

"Little brother, do you want to eat this, or this?"

Xiao Yueyue pointed to the food she brought.

"Thank you sister Yueyue, brother can take it by himself."

Jiang Congwen, who has been listening to the adults' conversation, lost his heart when he heard that his mother liked his daughter.Is it because he is not a daughter, but grandpa likes him very much.Because he is a boy, he can protect his grandfather, his mother, and Jiang's family, right?
Although Jiang Congwen felt a little sad because of his father's words, but when he saw Xiao Yueyue's sister who came to ask him which one he liked, Jiang Congwen still cheered up and replied to the lovely sister politely.

"Xiao Yueyue, Xiao Yueyue, I want meat."

"Little Yueyue, come quickly, let's toast again."

"Little Yueyue, don't go play with Lin Yu, Lin Yu drank all the milk on his clothes."

"Yes, yes, it's dirty."

"Girls are troublesome. It's called masculine. It's a dry mouth when you drink milk."

"Little Yueyue, you said..."

"Little Yueyue..."

The group pet, Xiao Yueyue, has not even said a few words to the new little brother, before being pulled into the Shura field of the little friend again.

In the lobby, children eat at the table, and adults eat at home.Only Jiang Congwen, who was sitting silently on the side, drank milk quietly, ate with a small spoon, and was sensible and restrained.

When the adults came to catch the child to eat seriously after greeting, Jiang Congwen had finished his meal silently and started to wipe his mouth with a tissue.


This is the end of a welcome dinner for the newlyweds.

room at night.

Bai Chuanqi glanced at Xiao Yueyue, who was covering her eyes with the quilt, only showing a pair of eyes ready to fall asleep, and couldn't help but ask, "Does the baby like the new little brother?"

"I like it, the new little brother is very good-looking, but the little brother doesn't play with us."

With the affirmation of his daughter, Bai Chuanqi is relieved. If his daughter does not like it, Bai Chuanqi, who loves his daughter, will not force his daughter to find Jiang Congwen to play.But now that he got a positive reply from his daughter, Bai Chuanqi couldn't help but suggest: "Can Xiao Yueyue help little brother, maybe little brother has just come, so I'm very scared, can Xiao Yueyue bring little brother to play with him? "

"Well, okay, I'm going to play with my little brother."

Seeing Xiao Yueyue who was still nodding in response to him, Bai Chuanqi gently kissed his daughter's forehead and whispered, "Good night, Daddy's little baby."

What responded to him was a series of subtle breathing...

"Mothers and fathers, children, wake up, the director of the villa is here to bring you delicious food again."

The assistant director of Xi mentions the new job and still plays the role of the villa chief NPC firmly today.

Bai Chuanqi, who was woken up by the loudspeaker downstairs and opened his eyes, touched his daughter beside him, and suddenly felt that the hand was not right. He turned around and saw that Xiao Yueyue, who was in a normal sleeping position before going to bed, after a night of hard work, has succeeded in getting in. The bed was rotated 90 degrees.Qi Zhi's outstretched hand involuntarily scratched her daughter's fleshy little feet, and then she was kicked out of her anger by her daughter.

"Baby, get up, the assistant director grandpa is calling us."

Bai Chuanqi, who slowly put his daughter back to the normal sleeping position, coaxed Xiao Yueyue to get up in a low voice.

"Don't get up, Xiao Yueyue, don't get up, I want to sleep, bad dad, I don't want to get up."

Since her father came back, Xiao Yueyue has become more like a baby, relying on her father.

With her eyes closed, Bai Qingyue began to use her hands and feet to expel her father who was disturbing her dreams.

Being resisted, Bai Chuanqi had no choice but to change his clothes and forcibly carry Xiao Yueyue, who refused to wake up, to the meeting place.

As soon as I went out, I saw a large army ready to assemble.Chen Ying, who was wearing pajamas, was pulled out of the room by the dazed Jingjing.Jiang Youyou, who had changed her clothes, also held Jiang Congwen, who was half-dreamed and half-awake, but Xiaojuzi was held in her arms by Gao Jiaming, who was dressed in casual clothes.

"Brother Qi, I wanted to call you all at first, but it seems that I don't need it now." Looking at Bai Chuanqi, Jiang Yoyo, who was holding Jiang Congwen in her arms, greeted warmly.

"Where's Brother Lin?"

"It's downstairs already, Brother Lin got up early."

"Then let's go down first, don't make them wait for a long time."

Open space at the door on the first floor.

"Dads and children, good morning, I'm so happy to meet you again." The assistant director greeted everyone enthusiastically.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Seeing the sparse response from everyone in front of him, the assistant director who took office for the first time became even more anxious.

After adjusting his mentality, he secretly glanced at the recording group not far away, and the assistant director continued to cheer up and preside over.

"Dads and children, today we are going to the nearby Huajin Village to play games. Although our Huajin Village looks ordinary from the outside, there are experts in it. Our task today is to go to the Huajin Village. The village looks for the masters in the village, learns the unique skills of masters in one day, and then starts the competition on the PK platform in the evening, and the representatives of the local outstanding villagers select the best successor of the villa and become the light of flower brocade.”

"Okay, Dad, I want to be the best heir, I want to be the light of flower brocade."

Lin Yu, who was standing silently at first, immediately became excited after listening to the assistant director's words, and swept away the previous indifference.

"Is this the desire to win in a boy's body?"

Jingjing, who had no spirit on the side, was taken aback by Lin Yu's high-spirited voice, and Xianyu's fighting spirit also began to recover on Jingjing.

"Little orange, wake up, we can't lose, show your fighting spirit."


"Wake up, little orange, I knew that my father wouldn't drag you to play games with me last night, why did I feel sleepy at a critical time?"


Gao Jiaming looked at the dazed little orange with despair on his face.

"Ah Qi, are you interested, Huajinzhiguang." Gao Jiaming came over with a dazed little orange with a look of ridicule on his face.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Xiao Yueyue has fun."

After speaking, Bai Chuanqi looked down at Xiao Yueyue, who slept late last night because of talking on the phone with her grandfather. It was fine, but she still refused to open her eyes.

"In order to support the fathers and children to go out and learn the arts, today's supplies are ready to be put in this box. The next road will be for the fathers and the children to play freely. Let's see you in the PK game tonight. Everyone. The chosen heirs, uncle wishes you a smooth journey."

After the assistant director introduced today's program schedule, he left the prepared material box to the father and the children, and slowly bowed his waist and walked out of the shooting line of sight.

As soon as he left the camera, the assistant director, who had regained his posture, immediately ran to the director with three steps and two steps.

"Director, is it okay to act today?" He looked at the director nervously.

"Not bad, not bad, remember to add a bleak background to the picture you left in the later stage to enhance the atmosphere. And Lao Lin, he did a good job today, and I will keep it next time."

"Okay, okay, thank you director for your affirmation."

Thinking of today's deserted hosting scene, the director is not to blame, and the assistant director is thankful.

His gaze turned to his father.

"The program team is quite generous this time. These amounts are more than enough for a day."

Gao Jiaming opened the foam box on the ground and looked at the rich materials inside: quick-frozen dumplings, quick-frozen buns, ice chicken wings, ice meatballs...

The materials of the program group are not good enough for ice, right?

"Very good. There were vegetables left yesterday, so I could just take it in." Lin Yifeng is still satisfied with these supplies, and he is going to retire this time, so he doesn't need to be so particular about food.

Jiang Youyou also nodded with satisfaction, as long as it was acceptable food, she had no problem.

"Chen Ying, can you?"

Looking at the food in the foam box, Gao Jiaming asked Chen Ying.

"I can too."

Chen Ying replied calmly.

"That's fine."

Then Chen Ying pulled over the threshold and asked, "You should be able to?"

The threshold nodded.

"Xiao Yueyue hasn't woken up yet?"

Seeing Jiang Youyou peeking at Xiao Yueyue, Bai Chuanqi reluctantly replied, "I haven't woken up yet."

"What are you worried about, can it still be like what is written in the novel, the milk you drink in the morning is squeezed and airlifted early in the morning, the meat you eat must be killed and cooked by the chef, and the vegetables must be irrigated by mountain spring water. It's ridiculous. , and desserts, those who are not five-star Michelin chefs who copy the knives themselves are not worthy to put on the table. Lao Qi, is this kind of luxury life?"

Looking at Jiang Youyou's joking remarks, Bai Chuanran just replied meaningfully: "Art comes from life."

"I understand, I have lemons, this is the real successor of the giants."

"You can't be the heir to a wealthy family, but you can be the heir of Hua Jin."

"Okay, then I'll be the successor of Huajin Village. It's less difficult. Brother Qi, then I'll go first."

"Take your son to have breakfast first."

"I almost forgot, I still have to eat before I get down to business."

Jiang Youyou walked to the few people who were still looking at the box, and shouted as they walked: "Don't look, take whatever you want to eat, let's go to the task when we are full, I will definitely decide on Huajinzhiguang."

Bai Chuanqi looked at Jiang Youyou's high-spirited look, and touched her daughter's raised corner.

"Baby, let's go to rest first, let's go after enough rest, okay?"

What responded to him was still a series of peaceful breathing...

(End of this chapter)

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