Koi system: Xiao milk packs her European air

Chapter 354 Building a Snowman 2

Chapter 354 Building a Snowman 2
As soon as she said it, Bai Qingyue immediately took Xiao Baibai back to the kitchen to get a few carrots for the nose, black buttons for the eyes, and red curved strips for the mouth, and then took her favorite little scarf, He ran non-stop towards the snow.

Bai Liqing in the living room saw his little granddaughter running around and wanted to tell her not to go outside to play. He didn't expect this little girl to run so fast. Bai Liqing laughed lightly, shook his head funny and didn't care about her, after all Children are active, as long as they are not dangerous activities, just go with her.

As soon as she entered the small garden and saw the thick snow piled up on the ground, Xiao Yueyue grinned, holding a shovel in one hand, and rolled on the snow. Just as she was about to start building a snowman, she saw a distant A black spot slowly approached, and at first glance, it turned out to be Bai Leibin.

"Big brother! Big brother!" It just so happened that no one accompany him to build a snowman. Now it's good, big brother has come out of retreat.

Bai Leibin was walking forward while lowering his head while thinking about engineering issues. It happened that he heard someone calling him, so he raised his head quickly and put on his gold-rimmed glasses, and then he saw clearly that it was his little cousin.

He shook his hand vigorously towards Xiao Yueyue, indicating that he had received it, and immediately strode towards Xiao Yueyue.

After a while, he came to Bai Qingyue.

This look is incredible. The usually clean little dumplings are covered with snowflakes at this moment, and the two black ball heads that are tied up are covered with snowflakes. From a distance, they look like they have been painted white. Her hair was covered with traces of white snow on her eyelashes, and she couldn't help but chuckle, "Xiao Yueyue, why are you covered in snow? It's not snowing now." After speaking, she gently brushed away the snowflakes from her hair.

Now it was her turn to be embarrassed, and said with a blushing face, "Big brother, I just rolled around on the ground, that's all."

After finishing speaking, she pulled Bai Leibin and said, "Big brother, can you build a snowman with me?My grandfather is too old to play with me. My third brother and my father also go to work. "She was rolling with her big eyes open.

"Okay, it just so happens that big brother is fine, so I'll accompany you to build a snowman." Bai Leibin didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed to his little cousin's request.

Later, Xiao Yueyue handed her big brother a pair of gloves, and the two started to build a snowman.One rolls the snow into a suitable size, the other assembles the snowman's head and body, then Xiao Yueyue puts on the snowman's eyes and nose, and finally wraps her favorite pink scarf around it, and you're done. .

Xiao Yueyue stood in front of the snowman and clapped her hands with satisfaction, and asked Bai Leibin to take a few pictures of herself and the snowman.

Bai Leibin took out his mobile phone and was about to take a picture of Xiao Yueyue. As soon as he took a picture, Bai Qingyue couldn't wait to step forward to take a look at himself. He didn't expect the big brother, who usually shows off his talents at work, to have such poor photography skills. .

One photo was taken without even focusing, and her person was photographed as a black shadow. Bai Qingyue muttered dissatisfiedly, "Big brother, your photography skills are so poor, you have to focus before taking pictures. !"

Hearing this, Bai Leibin was also a little embarrassed. He really couldn't do anything like taking pictures. In the end, under Bai Qingyue's guidance, he finally managed to take a few better-looking photos.I was satisfied with this, and then happily sent it to my father.

Bai Chuanqi, who was working on the other side, immediately said something nice when he received his daughter's message.

"Little Yueyue, let's go in, it's too cold outside." Bai Leibin, who was not very physically fit, couldn't stand the sub-zero temperature, so he urged Bai Qingyue to go in quickly.

"Well, okay, big brother, let's go in." Xiao Yueyue, who had built a snowman, also felt a little cold, and accompanied by her big brother, she entered the living room.

"Grandpa, Grandpa"

Before he got to the living room, he heard the voice of his little granddaughter, Bai Liqing put down the newspaper in his hand and looked out the door.

"Grandpa, this is a photo I took, do you like it?" Bai Qingyue threw herself into her grandfather's arms and took out her phone to show her.

"Good-looking, my baby is good-looking no matter what I shoot." Bai Liqing also tried his best to praise his little granddaughter, can you not look good?There are our Bai family genes on them.

"Grandpa." Bai Leibin, who followed behind, also arrived at the moment, and called out respectfully to Grandpa.

"Well, are you back?"

"Go and rest when you come back."

Only now did Bai Liqing notice that the eldest grandson was back, and talked to his grandson with a smile.

"Okay, grandpa, then I'll go up and rest first."

He has not rested for a long time after retreating for a long time. After returning home, he felt sleepy. After saying hello to his grandfather, he went upstairs to rest.

In the end, only Xiao Yueyue and her grandfather were left admiring their photos in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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