Chapter 108 Lost the soul

"Come here! Go get the imperial physician! The emperor is sick!"

Concubine Lin ordered repeatedly.

When the maids and eunuchs heard Concubine Lin say that the emperor was ill, they all became nervous as if they were facing an enemy.

The entire Hualin Palace seemed to be in a tense atmosphere, making Concubine Lin feel out of breath.

Fortunately, Eunuch Dequan brought the imperial physician over soon.

The imperial physician was taking the pulse of the emperor, and Bai Tutu was wearing an underwear, with disheveled hair on his head, holding his own small pillow and timidly hiding at the door of the house and looking inside.

Concubine Lin turned her head and saw the white dodder, she hurried over and knelt down in front of her.

"Mother, is daddy sick?"

When the white dodder opened his mouth, the little milk's voice was also abnormally hoarse.

Especially her big eyes were red and swollen obviously.

Concubine Lin knew at a glance that Bai Tutu had cried.

Concubine Lin pulled her heart together, and touched the swollen eyes of the white dodder with distress.

"Why are you crying, Tu'er? Your eyes are swollen. Daddy has a fever, but he will recover after taking the medicine. Why is Tu'er crying?"

As Concubine Lin asked, she hugged the white dodder in her arms.

The white dodder was nestled in the arms of its mother, its little head was still buzzing.

Everything that happened last night made her feel like a dream.

For a moment, I couldn't tell if it was real or if she was just dreaming.

"Tu'er, Tu'er only cried when he had a nightmare, mother, will Daddy be okay?"

Baitu's expression was still in a trance, and the little milk voice sounded weak.

Concubine Lin frowned, and raised her hand to touch Bai Tu Tu's forehead.

"What kind of nightmare did Tu'er have to cry like this? His eyes are swollen, and he looks like he's crying a lot. Does his throat hurt? Let the imperial physician show Tu'er too."

Although Concubine Lin also has medical skills, she doesn't want to let many people know that she has medical skills in a high-profile way.

The imperial physician prescribed a prescription for the emperor, and then he saw the white docus.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the white dodder, and Concubine Lin is a little relieved.

Concubine Lin told Eunuch Dequan to stay up late for the emperor, and returned to the house with the white dodder in her arms.

As soon as she entered, Concubine Lin immediately saw a black robe placed on the bed that the maids had tidied up.

Concubine Lin didn't remember that Baitutu had such a black dress.

She put the white dodder on the bed, and curiously took a look at the robe.

"This, it should be a man's outer robe, and it looks like the clothes worn by a guard. The owner of the clothes is not very old. Tuer, where did this outer robe come from?"

After Concubine Lin finished asking, she remembered something, and asked again.

"Could it be that the young master came here again at that time last night? Did he leave this robe behind?"

White Tutu sat on the bed hugging his little pillow, his expression was in a trance, and his eyes were obviously empty.

She didn't hear what her mother was saying at all.

Seeing the appearance of the white dodder, Concubine Lin became even more worried.

Because the white dodder looks like it's lost its mind now!
In addition, Concubine Lin saw the man's robe, and she was even more worried about whether something serious happened last night without her knowing.


Concubine Lin held the small shoulders of the white dodder and called to her.

The white dodder's crow-like eyelashes trembled, and he raised his eyes, as if he had recovered.

"Did something happen to Tu'er last night? Can you tell mother? Mother is really worried about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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