The group pet is three and a half years old: the tyrant's little milk rabbit is cute

Chapter 379 Little Rabbit Also Has a Sense of Responsibility

Chapter 379 Little Rabbit Also Has a Sense of Responsibility
In addition, A Yuan and A Gao were also floating beside her and listening to Bai Hejin's lecture, and she gradually became absorbed in listening.

"Tu'er, before, my brother discovered that you also have spiritual energy, so as long as you understand and memorize some of the Taoist methods, you can definitely help A Yuan and A Gao."

Bai Hejin said so, and even wanted to teach Bai Tutu this task.

Just take it as an exercise opportunity for her.

The white dodder opened its big bright eyes, a little confused.

"Can Tu'er also help Sister Yuan and Brother Agao?"

"Yes, as long as Tu'er learns the mystical methods that my brother said, Tu'er can not only help A Gao and A Yuan, but also help other souls who have to wander in the world for various reasons and cannot reincarnate.

It's just that my brother's ability is also limited. For the matter of transcending the soul to reincarnate, we can only ask Master Hongzhi for help for the time being.

After my brother has mastered it, I will teach it to Tu'er, and then Tu'er can send the souls to reincarnate! "

What Bai Hejin said made Bai Tutu yearn for no reason.

Before that, she dreamed about those earth-bound spirits, and the souls who were killed and could not be reincarnated.

Although she was frightened in the dream at the time, she thought they were scary.

But later I learned the cause of their death, and felt their pain in a dream as if I felt the same way.

Bai Tutu felt an urge to help them.

Especially when she saw that the second brother could see those souls and help them, she hoped that she could be like the second brother.

So when Bai Tutu heard what Bai Hejin said, a yearning immediately emerged in his heart, as well as a spontaneous sense of responsibility.

It was as if an inexplicable force made her want to do this.

"Okay! Tu'er wants to learn! Tu'er wants to help Sister Yuan and Brother Agao! There are other Ah Piao! Tu'er must help!"

Xiao Nai Tuan Zi clenched her small fists and spoke loudly and childishly, with a firm tone.

"Okay! Children can be taught!"

Xiao Nai Tuanzi has her own determination, Bai Hejin can't wait to teach her all the knowledge he knows!
However, the white dodder is still too young. Even if she is smart and has good memory and comprehension skills, the energy of a child will be consumed and limited just like that of an injured or sick person.

So usually after Bai Hejin taught Bai Tutu some knowledge, Bai Tutu almost fell asleep after remembering it.

After repeating this for a few days, Bai Hejin also felt sorry for his younger sister, so he stopped teaching and let Xiaonai Tuanzi take a good rest.

After Bai Tutu rested, he was full of energy, and found that he could even use his profound strength to make others see Ah Piao with his yin and yang eyes!

After she discovered this in a pleasant surprise, she immediately took A Yuan and A Gao Xing to find the pavilion master.

"Pavilion master duck! Pavilion master, where are you!"

The white dodder was running around in the corridor, shouting in a small voice, and ran to the door of the room where Ah Yuan's body was.

The golden light surrounding the room still exists, and the glittering gold looks quite dazzling.

The white dodder has no ability to eliminate this golden light, so Ah Yuan and A Gao had to wait for her at the door.

The door of the room was ajar, and Little Naitanzi politely stood up on her tiptoes and knocked on the door. She only pushed open the door and went in when she heard the voice of the pavilion owner letting in.

(End of this chapter)

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