Professor Gu, Lu Ziye, your actress

Chapter 432 Unexpected Ambiguity

Chapter 432 Unexpected Ambiguity

In a blink of an eye, it was May of the second year.

The European side made a verdict on Meng Qiyao's case. Although the Meng Group sent a strong team of lawyers, due to the seriousness of the case, even if the lawyers racked their brains to reduce the final sentence, Meng Qiyao was still sentenced to 17 years. fixed-term imprisonment.

From the outside world's point of view, Meng Ziyi obviously had the last laugh in the protracted power struggle between the Meng brothers and sisters.

After Meng Qiyao's accident, Chairman Meng was affected by the incident and his health deteriorated.

Following the court's verdict against Meng Qiyao, Chairman Meng's mental state became worse than before, and it was difficult for him to withstand high-intensity management work.

In the past, Chairman Meng has always intended to cultivate his eldest son as his successor. Now that Meng Qiyao is in prison, Chairman Meng has to re-select his successor. He has to choose between Meng Ziyi and his youngest son Meng Qihui.

Even though Meng Ziyi's ability is more outstanding, but influenced by traditional ideas, Chairman Meng is more inclined to Meng Qihui, and intends to support the youngest son to take the position.

However, with the strong support of Meng Yinghui, the board of directors was finally persuaded, and Meng Ziyi became the new president of Meng Group as he wished.

After Meng Ziyi officially took office, the first decision she made was to honor the promise she had made to Han Huaili.

June, Europe.

On the negotiating table, Meng Ziyi and Han Huaili signed an agreement, realizing a win-win deal.

Meng Ziyi took over smoothly, while Han Huaili realized the holding of the company as scheduled.

After the negotiation, there was a reception, during which Meng Ziyi drank a lot of wine, complimented and socialized, she couldn't avoid it.

When it comes to drinking, Meng Ziyi has always been straightforward, she holds a good amount of alcohol and never twitches.

In the second half of the reception, Meng Ziyi still refused to refuse any toasts.

When Meng Ziyi raised his glass again, Han Huaili stopped him, "You've already drank a lot."

The person toasting said with a smile: "Boss Han really loves his wife."

"It's natural." Han Huaili said in a deep voice.

The man was sensible, said goodbye and left.

Han Huaili snatched Meng Ziyi's wine glass, "Don't drink it."

"I'm not drunk." Meng Ziyi said clearly.

Han Huaili knew that she was a good drinker, but from last night's dinner party to today's reception, it was hard for him not to worry about Meng Ziyi's health.

"From now on, no more drinking." Han Huaili said.

"I'm happy, what's the matter with drinking a few more glasses?" Meng Ziyi chuckled.

"I can't control you." Han Huaili felt helpless.

"The reception is over, let's talk?" Meng Ziyi asked.

Han Huaili nodded, and Meng Ziyi walked away.

Looking at Meng Ziyi's back, Han Huaili stopped for a long time, seeing that beautiful figure walking among the guests, Han Huaili was very moved, so what if he can strategize like a fish in water in the business world?After all, there are some people and some things that he can't grasp, for example, Meng Ziyi, and for example, winning her heart.

After the reception, Meng Ziyi and Han Huaili left separately.

Han Huaili rushed to the place Meng Ziyi had agreed with him. It was a natural lake with beautiful scenery.

When Han Huaili arrived, Meng Ziyi had already arrived, and the woman was throwing stones at the center of the lake, one after another, and the stones caused ripples on the lake, Han Huaili was very surprised, it is rare to see a woman with such skillful skills.

Meng Ziyi was so invested that he didn't notice Han Huaili's approach at all.

Until a pebble was thrown into the water, drawing a beautiful arc, farther than she threw it, and it was thrown directly to the opposite bank.

Meng Ziyi was stunned on the spot, this was the first time for her, she had a feeling of meeting opponents, throwing stones was a unique skill she had practiced since she was a child, even those boys were not her opponents.

Meng Ziyi turned her head and saw Han Huaili, she had a look of disbelief, "How did you do it?"

Han Huaili curled his lips, "Maybe it's because of his extraordinary talent!"

Meng Ziyi glanced at him resentfully, obviously dissatisfied, she threw more than a dozen stones into the lake, but none of them could throw Han Huaili's perfect arc.

Meng Ziyi is a person who never takes the initiative to admit defeat. This is the first time that she feels that she has failed, and it is still a crushing failure.

"How on earth did you do it?" Meng Ziyi was unwilling.

At this moment, in Han Huaili's eyes, Meng Ziyi was inexplicably cute, all the little emotions were displayed on her face, it was rare to see the side of a little woman like her.

"Teach you." After Han Huaili finished speaking, he came behind Meng Ziyi and held her hand.

At this time, Meng Ziyi was eager to learn, and did not notice how ambiguous their interaction was at the moment. She was tightly pressed against Han Huaili's arms, the man held her waist, and Han Huaili's breath could even be heard in her ears.

Han Huaili explained some techniques to Meng Ziyi, and then the man took her hand and drew an arc in the air.

"Throw it!" Han Huaili directed.

Meng Ziyi took advantage of the opportunity to throw a stone, and saw that the stone seemed to be enchanted, jumping non-stop in the water until it ran to the opposite bank.

"Ahhh! I succeeded!" Meng Ziyi screamed happily.

She turned her head to look at Han Huaili, because the distance was too close, the tip of her nose touched Han Huaili's, almost touching his lips.

It was only then that Meng Ziyi realized that the boundary between them had crossed a bit.

The woman blushed and backed away immediately.

"Have you learned it?" Han Huaili asked.

Meng Ziyi nodded awkwardly.

"You try again." Han Huaili suggested.

Meng Ziyi shook his head, looking flustered, "No, I won't play anymore."

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

After a while, Meng Ziyi finally spoke, "I have fulfilled my promise, and now we can dissolve the relationship between husband and wife."

Han Huaili fell silent, he would rather stay in the moment when Meng Ziyi was snuggling in his arms just now.

At least for that moment, his sense of happiness was real.

However, Meng Ziyi's words completely brought Han Huaili back to reality.

The man had to admit that at this moment, his heart was aching.

"Why? Is it because of Gao Honglun?" This was the first time Han Huaili took the initiative to talk about the relationship between Meng Ziyi and Gao Honglun.

Meng Ziyi was silent for a long time, and silence is sometimes an answer.

"He may not wake up." Han Huaili said.

"No! He will definitely wake up!" Meng Ziyi's eyes were determined, and his eyes turned red because of his excitement.

"The doctor should have told you that people who have been in a coma for more than half a year have very little chance of waking up." Han Huaili said calmly.

"No! The chance is small, but it doesn't mean there is no chance." Meng Ziyi's voice choked up.

Han Huaili responded: "I can wait, I don't want to make any announcement at this time."

"What are you waiting for?" Meng Ziyi was puzzled.

"If he can't wake up, at least I still have a chance." Han Huaili replied.

 Guoguo still likes Mr. Han very much. This is the only CP in this book who is a bit cruel to Guoguo. It can only be said that on the road of love, the order of appearance is very important...

(End of this chapter)

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