I was a little puzzled in my heart. I felt that the water instructor didn't tell a lot of things. About the legend of this cave, she should know something about the strange things or creatures in it, but it seemed that she was hiding something.However, I am not good at asking.Alas, we can only take one step at a time.

About a thousand meters down.The road began to go straight forward, no longer extending downward.A light appeared ahead.Could it be that the top of the cave in front is open, allowing light to come in?We all stepped up and moved forward.When we really got to the end and saw the light, everyone was stunned.We have come to a fault in a cave, and now our position is on the cliff of this fault.Except for the way we came, there are abyss on three sides, and the white mist is filled below. There is a cliff opposite us, about a thousand meters away, and on that cliff, there is a large area that looks like a palace. A complex of buildings resembling a manor castle.There are countless dots of lights appearing inside.I couldn't help but take a deep breath, what's on the other side?Yan Luodian?Fengdu, an underground ghost town?But we are only on the first floor, how can we see it?Everyone stared blankly at this strange scene, peering at each other, speechless for a long time.

After a while, Xiaowenshu asked: "What should we do now? There is an abyss on three sides, and there are strange buildings in front of us. We can't get through, so what should we do?" The water instructor said slowly: "No matter what those buildings are , even if it is really the Hall of Yama, we have to make a breakthrough! Now that we have come here, there must be a way, everyone should look for it.” Now that the water instructor said so, I thought: every woman has such fearlessness Courage, then us big men can't show weakness.So I said: "Brothers, what are we? They are men and even soldiers! We are not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles! No matter what it is, the Temple of Yama or a ghost town, we have to go and see it, and we will live this life in vain! Let's find Find the way!" So everyone dispersed, moved cautiously on the edge of the steep cliff, and began to search for the path.

Suddenly, Xiao Wen said loudly: "Everyone come and see! There is a stone bridge!" Everyone ran over quickly.When we saw the stone bridge, we couldn't help being surprised.The stone bridge sinks about half a meter away from the cliff, and because of the mist, it can be seen very vaguely.The bridge is less than one meter wide, and there are some wooden fences on both sides, but most of them are dilapidated.The stone bridge hangs in the air like this and extends into the mist. I don't know if it leads to the haunted building complex with strangely flickering lights ahead.

The water instructor took a deep breath and said: "Since we have found this stone bridge, no matter whether it is the way we want to go or not, we can only move forward!" Jiao Yiming suddenly picked up the end of the sentence, and said anxiously: "Since we passed : The scope of "No Snake Dragon", until now, I have observed carefully that there is no trace left by the corpse wolf. I don't know if the corpse wolf walked the same way as us? I feel as if we walked It is not the same way as them, because this way is too smooth, without any obstacles!" The water instructor looked at Jiao Yiming and said, "Are you sure? Then this is the way to enter this cave. How do you know that they walked with us? Is it different?" Jiao Yiming said: "Instructor, since we entered the cave, we were in a hurry, afraid that the corpse wolf would find what you said first, so we didn't investigate the situation of the cave carefully. Walked along the road. However, in the cave we walked through, there are some very spacious places, because it is very dark, and we walked in a straight line, so we walked all the way here. However, it cannot be ruled out that there are no caves in the places we walked. Another way.” Everyone thought about it, and it was indeed the case.Otherwise, at least the Corpse Wolf will set up some mechanisms or traps to hinder us.

Instructor Shui lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "I think you are right! But since we have come here and there is a way to go, and the stone tablet also indicated that the Seventh Netherworld is going this way, then I think we should go here. There is no wrong way! Corpse wolves go where they go and which way it doesn't matter, I think we will meet in the end. Regardless of them, let's go along this bridge! Let me explore the way first, you all want Pay attention to vigilance!" After finishing speaking, he was ready to go down to the stone bridge.Jiao Yiming stood up again at this time, grabbed the water instructor and said, "I'll come first! I always feel that there is something weird on this bridge. I have magic protection, let me explore it!" Saying, Lightly stepped on the stone wall and fell down.

When Jiao Yiming's feet landed on the stone bridge, suddenly, as he said, the surroundings changed!A gust of wind suddenly blows, the wind is very strong, and everyone's clothes suddenly start to rise again.The wind was as cold as a knife, and it felt a bit biting on the face.And the stone bridge is in the fog, because the wind blows and the fog moves around, it seems to be a little shaking!And the fences made of rotten wood swayed in the wind.Pang Xiaotai screamed to the following: "Jiao Yiming, come up quickly! Something is wrong!" Jiao Yiming made a gesture, and instead of coming up, he squatted down gently, a piece of wood broken by the wind The fence broke with a "click" and just flew over Jiao Yiming's head.We couldn't help sweating for Jiao Yiming on the cliff.

Jiao Yiming struggled to remove the backpack from his back in the strong wind, took out a small mahogany sword, and a piece of yellow paper, bit his finger, and drew a symbol on the paper.Then he twisted the yellow paper with two fingers in his left hand, held the sword in his right hand, murmured something in his mouth, then thrust the yellow paper into the sword, shouted loudly: "Hurry up!" and thrust the sword into the air!Suddenly, the wind suddenly stopped.And the fog has dissipated a lot.We can even clearly see the cliffs where the stone bridge is leading to the palace complexes ahead.Under the stone bridge, we also saw some scenes. A long black river winds around the cliff and extends to an unknown place. The two sides of the long river are bare dark red rocks, without any trees and plants. There are many black holes on the cliff.

At this time, Jiao Yiming waved to us, which meant that it was done, and everyone can go on the bridge and move forward.So everyone went down to the stone bridge carefully one by one.And Jiao Yiming was holding a gun to guard us.When we all got to the bridge, everyone began to walk forward slowly and vigilantly.The stone bridge is still very solid, without any cracks, but the wooden railings on both sides have been rotted, everyone was careful not to approach the two sides, and walked in the middle as much as possible.The stone bridge is very long, because the cliffs on both sides are nearly a thousand meters apart.I don't know how the thousand-meter stone bridge was built. There is no support point underneath, and it is difficult to do it even with the current technology.Is it true that it was built by immortals and ghosts?It took about a cup of tea, and we were almost halfway there. This is, Pang Xiaotai suddenly said: "Hey, what is this?" When everyone looked at it, he picked it up from the bridge halfway near the railing A small black block of wood that appears to be a wood carving of a bird.Jiao Yiming suddenly remembered something, and said to Pang Xiaotai with a sudden change of expression: "Put it back quickly! You are crazy!" Pang Xiaotai jumped, looked at Jiao Yiming, and muttered, "I don't know what it is. , Just pick it up and have a look, what's crazy? Really!" After finishing speaking, he still bent down and wanted to put it back in place.At this moment, we all heard the sound of birdsong, and then we saw a frightening scene, some dark red-feathered birds scrambled out of the densely packed small holes on the stone walls at both ends of the stone bridge, Each one was about the size of a common domestic chicken, and they all flew towards the stone bridge with countless chirping noises in their ears.Wait until a closer look, my God!These birds have three heads, each with a small blood-red crest and one eye.The mouth is about four to five centimeters long, slender and sharp like the tail sting of a bumblebee.The bottom of the abdomen is white, with sharp claws like eagles and vultures. Seeing that they are flying towards us and are about to reach our feet, Jiao Yiming shouted: "Everyone, run forward!" Run over to the palace group.But after all, many big birds flew out of the cliff ahead.There are already many strange birds flying towards us on the bridge in front of us.Pang Xiaotai, who was at the front, roared, picked up his submachine gun and began to charge forward while strafing. He must have regretted touching that wooden bird sculpture in his heart.So I want to fight a way for everyone regardless of my own safety.When everyone saw it, they raised their guns and fired at the air and under the bridge while rushing forward with Pang Xiaotai.Fortunately, it was only a few hundred meters away from the cliff. After a while of rushing and beating, we finally stepped on the cliff. We shot down a lot of strange birds, but they kept increasing. , I feel like my sweat is about to cover my eyes.After crossing the stone bridge and stepping onto the cliff, the water instructor said anxiously: "No matter what happens to the building in front, everyone rush forward! Don't stop! Find a building to hide in first." I looked up and saw Not far away is a two-story small stone building, with lights flashing from every window, which is very weird!But I can't control that much anymore, so I shouted: "Everyone, run to the small stone building! Go in and hide for a while!" So, everyone crazily avoided the sharp-mouthed attack in the air, and the weapons in their hands kept shooting Then, a large group of strange birds screamed and fell from the sky, and we finally arrived at the bottom of the stone building. Pang Xiaotai in front kicked open the wooden door and rushed in.The others finally backed in one by one, and the last little clerk and the big man Meng Xingliang closed them with a bang, and then the whole room was filled with the sound of panting.Those strange birds pecked at the wooden door with their beaks in bursts, and everyone was still terrified in their hearts.Xiaowenshu and Meng Xingliang pressed their bodies against the wooden door tightly.Fortunately, the door is very thick, probably made of good solid wood.After about 2 minutes, there was suddenly no bird chirping or door pecking outside.Everyone let out a long sigh of relief, and did it against the wall.

At this time, Zhang Li screamed: "Pang Xiaotai, you are injured!" Everyone saw that there were bloodstains on Pang Xiaotai's shoulders and chest.Looks like it was pecked by a bird.Jiao Yiming hurried over, sat next to him, took out a small iron can from his backpack, picked out some oily things from it with his fingers, and said to Pang Xiaotai: "Tear off the clothes on the wound, and I will wipe it for you. Apply the medicine." Pang Xiaotai blushed and said, "It's okay, I just got pecked by those birds a few times, nothing! It's all my fault, I messed with things!" Jiao Yiming said, "It's okay? Do you know what kind of bird it is? Peck What will happen if you get hurt? Hurry up! Take off your clothes, I'll squeeze the wound and apply medicine on it!" As he spoke, he tore Pang Xiaotai's clothes.Pang Xiaotai hurriedly unbuttoned his clothes, only to see that the blood from those wounds had begun to turn black.I stepped forward to help squeeze the blood from his wound, and Jiao Yiming applied the ointment on him.

After finishing all this, Jiao Yiming sat on the ground and let out a long breath, and said: "If my guess is correct, the river below the two cliffs is the real "Styx River", which is what the water instructor said. The Xiaoming River flows under the Black Snake Tan, and then flows through the bottom of the Qingling Cliff to exhaust this dark river. This dark river is the real "Styx River". According to legend, above the Styx River is the Naihe Bridge, which is The stone bridge we walked through. According to legend, the two sides of the Styx River are cliffs created by ghosts and axes. There are many ghost eye holes on the two walls, and there are "Stylish Birds" living in them, which is the three-headed one-eyed monster we encountered. Bird. This bird is a unique bird on the bank of the Styx River in the underworld. It is transformed by ghosts and resentment ghosts and ghosts in the Styx River. It is inexhaustible to kill! If a living person is injured by it, it will turn into blood and flow into the underworld for a moment River. Fortunately, I thought at the time that if I was injured by a ghost, I asked the water instructor to find someone to prepare an ointment made of sulfur, dog gold, dog blood, cinnabar and glutinous rice porridge. Trouble!" Pang Xiaotai asked: "Brother Jiao, what is this dog gold? "Golden dog, commonly known as dog poop. Dog poop and dog blood are both things to ward off evil spirits, and cinnabar and glutinous rice porridge are even more good things, feared by ghosts! And sulfur is a holy product for disinfection. Do you understand?" Pang Xiaotai anxious Standing up, pointing at Jiao Yiming, he said, "You... you wiped shit on the wound on my body? I...", as I said that, my throat made a loud noise, probably feeling sick.Jiao Yiming said: "It's important to save your life! You just make it!" Everyone burst into laughter.The little document said to Pang Xiaotai: "This is to punish you! If you hadn't touched that little wooden bird carving, how could such a thing have happened? You can be satisfied with this thing if you can save your life!" Pang Xiaotai retched I didn't spit out anything for a while, and then I did it dejectedly.It seems to be unlucky.The water instructor said: "Everyone should be tired and hungry. Let's rest for 10 minutes, eat something and drink some water."

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