Waiting is the most depressing thing for human beings, especially when you are waiting to solve a mystery, the feeling of waiting is really tormenting.In my memory, after waiting for a long time, the yellow curtain flashed, and Jiao Yiming finally came out.Judging by his expression, he seemed very excited, but also seemed to have an indescribable feeling, seemed to be fear?still. . .He looked at us fixedly, then walked straight to the right side of the main hall without saying a word, everyone followed him in a daze to the yellow curtain on the right side, and he said: "As usual, I'll go in, you wait." Then he got into the yellow mantle again.Everyone is so depressed, this Jiao Yiming, why don't you let us go in and see what kind of mural is it, what is it painted on?

After another seven or eight minutes, he got out again.He took a deep breath, looked at us quietly, did not speak, seemed to be thinking about how to explain what he saw.

In this way, we and him looked at each other, and neither of us spoke.About 2 minutes later, he let out a long breath and spoke: "Dear comrades, I think I have found the answer! Through these paintings, I have connected everything. I want to talk to you first. Why don't I let you go in and look at these murals. Because I can't guarantee what kind of spiritual collapse I will have after seeing these pictures. That is to say, when we entered Xishan from the beginning, we met "Dragon", when we entered the cave, saw the Styx, encountered the Styx, entered the hut and saw the "Blood Soul Jade Corpse", then went to the "Tiangang Disha Formation" constructed by the White Tower, and then those formed by the "Nine Dragons". I can vaguely feel something in my heart, but I am not sure. I saw these murals just now, and I finally understand! These murals are a story, There is nothing in the story itself, but these murals can seduce and hurt people's spirit and willpower. If you go behind the yellow curtain to see these murals without any preparation, then I believe most of us will enter hallucinations , the consequences... are estimated to be very serious. Because, this is the "Ecstasy painting" of the Xun clan!"

Ecstasy?Everyone was taken aback.Jiao Yiming also said: "The so-called "ecstasy painting" refers to adding some things that stimulate or interfere with people's mental power or willpower to the dyes or paper materials used in the painting process, such as plants or Extracts from animals. When people see these paintings, because they inhale or are stimulated by that substance, they will have hallucinations and then become confused."

After a pause, he continued: "Through our series of encounters, I think I have figured out what this place is. Let me tell you an ancient legend first: According to the legend, Chi You and his race are He suddenly appeared from the ground and appeared in the human world. Therefore, it is said that he was the chief of the Jiuli tribe in ancient times. Raised troops to compete with the Yellow Emperor, and fought fiercely in Zhuolu. According to legend, Chiyou has eight legs, three heads and six arms, a bronze head and iron forehead, and is invulnerable. He is good at fighting with knives, axes, and spears. The gods helped him break it. The sky was dark and the blood flowed like a river. Chiyou was killed by the Yellow Emperor. The Zha people we are talking about now are a race among the people around him. From this we can see that this is the underground village of the Zhe people. In other words, we have entered the underground world that Chi You once ruled! If we go further down, maybe we will see the underground village of Chi You’s subordinate tribe!”

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.The little document suddenly asked: "It doesn't matter what tribe it is, or where it is, but why have we walked all the way in this village and didn't see a living person or creature, and all the houses and buildings have lights?"

Jiao Yiming said: "I couldn't figure out this question at first, but now I have two guesses. First, we can check all the lamps to see what kind of fuel is inside. Second, this village may be inhabited. It may be seen or uninhabited, but people often come to refuel these lamps. First, let's take a look at the lamps!" After speaking, he led the way to the lamp stand.Everyone followed suit.

Jiao Yiming walked to an oil lamp, looked at the structure of the oil lamp first, then took out a silver knife from his backpack, touched a little bit of burning grease on the lamp, sniffed it under his nose, and said: " Sure enough!" Everyone looked at him, not knowing why.He stood up, turned around and said to everyone: "What is burning in this lamp is a special substance called "merman ointment". , as soft as boneless. People catch it, boil it in a big pot, boil it for seven days and seven nights, that is, it turns into ointment as a whole, and use this ointment to make lamp oil. It is said that it will last thousands of years. Of course, this is only According to legend, but according to my sniff, this burning substance is definitely not all kinds of oily substances used by us humans."

OMG!In my heart, I couldn't help but lament the natural enemy's good fortune, such a thing once existed in the world.So how many miracles and weird things are waiting for us on our way?Everyone didn't know what to say, and everyone looked at these lamps in silence.

Jiao Yiming continued: "Everyone take a break first, I'll go and look at the words and paintings on the white jade screen, and then see if there is a way out." After speaking, he walked to the high platform in front of the main hall by himself.The rest of us turned silently to watch his action.I saw Jiao Yiming cautiously stepping up the glittering golden steps step by step.Then he stroked the golden throne, walked to the white jade screen on the left, and observed it carefully.After staying for a while, he went to the screen on the right and looked at it.Then turn the screen and go in the back.Everyone still stared at his direction silently, secretly worried about him and waited for him to come out again.After about a few minutes, Jiao Yiming came out, and our hanging heart finally let go.

I saw him jumping off the high platform quickly and walking to us, his face had an excited expression and an indescribably complex expression.He glanced at each of us and said: "The content drawn with gold lines on the two screens is Chi You and several other strange-shaped people. Iron forehead, eight legs. There are two horns on both sides of the top of the head. So I recognized it at a glance. I just don’t know who the other strange people are. In addition, the screen on the left is close to a golden wall, and the screen on the right is behind it. There is an exit, a very long stone step leads directly to the ground, it is very dark and long, I turned on the flashlight and went down a few hundred steps, but I still can't see the end. So I will meet with you when I come back." Speaking of this, he turned to the water instructor Said: "Instructor, what do you think? Let's move on and walk down the steps."

The water instructor bowed his head silently and thought for a while and said: "We have to go down, there is no other choice." Then he looked up at everyone, and slowly said: "What do you think? I think this place is really weird. If anyone wants to choose to go back, I will not stop! After going out, you can wait for us at Cen Mingsheng's village. I didn't expect this mission to come to such a situation, so... I'm sorry! I won't blame you if you want to go back You, I will not report to my superiors!"

The rest of us looked at each other, and then Zhang Li smiled and said: "Sister Shui, I will definitely be with you and help you complete the task." Jiao Yiming also said: "I want to uncover this big story. I choose to go on.” Pang Xiaotai came over and took Jiao Yiming’s hand and said, “Brother Jiao is leaving, I’ll accompany you!” I smiled and said, “Everyone will continue to complete the task! Soldiers, no matter what difficulties and obstacles, they will never back down!" Saying this, he glanced at Xiaowenshu and Wu Fei.The others also hurriedly said that they would continue to walk and complete the task.Instructor Shui nodded, and took off his mask conveniently, revealing her true face.

Everyone was amazed when they saw the real face of instructor Shui.Her face was as bright as a pool of autumn water, and as soon as the locks behind the mask were loosened, her long hair fell down at the same time, a beautiful woman who couldn't speak.

Instructor Shui smiled faintly and said to all of us: "Now each of us is honest with each other. I hope that all of us can work together to deal with the difficulties and dangers ahead." Everyone did not speak, and silently nodded solemnly. Look at your head.This is just the first step, already so weird and dangerous, what about the road ahead?Thinking of this, each of us has a heavy heart.

The water instructor said at this time: "Time is running out, everyone is on the road!" So Jiao Yiming and Pang Xiaotai continued to walk in front, and everyone went up to the golden platform, passed through the screen, and walked into the dark passage, winding and Down.

This passage is very dark, and the light from the powerful military flashlight can only be about half a meter away. I don't know how far ahead it will be to the end.Everyone walked forward in silence.In the dark, I felt Zhang Li holding my hand tightly.

The road was always downward, and slowly, I felt a very strange breath that made me feel a little uncomfortable.Is this road endless?Estimated time, we walked for about half an hour.But the feeling of darkness without end is maddening! (Let me say this, I am very afraid of the dark.) I stopped and whispered to everyone: "Don't go! Do you feel that this darkness is a bit weird, and we seem to have no end." Listen to me After talking, everyone stopped, and Jiao Yiming raised his flashlight to shine on the top of his head and the two walls of the passage, and said to me: "No problem, this passage is going straight forward. It may be very long, so I feel It makes people unable to go to the end. To be honest, I also feel very depressed, a dark and long feeling, but I think as long as we get rid of this feeling in our hearts, it will be much better." I let out a foul breath and said : "Then let's keep going, I hope I just feel like you said. Our route is right." So everyone continued to move forward.Just when the feeling of depression in my heart was about to collapse, I suddenly felt that the road under my feet became a horizontal line, that is to say, the road did not go down, but went straight forward.My heart suddenly felt a lot more at ease.Is this passage coming to an end?

About another 10 minutes into the distance, we saw a very faint glow of yellow.From a distance, it looks like the size of a soybean grain.I faintly felt that everyone's mood relaxed a lot.Everyone involuntarily quickened their pace.

At this moment, all of us suddenly heard a faint sound, like the cry of some kind of animal, the sound was very ethereal but penetrating, and I felt a chill hit my heart.But I can't think of any animal that makes such a sound.Everyone's footsteps slowed down.Pang Xiaotai muttered in a low voice: "What's the sound? It's so infiltrating!" Instructor Shui said in a low voice: "Everyone keep going, be careful!".

The yellow light spot in front is getting brighter and bigger.When we actually saw it, everyone stopped in a daze.

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