The cave was not big, and when I walked into the protruding shadow, I found a large stone door directly in front of me, which was also stained with blood like the stone table.Above the door is a strange round bronze door trim inlaid on it.The pattern of the door decoration is a shape that resembles a bull's head, but the face is a human face with two horns on the head.Very weird!I hurriedly greeted everyone to come and see.

When you see this stone gate, you know that we have a way forward again.But the door decorations on the stone gate looked confused, even fearful.Jiao Yiming stared at it with a flashlight for a long time, then turned around and said to us all: "This should be a symbol of a tribal totem. Everyone knows that Chi You is a strange man with a bull's head and a human body. I think this door ornament It shows that the people of this tribe all have such a body shape, so this door decoration must be their totem." Hearing what he said, everyone nodded in agreement, because there was really no other explanation.

Pang Xiaotai walked by, looked at Shimen and said, "Never mind him, now we have to open this Shimen and move forward. I'll open the door!" He put his hands on the door and tried to push Shimen open with all his strength. .As a result, he bared his teeth and tried hard, but the door didn't budge.Pang Xiaotai let go of his hand and muttered: "Why can't this door be pushed open?"

At this time, Jiao Yiming smiled and said: "Of course it can't be pushed open. You can see that there is no gap at all on both sides of the door, which means that the door is not pushed in or moved on both sides. It must be going up. That is to say, it should be controlled by the mechanism hub, and we must find out the mechanism to open this door."

The little clerk walked over with a smile and patted Pang Xiaotai on the shoulder, and said to him: "Comrade Xiaotai, brute force alone is not enough, you need to use your brain." He nodded his head as he spoke.Pang Xiaotai blushed and said, "Go away! Open it if you have the ability!" Everyone smiled.Quickly turned on the flashlight and looked around for the mechanism to open the door.

I feel like I don't understand anything about mechanisms. Due to the sudden loss of consciousness just now, I saw the bloody scene thousands of years ago in my mind, and I couldn't figure out why.So I looked around the four walls and looked at the skeletons of human slaves hanging on them, and thought to myself, the human beings at that time were so ignorant that they had to use living people to sacrifice.I don't know what kind of purpose and belief it is for.As I was thinking about it, suddenly I saw that scene in front of my eyes again: the wizard was praying to the sky, and the tribal crowd was singing and dancing holding torches.And a personal slave and animal were sent to the stone table like an assembly line, and their heads were beheaded.Finally, the bloody scene ended, and all the animals and human slaves carried into the cave were hacked to death.A tribal headman covered in animal skins and with two horns on his head walked to the side of the stone gate, reached out and pressed a raised stone wall on the left side of the gate, and the heavy stone gate went up with a bang!All the people of the tribe cheered and rushed in, and the Shimen came down again with a bang.Suddenly, I felt a sudden pain in my head and woke up again.At this time, I realized that my whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

I recovered and told everyone not to look for it, and then told everyone about the scene I saw in my consciousness just now.Everyone looked at me suspiciously.Zhang Li walked by, touched my forehead and said, "Do you have a fever? Or are you hallucinating due to long-term mental stress?"

I didn't say anything more, but walked to the left side of the stone gate, and sure enough, I saw a raised stone on the cave wall.I stretched out my hand and pressed it, and suddenly the stone collapsed, and the stone door slowly rose up with a bang, slowly revealing a dark entrance, and I couldn't help but stay there.Everyone stood there in surprise when they saw this scene, and no one spoke again.

After a while, the water instructor said: "Go! Everyone go in." After hearing this, the whole family started to walk in.At this moment, Jiao Yiming said hurriedly: "Slow down! I feel something is wrong!" Everyone was stunned and turned to look at him, meaning "What's wrong?".

Jiao Yiming said: "Since Yunlong saw this scene subconsciously, I think their living animal sacrifice ceremony must have a purpose! Why do they carry out this kind of sacrifice in this small cave? I guess, this tribe There must be a kind of ceremony, and only when this kind of ceremony is held and a living sacrifice is offered, and all the blood flows into the stone trough, can one enter that stone gate, otherwise I guess something terrible will happen." Hearing what he said, everyone It fell silent.Xiaowen said: "Then what should we do? We can't hold a living sacrifice ceremony? Besides, we don't have a place to make these sacrifices?"

All of a sudden, everyone looked inside the dark stone gate, and no one was speechless.Everyone looked at Instructor Shui, and saw Instructor Shui lowering his head and thinking about something.After about tens of seconds, the water instructor raised his head, looked at everyone with a resolute expression, and said, "It is impossible for us to hold any living sacrifices. Maybe it is some superstitious ancient practice of this tribe, and there may not be any Terrible things happened. Let’s go in like this, maybe there may be danger, everyone should be vigilant, I believe we have modern and sophisticated weapons in our hands, which can deal with the danger we encounter.” Then he looked at everyone’s expressions.We all know that it will be like this, and there is no way out now. Only by moving forward, can we hope to go through the hardships and step out of the sky.

So, everyone turned on all the flashlights, and slowly warned that he walked into the back of the stone gate.Wait until all of us have just stepped through the door.The stone gate fell down again with a sudden bang, blocking our retreat, and everyone was taken aback.

And when we came back to our senses, the scene in front of us made us feel overwhelmed, feeling extremely strange and frightened.Our military powerful flashlight, the light is so bright, but the moment the stone door is closed, all the light is lost!We all suddenly fell into the boundless darkness.I don't know what is behind this stone gate, how big it is, and what's inside!The incomparable darkness made our hearts sink all of a sudden, and it was terrifying to drive people crazy!Are all the flashlights broken?Or is it the specific environment where it is located or what substances are in it that make our flashlight lose its light function for a moment?None of us know.

In the darkness, no one moved, it seemed that the sudden change made us all lose our minds, or rather surprised.The silence allows each of us to hear the heartbeat of the other.

After about tens of seconds, Pang Xiaotai, being a reckless person, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a low voice, "What's going on? Why are all the flashlights off? Where is this place?" No one answered him, and I don't think everyone can answer him.After a while of silence, Jiao Yiming said in the dark: "I think there must be a special substance in it that makes our flashlights lose their light. Now we all don't move around, stand where we are, and think of a way."

I thought to myself: What kind of substance is so powerful that it can extinguish or absorb such a powerful flashlight?I suddenly thought, since I can enter the consciousness to go back to what happened outside the stone gate thousands of years ago, why don't I try to enter the subconscious mind to see what happened when those alien races entered the stone gate.Then, I closed my eyes and began to recall the scenes I saw subconsciously. Slowly, I felt that I began to lose my thoughts and consciousness again. . .The stone gate is slowly falling, the headman and the wizard are at the front, and those clansmen don't dance like they did in the cave outside the stone gate, but changed a serious expression, muttering prayers in their mouths What, holding torches and following behind the headman, walking forward slowly, the torches in their hands illuminated the surroundings, and I saw a miraculous sight.Behind the entire stone gate is a boxy room!I say it is a room, because the walls on all sides are in a very regular square shape, there is nothing inside, and the walls on all sides and the top are pale and white, just like. . .Like the color of a hospital ward.ground. . .It turned out to be the same white.However, the length of this room seems to be endless. Subconsciously, I watched the ancient alien crowd slowly and slowly walk into a pale distance, and then disappeared.All I could see was a blinding, dizzying whiteness. . .

Feeling a splitting headache again, I returned to the darkness of reality.Everyone still didn't intend to move, but were discussing this strange world in low voices, discussing how to get out of this darkness.In a soft voice, I recounted what I saw just now when I fell into subconsciousness again.Everyone feels incredible!This dark place turned out to be a long pure white space?So why can't our flashlights emit light?At this time, Ji Haifei suddenly shouted: "I understand! I understand!" Everyone hurriedly urged him to explain what he understood.He said excitedly: "My father is a professor at the university, specializing in physics and chemistry. I remember that he once published a paper. I can't remember the title, but I still have an impression of the content. That is to say, cold light sources and hot light sources are essentially There is a big difference. In a room with white paint on all sides, if we use an artificial lighting device with a cold light source, the light will be very weak. But if we use a real heat source light, such as a torch, then it will It is very bright. The reason is that the cold light source is produced by an artificial reaction of physical and chemical substances. If a room is coated with some light-attracting substances, the lighting effect of the cold light source will be very weak or even ineffective. It exists, while the heat light source is brighter. I think just now Yunlong saw in his subconscious this long rectangular room or passageway with snow-white walls and ceilings, so I guess it was painted with a layer containing The paint that absorbs the cold light source material efficiently, then all the light irradiated by our flashlight will be absorbed by it, so it seems to lose its effect at once. Now we can try to illuminate it with a hot light source." While talking He took out the beautiful zippo blue ice Harley Sapphire Ghost 20711 lighter from his arms, and the faint flame turned on, and everyone cheered involuntarily, as expected!The weirdness and fear in everyone's heart disappeared all of a sudden.The water instructor quickly took out the alcohol stove from his backpack, approached Ji Haifei and lit it, and asked Ji Haifei to turn off the lighter.

At this time, all of us can finally move forward with peace of mind, because I have subconsciously seen that there are no things or dangers in these four white passages, so we can also move forward boldly with confidence.

About half an hour or so, under the faint light of the alcohol stove, we walked to the end of the white passage and found a hole in the rock that only one person can pass through, which means that the white passage has finally passed.I believe that if you enter this cave again, the flashlight should work.

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