I don't know how long it took, and suddenly we felt a shock under our feet, and the sinking stopped.None of us opened our mouths, and there was silence around us, without any sound.My devil's flashlight shone around, and the surrounding area seemed to be very large. The light of our flashlights could hardly see the specific situation around us.

Just when the water instructor took out the cold fireworks from his backpack and was about to throw them out to see the surrounding environment, there was a sudden "click" sound from the agency news in front of us, and everyone stopped again, not daring to move , standing quietly waiting for a sudden change.

In less than a minute, the "click" sound stopped again. I took a flashlight to take a look at the approximate location of the message in front of me, and found a long downward line in front of the rock we were standing on. stone steps.

At this time, the water instructor threw two cold fireworks in her hand. Following the light they drew in the air, I seemed to see a lot of golden stone pillars, which seemed to be very tall on the stone pillars.

The cold fireworks drew an arc in the air and fell to the ground. The bright light suddenly illuminated a large area of ​​the ground, and we saw a golden piece!It's like seeing it somewhere, yes!It was in the big palace of the Xun village, the ground we saw was covered with gold bricks!The ground here is the same, all gold bricks!Everyone looked at each other, very surprised, what is here?Could it be another underground palace?

At this moment, Jiao Yiming said: "I believe that the steps we are going to go down must be steps 81. And below must be an underground temple built in a huge karst cave!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked to the front of the stone platform where we were, stood on the top of the stone steps, and then called everyone to follow him.

So we followed him down the steps.As I walked, I silently counted the number of steps.When we got to the ground, I was surprised to find that the steps were indeed the 81 steps as Jiao Yiming said.

When I got down, I looked back at the door, only to realize that the place we were standing on just now was a square stone platform about five meters high, and the entrance we had come down on the stone platform had been closed.I don't know if we want to go out again, will we have to go up to the stone platform, find the mechanism and then go back up, and then go back to the secret path above.

Everyone turned around and walked forward slowly. Now five flashlights were turned on, and with two extremely bright cold fireworks, all the light could not illuminate this so-called temple hall. It seems that this temple is really Huge!

After walking about less than 100 meters, Jiao Yiming, who was at the front, seemed to have noticed a black thing on his left side. In the dim light and shadow, the thing seemed to be human-shaped, and it stood about one meter high on the ground. Yiming looked at it carefully, then stood there and turned back to Ji Haifei and said, "Haifei, give me your lighter to use." Ji Haifei responded and walked forward, and we all followed suit.

When we saw Jiao Yiming standing in front of the thing and took a flashlight, we found that this thing looked like a human figure, a bronze human figure, which seemed to be a woman, but it was different from what we usually see in TV and movies. The ancient women seen in the book are not the same.The body of this female figurine made of bronze is concave and convex, very feminine, but it has a snake's head, which means that this woman has a human body and a snake head, which is very strange.She held up a bronze disc with her hands, and on both sides of the disc were connected two grooves leading to nowhere, and there seemed to be some grease of unknown origin inside the disc and the grooves. thing.

Jiao Yiming took the lighter from Ji Haifei's hand, lighted it up, and tapped it lightly into the disc supported by the snake's head, a little yellow light appeared, and then slowly expanded, and the brightness became bigger and bigger , and then the grooves connecting the discs also started to burn, slowly extending to both sides, and the inside of the hall became brighter and brighter. We watched all this happen with jaw-dropping eyes.

There are more and more lights, and only then can we see that every three meters or so in the groove, a disc held up on the top of a female figurine standing on the ground with a human body and a snake head will be ignited, and then continue to extend to both sides .

Ten minutes later, I don't know how much has been lit, but the groove is still extending, my God, how big will this temple be!How many such figurine oil lamps will there be!Each of us has not lost the awareness of language and action, quietly watching the extension of this light.

About half an hour passed, and all the lamps in the entire temple were lit. At this time, we really saw the whole picture of the temple.At that moment, to be honest, each of us almost stopped breathing!If we say that when we see the palaces in the village of the Xun people, they are astonishingly magnificent, magical and luxurious, then this temple is magnificent and magnificent that cannot be described in words in heaven and earth!It can almost be said that this temple should not be a human building, but a miracle!At that time, I wondered if it was built by the most intelligent alien creatures in the universe.

First of all, what we see is that all the ground is made of gold bricks of the same size tens of centimeters, and then what we see are the bronze lamps of figurines with human body and snake head extending infinitely in all directions. They seem to be endless. Can't see any edge of the temple at all!Then there are countless towering golden columns of gold reaching to the endless dome above us.

At this moment, we feel that we are so small in this infinite temple!It seems that what you entered is not a temple, but an endless space of the universe.

It was a long time before we woke up from the unconscious state.

Jiao Yiming took a deep breath, and said to all of us: "I can't believe my eyes! This temple is definitely a miracle! Ancient times, what kind of world is it? What kind of wisdom and ability? I really can't imagine."

Everyone looked at him silently, but no one spoke.

After a while, the water instructor said softly: "This temple is too big, let's not disperse, let's look for a way out together."

Jiao Yiming recovered his normal demeanor, and said to everyone: "I think, we must first find the main hall of the temple and find the location of the altar of the temple, so as to determine our orientation. Otherwise, such a miracle, the infinite space , we will get lost. I think, since we descended ninety-nine and eighty-one steps along the stone platform, there should be nothing wrong with us going in this direction.”

Jiao Yiming's thoughts were very meticulous, and when he raised his opinion, everyone nodded in agreement.

So we followed the direction of the steps down and walked forward.

Along the way, we didn't see any other objects or facilities except for the endless bronze figurine lamps and golden columns.Did not hear any sound.In this way, all of us seem to be walking in the endless space of the universe, and we have been walking towards the seemingly endless destination.

After walking for nearly half an hour, we still did not see other changes in the temple, nor did we see the main part of the temple as we imagined.At this time, I suddenly had a feeling of being peeped, but I looked around and couldn't find anything or hear any sound. Could it be my illusion?Or is it that my nerves are a little too sensitive because I have experienced so many weird things?I shook my head vigorously and continued walking.

However, the further I walked, the more I felt the feeling of being peeped in my consciousness became stronger and stronger, so I suddenly closed my eyes and subconsciously felt the position of the voyeur. Slowly, I seemed to see the temple. On a golden cylinder, there is a pair of eyes looking at us strangely.

I stopped, and without opening my eyes, I walked towards the golden column consciously, and those eyes watched me approaching step by step strangely, without any evasion.When I got under the column, I stopped, and then confronted those weird eyes.

All of a sudden, those eyes radiated a magical white light towards me, enveloping me, my subconscious was like playing a movie, and I saw scenes that surprised me: it was a battle on an ancient battlefield In the scene, countless ancient soldiers in five-color clothes, holding various cold weapons, are fighting with another group of soldiers wearing animal skins and wearing various bronze masks, and the ground is already covered with corpses, blood Flow into a river.At this time, I was wearing animal skins, holding a strange iron in my hand, and I was standing in the middle of the battlefield where the two armies were fighting, and I was standing there dumbly watching the bloody battle.At this time, a group of soldiers wearing five-color clothes saw me, brandishing the weapons in their hands, and ran towards me roaringly, and they arrived in front of my eyes in an instant. The weapon in his hand slashed at me. Suddenly, I felt a chill on my neck, and I felt a sense of relief in my heart. . . . . .

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