Following the stream, we went all the way up. After about 5 minutes, we entered the jungle on the hillside. Maybe no one has ever entered the jungle here. There are so many dwarf shrubs in it. In the jungle, our pace slowed down helplessly.

The types of trees in this jungle are very strange. I feel that the trees in the Jurassic or ancient times seen in movies are very similar, but there are also some species that seem to be all species in our era.

At this time, the three of us were very anxious. The towel and the blood showed that the water instructor and the others seemed to have been attacked by something, and we didn't know how they were doing now.

The shrubs and various vines under our feet are very lush. Every time we take a step, I have to hold up the seedling knife and cut left and right.

The underground leaves have been accumulated for many years and are very thick. When we walk up, they are very soft.If there are any dark holes or potholes below, we probably have no way to prevent them.

After the difficult three of us walked several hundred meters, I looked at the depths of the deep jungle in front of me, straightened my waist with sweat, and said to Xiaowenshu and Zhang Li: "If we continue like this, we don't know when we will be able to recover." Find the water instructors and the others."

The little document frowned and said, "Let's call out, maybe they are not far away."

I waved my hand and said, "Our voice can travel hundreds of meters at most in such a dense forest. If we don't call out to them and attract ferocious beasts, then we will be in trouble."

Zhang Li, who had been in a trance because of seeing the blood and the water instructor's towel, suddenly said, "Let me open my eyes, maybe I can find them."

At this time, Xiaowenshu said excitedly: "Yes, you can see them as long as you open your eyes."

At this time, I said to Zhang Li: "Zhang Li, I think it's useless. Even if you see them, we are not familiar with the terrain here, so we still can't find them."

Zhang Li looked at me sadly and said, "But at least we can still see them. Now I'm very panicked, I don't know what happened to Sister Shui."

I comforted her and said, "Zhang Li, I believe there are so many of them, and instructor Shui and Jiao Yiming's skills are so good, everything will be fine."

Zhang Li lowered her head and whispered, "I hope."

The three of us were silent for a while, I picked up the Miao Dao and continued to open the way, while Xiaowenshu and Zhang Li followed silently.

Suddenly, I heard Zhang Li screaming from behind, and I turned my head suddenly. Zhang Li was looking at behind me with a pale face, while Xiaowenshu fell to the ground, struggling, with his head facing us and his feet on the ground. But it seems to be entangled by something.

When I turned around to look, he was already being dragged by the things on his feet and moving quickly in front of us, while the little document was yelling "Ahh...".

I was taken aback, and hurriedly ran forward after Xiaowenshu's body. At this moment, I saw clearly that what was entangled with Xiaowenshu's feet was a gray vine-like thing. This vine was very long, and it seemed to come from a protruding from the back of a tall coniferous tree.

I quickly chased after it, but the vine pulled back very fast. After a while, Xiaowenshu was dragged behind the coniferous tree.Then, his voice suddenly disappeared.

With a curse in my heart, I ran wildly and turned to the back of the coniferous tree. When I saw the situation behind the tree, I couldn't believe my eyes.

A cyan plant about half a person's height, with a stem about the thickness of a human's thigh, appeared in front of my eyes, and on top of it was a huge brown flower, which was spherical and oval, which surprised me. To my horror, the flowers were as big as a small truck.And the stem of this strange plant has countless long gray vines, all clinging to the ground, constantly stretching and shrinking in all directions.

At this time, Xiaowenshu's entire legs and body have been wrapped by the huge flowers of this plant, leaving only his head exposed. consciousness.

Seeing Xiaowenshu's situation at this time, I couldn't help but my eyes spewed fire, and I raised the God-killing Miao Dao in my hand and strode forward, slashing at the flower.

At this moment, I heard Zhang Li exclaiming from behind: "Yunlong, be careful behind your back!"

Before the words were finished, I felt something coming towards the back of my head with the sound of the wind. I gritted my teeth, and the knife in my hand continued to cut at the flower, but I quickly lowered my head and waist.

As my knife landed on the flower, a gray vine whirled over my head.

The flower was slashed fiercely by my god-killing seedling knife, and a stench came to my face. I cut the flower open, and dark red juice flowed out.

The plant seemed to be in great pain, the flowers and stems trembled, and the vines that stretched in all directions quickly retracted.

The flowers twitched and separated, revealing the body of the little document inside.At this time, the entire legs and body of Xiaowenshu were covered in some gray mucus.

At this time, I saw that its vines were shrinking back, probably trying to gather all the vines to deal with me. I gritted my teeth fiercely, took a step forward, and raised my hand against the dark blue thick stem of this plant. Pick up the seedling knife and cut it over.

One cut, two cuts, the stem and flowers of this plant twitched and trembled non-stop, while the dark red juice of its "body" continued to flow out from the petals and stems.

The vines also stopped stretching at this time, just sticking to the ground tremblingly and shaking non-stop, as if they were so painful that they had no strength to retract them.

I couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, raised the seedling knife and continued to chop off the stem.

The seventh knife, the thick branch was finally cut off by me, and the huge flower fell down along with the top of the stem. Pull him out of the flower and put him on the ground.

At this time, Xiaowenshu was still unconscious, so I raised my head and said to Zhang Li, "Bring water!"

Zhang Li quickly opened the water bottle and handed it to me. I raised my head and poured it into my mouth. Then I lowered my body and sprayed it on Xiaowenshu's face with a puff.

After spraying it three times in a row, I saw Xiaowenshu's head move slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

I asked in a low voice, "Clerk, how do you feel? Does your body hurt?"

Xiaowenshu frowned, and moved his body slightly, as if he wanted to struggle to get up, and then suddenly his whole body went limp.Then he said to me vaguely and seemed very weak: "Yunlong, my body feels very numb, as if I have been injected with anesthesia, and I can't move."

I nodded and asked him again: "Then do you feel any pain?"

The little document shook his head with empty eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief, and felt a lot more at ease. It seems that this plant mainly secretes an anesthetic-like liquid that paralyzes the nerves, and has no toxins. Otherwise, the small document at this time may have died long ago.

I motioned for Zhang Li to hold the Shenshen Miao Dao for me, and I dragged the small document to the stream not far away.

When I got to the stream, I took off the backpack on Xiaowenshu's back, then dragged Xiaowenshu into the stream, held his head in my arms, and stretched out one hand to use the water to clean the mucus on Xiaowenshu's body.Zhang Li cleaned the small document's backpack by the water.

Fortunately, these mucus are easily peeled off from the body as soon as they come into contact with water.After about ten minutes, I finally washed all the mucus off my body.

After dragging him ashore again, I said to Zhang Li: "Zhang Li, you open the backpacks of me and Xiaowenshu, take out two changes of clothes, then turn around, and I will change clothes for Xiaowenshu."

Zhang Li blushed, glared at me, then lowered her head and took out a change of clothes that she had prepared before departure from my backpack and the small clerk backpack, put them on the grass by the bank, and turned around. , quietly watching the depths of the forest.

Looking at her lonely and motionless figure, I couldn't help but feel sad. I know that Zhang Li must be thinking about Instructor Shui and the others in her heart.

At this time, Xiaowenshu seemed to be awake a lot. Looking at me who was busy changing his clothes, he said, "Yunlong, thank you. It wasn't your timely rescue. I guess I'm going to see Chairman Mao."

I glanced at him and said with a smile: "It's good to see Chairman Mao. I'm afraid that you will sacrifice yourself like this. Chairman Mao will probably say when he sees you: 'Little devil, you are too useless. You didn't go to the battlefield. The plants were defeated and sacrificed. 'Then you are not too shameless?"

Xiaowenshu smiled weakly and said nothing more.

I hurriedly finished changing his clothes, then took off my dirty clothes and put on a new military uniform.

After I finished all this, I turned around and wanted to tell Zhang Li that I could turn around.

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